Chapter 270

Zhu Houzhao was busy chasing women, Tang Bohu hugged his child and enjoyed the comfort of life, and those things in the court really didn't want to be touched.

"It's been a long time since you went to deal with Jin Yiwei's errands." Qiuxiang said while feeding the child rice porridge.

"I don't care about them, just leave it to Niu Ertian San and the others." Tang Bohu continued to tease his children, "I just want to grow up with my children now."

This morning, Zhu Houzhao did not come. All the officials stared at the empty dragon chair. Liu Jin calmly took the leave note and said, "My lords, Your Majesty is sick!"

"Do you want to use this thing to perfuse us?" Yang Tinghe said angrily: "If the king doesn't come to court early, what's the use of this country!"

Liu Jin said with a smile: "My lords, if you have something to report, you can pass the notebook to the Supervisor of Rites, and this old slave will show it to His Majesty."

All the ministers stared at Liu Jin, who was calm and composed, "We are waiting here for His Majesty to come out. If His Majesty does not come out, we will not leave."

"Then you just wait." Liu Jin said leisurely, "I'm going to take care of Your Majesty, old slave."

The courtiers had Zhu Houzhao confronting each other again and dismissed it hastily because Emperor Zhengde would not go to court. The hearts of the people gradually became a little colder. Zhu Houzhao used the leave note as an excuse for not going to the early court several times in succession. This excuse was tried and tested, but it was not impenetrable. Some officials saw Zhu Houzhao ostentatiously in the capital, clearly ill but still alive and well.

The courtiers of the Manchu court dared to speak out, and cursed everywhere for a while, and everyone pointed their finger at Liu Jin and Zhu Houzhao.

On this day, Liu Jin came to the Supervisor of Rituals as usual and looked at the hill-like memorials in front of the table, frowning, "Didn't our family give all these memorials yesterday?"

"Eunuch Liu." Gu Dayong said, "This was brought in early this morning."

"Today's?" Liu Jin's voice was sharp and surprised. He opened a memorial and glanced at it. His face became darker the more he looked at it. There were hundreds of words densely packed on it, each of which was scolding himself, and all kinds of quotations, gestures and intonations , emerge in endlessly!

Gu Dayong had read the contents of these memorials a long time ago, and whispered, "Eunuch Liu?"

"These sour scholars!" Liu Jin angrily threw the memorial on the ground and picked up another memorial. Gu Dayong carefully observed Liu Jin's face, it was very exciting, from blue to white, and then to black!colorful.

Out of nostrils, Liu Jin cursed angrily, "Have these ministers eaten a lot of salt recently?"

"Salt?" Gu Dayong didn't know why.

"It's just too idle!" Liu Jin was very angry.
Tangzhuang, where chickens and dogs have heard each other, is very peaceful here. Tang Bohu and Qiuxiang took their two children for a walk in Tangzhuang. Qiuxiang pushed the baby carriage and said, "This thing made by Xianggong is very useful."

"Of course." Tang Bohu was complacent.

Qiuxiang walked beside Tang Bohu, she liked this kind of life very much, without the court's intrigues, without conspiracy and tricks, she wanted to live this kind of leisurely life for the rest of her life.

But now Tang Bohu is the commander of Jinyiwei, and even the closest ministers around the emperor should face things that he still has to face.

Tian San hurried over, "My lord, something happened to the court!"

"What's the matter?" Tang Bohu couldn't help but tease his son and daughter.

Tian San gasped and said, "My lord, your Majesty didn't go to the court early recently, causing the court to be angry and resentful, and the memorials were sent to the Supervisor of Rituals one after another. The capital is expensive for a while."

Tang Bohu still teased his son.

"My lord?" Tian San asked again in a low voice.

"Come on, make a fuss as much as you want." Tang Bohu stood up and said, "Eunuch Liu has been a little eunuch for half his life, and now he is enjoying the spring breeze, and the momentum is fierce. I think Liu Jin will be cornered, and he will use the knife soon. "

"My lord, are we going to do something?" Tian San asked in a low voice.

"You don't need to do anything." Tang Bohu shook his head and said, "During this period of time, our Jin Yiwei has been in hibernation, and we try not to move as much as we can. As for Liu Jin, if there is anything that needs our Jin Yiwei's help, we can help him as much as possible. What happened? Everything will be settled on Liu Jin's head."

"The humble job understands." Tian San hastily resigned.

Qiu Xiang looked at Tang Bohu with worried eyes, "Is something wrong?"

"It's none of our business." Tang Bohu heaved a sigh of relief, "I've fought enough in these years, Liu Jin will naturally sharpen his sword, and with Zhu Houzhao around, there will be no chaos."

Qiuxiang smiled and said nothing.

While waving his fan, Tang Bohu said to his non-speaking son: "This is called hiding in a small building to form a unified body, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter!"

"Yeah, yip." The little baby responded a few times.

What Zhu Houzhao did these days caused complaints from all the officials, and several officials gathered together to discuss. Now Liu Jian holds the East Factory as the head of the Rites, and looks like he wants to be the second Zhao Gao to take a look at the government.

"The few eunuchs in the East Palace back then are now living like fish in water under the favor of the new emperor. They are all arrogant. Gu Dayong, Liu Jin, Ma Yongcheng, Gao Feng, Zhang Yong... those eight eunuchs have become the Eight Tigers of the capital. !"

"You don't know something." Another official said: "Let's not forget that there is a tiger outside the capital. That guy used Jinyiwei to blackmail the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty. Everyone talked about the tiger, and the eight tigers were just tigers in the capital. And Tang Bohu is a tiger outside the capital!"

"Tang Bohu's prestige is much higher than that of Liu Jin and others. He killed Liaodong with blood flowing into rivers. The blood on the city of Liaodong has not been washed away. He killed people without blinking an eye. He framed and framed people with vicious methods! Let's talk about Liu Jin and others. Compared with Tang Bohu, it's just a small way, now Tang Bohu holds Jinyiwei, Tang Bohu is above the Eight Tigers, if Zhu Houzhao has Nine Tigers by his side, then Tang Bohu should be the leader."

"Hiss..." An official gasped and suddenly realized, "Tang Bohu has been very quiet recently, and there is no movement."

The original eight eunuchs in the East Palace have now become the Eight Tigers. Jiao Fang, who is sitting on the side, now has a plan in his mind. If he can deal with Liu Jin with Tang Bohu, Liu Jin said No, it can really be overthrown, so I stood up and made up my mind to pay attention, and walked towards Tangzhuang.

When you come to Tangzhuang, an exquisite small village, everything here is very novel, neat and scattered houses, clean stone roads, looking up, there are two very large buildings in Tangzhuang, Tangzhuang Academy and Tangzhuang After entering Tangzhuang, Jiao Fang came to the door of the Tang Mansion and said to the doorman standing beside him, "Tell Tang Bohu that Jiao Fang will come and see you."

(End of this chapter)

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