Chapter 276
Three days later, Liu Jin joined forces with Jiao Fang and other academicians as well as ministers and civil officials. The admiral of Dongchang used his position to bypass the cabinet and directly appeal to His Majesty, and promulgated the imperial decree under Zhu Houzhao's understatement.

The first decree: widows in the world must remarry,

The second imperial decree: check the grain, food, taxes, and taxes of Daming fields.

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Tang Bohu frowned when he heard the Jin Yiwei's report, "This is the first decree to let widows in the world remarry? What does a eunuch who has lost all children and grandchildren worry about this matter? It seems that it can increase the population of Ming Dynasty. Why does it always have the taste of forcing a good man into prostitution. "

Yan Song sat beside Tang Bohu and said, "The more the population, the more tax revenue will naturally be."

"Hiss..." Tang Bohu gasped: "If you put it that way, does this Liu Jin still have a long-term vision?"

"My lord." Tian San stood aside and bowed and said, "Once this imperial decree comes out, all the widows in the capital will be swearing at the streets one by one, trying to swallow Liu Jin alive. They are all chaste and martyrs."

"Pfft..." Niu Er almost couldn't hold back, "A eunuch who has lost all children and grandchildren is worried about widows...My lord, I can't hold it back."

"Don't laugh!" Tang Bohu said with a serious face, "We must look at this matter with a critical eye, and be more serious!"

"Eunuch...worrying about the widow..." Niu Er held his stomach and suppressed a smile.

"Wow ha ha ha ha!" Tian San couldn't bear it any longer, "My lord, I'm sorry! I can't bear the humble job!"

The corners of Tang Bohu's mouth twitched, why did the two most capable subordinates around him laugh so frighteningly low.

"Actually, this matter is not that difficult. Liu Jin wants the widow to remarry, but he also needs to make the widow willing." Yan Song smiled.

"That's the imperial decree!" Niu Er patted the table and said, "That's the imperial decree! The imperial decree wants you to marry, whether you marry or not!"


"Actually, for widows, this matter is not without room for turnover." Yan Song thought about it and said: "In ancient times, the relationship between husband and wife also required a character."

Yan Song's words were right on point, Tang Bohu nodded and said: "Actually, the character horoscope is a bit evil. The stalk starts with the fact that a foreign clan asks to marry a princess of a big country. The subordinate country asks to marry the princess, but the emperor disagrees. What should I do? Losing face, let the dependent country lose face, when the time comes, what should we do if we turn against each other?"

"Then I don't know which dynasty's emperor, which dynasty's emperor's courtiers came up with a clever trick. Neither side should offend. The emperor doesn't want to take the blame, and the subordinate country wants to give face. Then who will take the blame? Let God be caught, and then find someone After counting, the Emperor Jingtian has gained dignity, so he can find a very reasonable excuse to get married."

"As the so-called horoscope is inconsistent, if the three views are not correct, there is no conspiracy."

After listening to Tang Bohu's words, Niu Er thought about it and said, "My lord, is this idea useful?"

"It works!" Tian Sanshun patted his horse and said: "My lord, this idea is really good. Think about it, if the horoscope of men and women is forced to be imposed, the family will go bankrupt at the least, and the family will be ruined at the worst! This is nothing like murder. The difference, he has Zhang Liangji, and our lord has the wall ladder!"

"Liu Jin's move is anticlimactic." Tang Bohu waved his hands and said, "Tian San will follow what you said, and convince all the matchmakers in the capital, and it's up to you to save the widow from the fire."

"Humble job!" Tian San bowed and took a few steps away.

"Actually, there is some textual research on the Bazi from the past dynasties." Yan Song said in a low voice: "It's not as absurd as the adults said."

"That's what I said casually." Pulling up Yan Song and Tang Bohu, he said, "Let's continue to study the generator!"

Yan Song walked beside Tang Bohu, "But Liu Jian's second edict is a bit interesting."

"En! It's really interesting." Tang Bohu also nodded, and checked Daming, Tian, ​​Liang, and Fu.The officials of Shui Daming couldn't find out, and there were more corrupt officials after a long time in peace. Liu Jin played very well. Although this scene was what Tang Bohu wanted to see, those officials who were linked to corruption would definitely rebound.

Walking along the way, if Tang Bohu used to live in Xu Zhenqing's residence, it has been vacant since Xu Zhenqing entered the Imperial Academy. There must be something wrong with Xu Zhenqing.

This point can be known from Jin Yiwei's more or less monitoring of Xu Zhenqing over the years. Perhaps Xu Zhenqing also discovered this, so he stayed away from himself. Thinking of the carefree days when the four of them were in Jiangnan, Tang Bohu sighed with emotion.

For the past few days, Tang Bohu has been soaking himself in the factory to study generators and engines, these two things!I have to say that these two cross-age things have exhausted the brain cells of the blacksmiths of this era, and gradually the experienced old blacksmiths in the factory are a little bald.

"My lord, the precision of this thing is too high." The old foreman had stayed in Tangzhuang for many years, looking at the drawings that had been revised several times, feeling sad.

Indeed, it is quite difficult to make such parts with an error of only a few centimeters.

The most important thing is that the metal technology is too low. Today's blacksmiths use the wrought iron technology left by their ancestors, which is nothing more than grinding, casting, and forging. Tang Bohu is thinking about whether to put the metal cutting technology on the agenda. The generator Things are a milestone in the industrial age, and Tang Bohu doesn't want to fail.

In order to reduce the difficulty of the process, the design drawing of the generator has been enlarged again and again, but the size requirements have not been met.

He thought about whether to make this hand-cranked generator first, but Tang Bohu immediately dismissed the year, and if he did it, he could do it well. The technology that can lead a hundred years is the biggest breakthrough.

"Try cutting!" Tang Bohu demonstrated while holding up a piece of iron.

But everyone is still ignorant, and they are not very sensitive to the concept of size. It is the first time they have seen the centimeters on Tang Bohu's drawings. The knowledge span is a little bit behind Tang Bohu's thinking.

The old foreman said: "The owner means that we should treat things as vegetables and cut them into what we want?"

"That's what it means." Tang Bohu nodded.

The old foreman thought about it, "You can try it, but it should be quite difficult, so I'm not sure."

"It's okay, it's okay!" Tang Bohu comforted the bewildered workers, "Let's take our time, there is plenty of time! After we have finished the prototype, we will gradually improve it. Thank you for your hard work! Let's rest first."

(End of this chapter)

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