Chapter 249

But his shouts could only be drowned out in the sound of fighting. He looked up and saw the torches fall from the city head one by one, and the raging fire immediately ignited. The Mongols were knocked down the city wall one by one with sticks. When he saw that the fire kept reaping human lives, he still gasped. Is this how Tang Bohu fought?
"Amitabha!" whispered a Buddha's name!
Chahar naturally had a countermeasure for the kerosene in Tang Bohu's hands. Wooden carts were filled with sand and sent to the city of Liaodong from a distance, and the fire was extinguished directly with sand.

Carload after cart of sand was laid down, and the fire suddenly became much smaller!
"Smart enough!" Tang Bohu said loudly with a flash of sternness in his eyes: "You don't need to throw the trebuchet, just throw the incendiary bomb directly into the city."

A few soldiers held incendiary bombs and threw them directly under the city. The Mongolian army was densely packed like a beehive. Looking up, the Mongolian army like a flood was still running towards the head of Liaodong city. After resting for a few days, Chaha I am working hard to win Liaodong.

Looking at the scene, Liu Jin immediately regretted coming to Liaodong, her legs were trembling and weak.

Watching the fire being extinguished little by little, Chahar said in broken Guanzhong dialect: "You have a plan, I have a wall ladder!"

Boom boom boom!
There was a series of explosions, and incendiary bombs exploded under Liaodong City. Yang Yiqing saw that something was wrong, "Tang Bohu, you are crazy! You will blow up the city wall like this."

"Several layers of reinforced concrete are not so easy to blow up." Tang Bohu knew that when the incendiary bomb exploded, it would bring flames, but the explosion power was not strong. Unless a few kilograms of TNT high explosives were added, the city wall would not be damaged. collapse!
Huoyou lost its advantage, and dozens of siege ladders took to the top of the city again.

A soldier wanted to pick up the incendiary bomb and throw it down from the top of the wall. Unexpectedly, the Mongol moved so quickly. The other soldier climbed up to the top of the wall and kicked him to the ground.

The burning fuse is burning.

An incendiary bomb exploded directly at the top of the city, and a corner of the city wall was in chaos.

"Su San!" Tang Bohu shouted loudly, "Hurry up and make up."

Niu Er swung his knife and cut off the head of a Mongolian, blood gushed out, covering his body all over.

Blood stained the sky, and the sound of fighting drowned everything here. Tian San put on his battle armor, picked up a knife, and immediately left the ward and rushed to the top of the city, "My lord, you must hold on!"

A few sea dongqings were flying above the Mongolian army. They were Jurchens' favorite pets. Tang Bohu also saw those falcons. It seemed that people from the Jurchen tribe were also nearby!
Zhu Zhishan tied the fuses of five or six incendiary bombs together and ignited them, then threw them down the city wall and shouted loudly, "Try this!"

There was a loud noise, blowing up a group of people!

Seeing the effect, many soldiers used several incendiary bombs as one, and the explosive power multiplied several times. Tang Bohu killed one Mongolian after another, holding the knife in his hand tightly. He knew that the incendiary bombs would definitely be used up!The opponent still has a steady stream of troops rushing to the city of Liaodong. Chahar is going to use his life to take down Liaodong.

"Niu Er, take out all the grenades!" Tang Bohu ordered loudly. During this battle, everyone worked day and night to make firearms. Apart from incendiary bombs, grenades are the most common thing in Liaodong City!

Tang Bohu also blocked him again. To this extent, did Chahar have more lives or did he have more firearms in his hands!At this moment, it depends on who retreats first, and whoever loses.

One by one grenades were thrown down from the city wall.

A trace of panic flashed across Chahar's eyes as he looked at the impenetrable Liaodong City. It had been three hours and he still hadn't taken it down.

Tian San came in a hurry, saw Tang Bohu was fighting with several Tartars, raised his knife and came to Tang Bohu's side, "My lord, I'm coming!"

"You don't take good care of your injuries, what are you doing here!" Tang Bohu cursed loudly.

"Liaodong has been killed like this, I can't lie down!" Tian San said loudly.

"Protect Liaodong, protect the frontier!" A large group of people came from the back of Liaodong City, which was in the dark. They were dressed in common clothes, rushed into the back gate of Liaodong City, and ran into the city to watch the battle.

"They..." Yang Yiqing looked at the civilians and scholars behind him who had come to support him, and shouted with enthusiasm, "Protect Liaodong and protect the frontier!"

"Kill!" Countless civilians rushed to the top of the city and started fighting with the Tartars.

"Good job!" Tang Bohu yelled loudly, although the hand holding the knife was trembling, and he cut people until his hands were soft, the joining of these common people made the new style of Liaodong City change a lot!
Seeing a familiar person, Su San shouted excitedly: "Fourth Wu!"

"Young master!" Seeing Su San with half his arms bare, Wu Lao Si said, "The master's letter said that you are fighting in Liaodong, and I came here to support you. These are all from the capital and near Liaodong."

The army of the Mongolian army also began to bustle. Tang Bohu knew that Chahar's troops were not enough, and seeing how many grenades and incendiary bombs were left, he shouted: "Hit me hard!"

With one blow, hot blood gushes out from the blood vessels and dyes the sky!
Under the sun is the shadow of swords and blood, and everyone risked their lives!Liu Jin also raised his sword, as long as these Tartars rushed to the top of the city, his life would be in danger.

The smell of gunpowder filled the nostrils. Zhu Zhishan and Yang Sheng stood together and fought together. With these common people, the pressure to join the Liaodong city was much less. There were fewer and fewer soldiers who could climb the city.

"It's time!" Yang Yiqing said loudly: "Pull up the city gate, let's fight out!"

"The Mongol army is running out of stamina!" Tang Bohu shouted loudly: "Niu Er! Tian San, it's time to counterattack!"

Yang Yiqing gathered 1 people to walk side by side with Tang Bohu and stood at the gate of the city. With the sound of a buzzer, the gate slowly rose. From the legs to the waist to the bloody long knife, Tang Bohu and Yang Yiqing immediately stood at the gate. At the gate of the city, face the Mongols in front of you!

With a roar, Yang Yiqing led the army to file out, fighting hand to hand, human life colliding with each other!Niu Er rushed out of the city gate, picked up a tartar with his long spear and shouted loudly: "Revenge for my comrades, get back ten times and a hundred times!"

Everyone was red-eyed, countless dead souls were killed by the knife, Tang Bohu's blood stained his gown, every knife rushed to the vital point, fighting seemed to be an innate instinct, and the animal nature was inspired in the human nature on the battlefield!For survival, for the people behind him, for the country behind him.

"Call the troops." Chahar stood next to a Guanzhong man, "This Liaodong can't be taken down. Even if we take it with this little force, we can't advance into Guanzhong with our only troops. Daming hasn't messed up yet. At the bottom of it, you are still too anxious..."

(End of this chapter)

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