Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 262 Qiu Xiang's Heart

Chapter 262 Qiu Xiang's Heart

After eating the rice in the bowl, Tang Bohu put down the bowl and chopsticks and said hastily: "I'm full, let's go for a walk to digest food."

Qiuxiang and Zhong Ling'er fed the children on their own without any response. Tang's father just looked up and didn't say a word. He walked out of the house and Tang Bohu heaved a sigh of relief. Looking at the busy Tangzhuang, it was already winter. It is the time for the farmers to rest after a year of hard work, but Tangzhuang is still as busy as ever.

There are factories in full swing, and there are academies full of books. Tang Bohu found that there was a market in Tangzhuang at some point, and there were people coming and going here.

Finding Yan Song in the crowd, Tang Bohu stepped forward and came to Yan Song.

"Master!" Yan Song bowed to Tang Bohu when he saw Tang Bohu.

"It's very lively here." Tang Bohu waved and said, "Come with me, I have something to tell you."

"Yes, owner!" Yan Song followed Tang Bohu step by step.

Following Tang Bohu to a secluded field, Yan Song looked at the man who built Tangzhuang by himself. Today's Tangzhuang is not a big city comparable to the capital, but after years of construction, the taxpayer population of Tangzhuang Compared with the economy, it is the second-rate state capital of Ming Dynasty.

"In the past, you were just a child with a weak crown, but now you are already 20 years old." Tang Bohu observed Yan Song, "The thin and thin boy has grown stronger and taller."

Yan Song said: "The grass people have long regarded Mr. Tang as my goal and my teacher! These days in the factory, the grass people have learned a lot, how to get along with people, how to gain their trust, how to employ people, how to arrange Things, if I hadn’t met Mr. Tang, I might not have learned these things in a few years. I remember Mr. Tang warned me and warned me at the beginning. At that time, Cao Min felt that I had done something wrong, and there was nothing wrong with thinking. I understand, but when Caomin saw the happy and fulfilling smiles of those workers, I think I understood."

Tang Bohu looked at him with a smile, "Whose idea was that market."

Yan Song replied honestly: "Caomin found that with the increase in the population of Tangzhuang over the years, the number of vendors has gradually increased. Because there are more and more vendors, it is inconvenient to manage, so Mrs. Caomin Zhong mentioned My own idea, the specific arrangements are made by Mrs. Qiuxiang and Mrs. Zhong."

Looking at the plowed fields, Tang Bohu said: "It seems that my corner of land is no longer enough for you to use your fists."

"What does your lord mean?" Yan Song looked up at Tang Bohu.

"Today's court seems to be calm, but in fact there is an undercurrent. The new emperor ascended the throne but ignored the government. All the memorials of the ministers are controlled by the Secretary of Li. Except for the cabinet, the six ministries and even the Yushitai are very important. It is difficult to get close to His Majesty today, and there will definitely be a big cleansing in the court." Tang Bohu analyzed quietly: "I can talk to the cabinet and the East Factory, and I will let you enter the officialdom if I have the opportunity."

"Thank you, Master!" Yan Song knelt on one knee and said excitedly.

"Get busy first." Tang Bohu waved his hands and said, "I will look at someone to replace you these days, and prepare to enter the court."

"Yes! My lord!" Yan Song couldn't hide his joy.

After Yan Song left, he begged Qiu Xiang to come to Tang Bohu's side, "What happened last night, can you tell me?"

"Nothing happened last night." Tang Bohu looked calm.

"No!" Qiu Xiang walked around Tang Bohu and said, "You are lying, every time you lie, you subconsciously touch your sleeve with your hand, something must have happened last night."

"My wife, how did you notice it?" Tang Bohu walked to Qiuxiang's side and held her hand.

"Usually, you don't care about the big and small things in Zhuangzi. Today I said something, but you said something more." Qiuxiang smiled confidently, "Then Zhong Linger also asked a question, but you actually said too much Two sentences!"

"Have you noticed all these details?" Tang Bohu looked at Qiu Xiang, never realizing that this woman was so keen on capturing details.

Qiu Xiang went on to say: "Now we are husband and wife, you can't say anything to me."

Tang Bohu told Qiu Xiang what happened last night, and he explained it very clearly. Qiu Xiang had been paying attention to Tang Bohu's expression, and he could tell that he was not lying.

"According to what you say, is the queen mother borrowing a son from you?" Qiuxiang said.

"En!" Tang Bohu nodded, "It's fine if the queen mother is not pregnant, but if she is pregnant, I will help the queen mother with her work in the future."

"I'll go see the queen mother tomorrow." Qiuxiang said with a smile.

"No need." Tang Bohu said: "She's the queen mother, go and be afraid..."

"You don't have to worry!" Qiu Xiang interrupted Tang Bohu, and continued: "The matchmaker told me about the women around Tang Bohu. At that time, I just thought that women's husbands and children are not the same?"

Tang Bohu looked at Qiuxiang.

Qiuxiang's words continued, "Because I am your woman, your extraordinary will also make me, presumably those ordinary people, I am willing to be a woman who can help you take care of the family, help you embark on an official career, and help you achieve great things. Now, since the Queen Mother wants to conceive your child, and you and her have a good time together, if she has a child, even if her surname is not Tang, it will be a child of my Tang family, so as the housewife of the Tang family I must meet this woman."

"I am very lucky to meet you." Tang Bohu said with a smile, "But she is the Empress Dowager, and the late Emperor was also an Empress when he was alive. Can you deal with her?"

"I've been through everything with you, so why worry about such a storm." Qiuxiang said with a smile, "There's another person you must meet, and you can't keep running away."

"You mean Zhu Yun?" Tang Bohu asked.

Qiuxiang nodded, "Zhu Yun has been teaching in the academy these days, and I can't get involved in her affairs if you're not here, but now the master of the Tang family is here."

Tang Bohu let Qiuxiang hold his hand and walked to Zhu Yun's residence.

When they came to a hut, it was no different from ordinary farm residents. From a distance, they saw Zhu Yun talking and laughing with the children.

Seeing Tang Bohu and Qiuxiang coming, Zhu Yun also looked startled and let the children scatter, saying respectfully: "Master, madam."

"How are you these days?" Tang Bohu asked.

"Everything is fine." Zhu Yun replied.

"Okay, that's good." Tang Bohu scratched his head and didn't know where to start, looking at Qiuxiang as if asking for help.

Qiu Xiang took a step forward and said, "We all know that you and my husband-in-law have a marriage contract, but so many years have passed since then, so how about we let it go."

(End of this chapter)

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