Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 258 Unscrupulous Doubts

Chapter 258 Unscrupulous Doubts

"Get out!" Yang Yiqing smiled and cursed, pretending to kick Tang Bohu's ass.

Seeing Tang Bohu, Tian San said, "My lord is ready."

Getting on his horse, Tang Bohu said loudly, "Brothers, let's go home!"

"Okay!" Everyone shouted back.

Thousands of Jinyiwei dressed in the uniform of Jinyiwei walked out of Liaodong City in a mighty manner, and came back heroically after victory. When they came to the place where the oil was dug, Tang Bohu whispered to Niu Er: "Send a few people to fill up the oil. Restored to their original."

"My lord, what should I do with these potatoes?" Niu Er asked, since a lot of potatoes were planted here.

Tang Bohu smiled slightly, "Let them grow savagely. In the future, the people of Ming Dynasty will have an extra bite of food."

"Yes!" Niu Er answered with cupped fists.

Many people returned to Liaodong in groups. Along the way, many people were digging potatoes in the ground. When they saw the Jinyiwei guarding Liaodong, many people put down their potatoes and respected this group of Jinyiwei.

"Dig whatever you want in the field, take as much as you can." Niu Er said to the people, and then hurriedly led a group of people to fill the oil well.

"Tang Bohu, you are a good person." Wude said in a low voice.

"It's a matter of convenience." Tang Bohu smiled and said to Wude: "Three pennies and ten catties, do you want to take some away?"

"Three Wen and ten catties." Wude thought about it and said, "Is this thing so cheap?"

Tian San interrupted and said: "Potatoes are piled all over the ground in our Tangzhuang, and it can be simple everywhere! At that time, Tangzhuang saw that the yield of potatoes was high, and they could be eaten as food, so they planted tens of acres. It's too high, you can't finish it."

"Is there still food that can't be eaten?" Wude looked surprised. Although Daming's food and grass have been sufficient these years, it is not abundant, and he can't help wondering, "I haven't found this kind of food in all these years. Come."

"This..." Tang Bohu couldn't explain the origin of the potatoes for a while.

Wude asked again: "I have lived most of my life, and I have never seen this grain in the land of Ming Dynasty. Tang Bohu, I dare to ask you, where did this thing come from."

"I told you about the sea ban, right?" Tang Bohu continued: "A few years ago I found a foreigner in the capital, who was smuggled from overseas. He has been hiding all these years. Unfortunately, I discovered him. This potato I took it from him."

"People from overseas?" Wude stared at Tang Bohu and said, "Is he from Japan?"

"No." Tang Bohu patiently explained: "He came from the west, because he got lost at sea, and has been hiding since arriving in Daming."

The march was very quiet along the way, and occasionally a few wild dogs passed by and ran away quickly.

The north wind blew his clothes, and Wude thought about it and said, "Your words are contradictory. You said that person came from the West and lost his way? But why did he stay in Daming in no hurry to go back? It is reasonable to say that a person who is away People, they should be thinking about going home."

"How do I know?" Tang Bohu said casually.

Wude asked again: "No! Something has passed your mind. Then you told where the foreigner is."

"Maybe it's somewhere in Daming." Tang Bohu said with a smile, "If you're interested in finding it yourself, I don't care where they go."

Riding behind Tang Bohu, Tian San listened to the conversation between his master and Wude. Tian San knew the whereabouts of that foreigner back then, and he even handled the guy's body by himself. Wude searched all over Daming but couldn't find this person.

Looking at the sky, Tian San said: "My lord, it's getting late! Are we going to find a place to camp?"

"It's almost there." Tang Bohu stopped his horse and said, "We won't be marching at night."

The group of people dismounted for one night and marched again the next day. The capital was already far away, and the crowd drove their horses to the foot of the capital. Zhu Houzhao was waiting for Tang Bohu at the gate of the city.

"Sir, Tang Bohu! See Your Majesty!" Tang Bohu got off his horse and knelt down on one knee.

"See Your Majesty!" Everyone saluted.

"Don't be too polite, don't be too polite!" Zhu Houzhao said with a smile: "Tang Bohu, you are back."

Tang Bohu stood up and said: "I haven't seen you for a long time, Your Majesty's demeanor is even better than before."

"What nonsense." Zhu Houzhao, wearing a yellow robe, did not look like an emperor at all, and said with a smile: "Come on, come with me for a few drinks."

"Minister! Obey the order." Tang Bohu replied.

"Don't behave like me." Zhu Houzhao shook out the yellow robe on his body and said, "It's weird, we used to be the same, or the same."

"Okay, if you don't get drunk, you won't return!" Tang Bohu said loudly.

"It's comfortable like this." Zhu Houzhao swaggered and led Tang Bohu to the palace.

Tang Bohu noticed that Liu Jin was looking at the other person's clothes with a smile on his face. Tang Bohu knew that they were only clothes worn by the admirals of the East Factory, which meant that Liu Jin was now the number one person in the East Factory.

"Eunuch Liu." Tang Bohu cupped his hands and said.

"Commander Tang." Liu Jin also said with a smile.

Tang Bohu and Liu Jin bowed and walked on Zhu Houzhao's body. Yang Tinghe, who was sitting in the teahouse, saw the emperor's guard of honor from a distance, and also saw Tang Bohu and Liu Jin, the new admiral of Dongchang and the new commander of Jinyiwei, who were following Zhu Houzhao. No, I can vaguely feel that these two people will become the two most powerful people in Ming Dynasty in the future.

"Tang Bohu is finally back." Li Dongyang who was sitting opposite Yang Tinghe whispered.

"I heard that Liu Jiange is about to resign." Yang Tinghe took a sip of tea.

Li Dongyang nodded, "Liu Jian is very old, it's time to retire! It's just that the new emperor has many things that need to be stabilized now. The old man persuaded him to stay in the court for another two or three years, and he has already nodded. Will still be in cabinet for a short time."

Yang Tinghe nodded.

Li Dongyang went on to say: "Now you are also one of the cabinets. Although the power of the cabinet is not as good as that of the six ministers, we can often speak beside the emperor. Although the new emperor is stubborn, he is not hopeless. Set it right, do what you can."

Yang Tinghe was the youngest cabinet in the dynasty, he didn't take Li Dongyang's words seriously, but he was more worried about Tang Bohu.

Liu Jin became more confident by Zhu Houzhao's side. With Zhu Houzhao's trust and Tang Bohu also standing on his side, it was only a matter of time before he became powerful.

Coming to the Forbidden City again, as soon as Zhu Youtang left, Tang Bohu felt that all the pressure on his body disappeared. In the past, Zhu Youtang restricted everything, but now there are many things that he dared not do or could not do before. , no one will take care of themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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