Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 297 Darkness

Chapter 297 Darkness
"Liu Jin still started." Tang Bohu said at the same time: "Tell Tian San and Niu Er to go there and bring all the ministers."

"I understand it."

Tang Bohu looked worriedly at Tang Zhuang in front of him, the darkest moment of the court was about to begin, and Liu Jin's most ruthless and greedy side would be exposed to the world.


Tian San and Niu Er came to the gate of the palace with thousands of brocade guards. The guards at the palace gate were a little nervous when they saw the black army of brocade guards, and asked, "Master Tian, ​​Mr. Niu, what are you doing?" .”

"Master Tang, let's do something." Tian San said standing up.

"But this is the imperial palace." The guards at the palace gate looked troubled.

"What? Are you trying to stop us?" Niu Er continued.

"Don't dare dare." The palace guard withdrew his hand. He knew that Tang Bohu's status in the court was no different from that of Liu Jin. In the palace, Liu Jin was the head of the eight tigers, but outside the palace, Tang Bohu was no worse than Liu Jin.

"Please go ahead." The guards couldn't say anything, although the Jinyi guards gathered in front of the palace without an imperial decree, the deep meaning was no different from rebellion, but they also knew the current situation in the court, as long as the Jinyi guards did not act excessively.

Gu Dayong pressed dozens of ministers from the Forbidden City out of the Forbidden City and bumped into the Jin Yiwei blocking the palace gate: "It turns out that it is Tian Sansan and Lord Niu."

Seeing so many guards in Jin Yi, Gu Dayong understood what the other party meant, and said, "Our family is imprisoning these civil servants in the name of the factory owner."

"Coincidentally." Tian San said with a smile: "These civil servants have provoked Eunuch Liu, and our Commander wants to help Eunuch Liu teach them a good lesson. I wonder if Eunuch Gu can hand over these people to our Jinyiwei."

"This..." Gu Dayong hesitated.

Tian San stepped forward with the Xiuchun knife in hand and said, "Eunuch Gu, don't worry, if Dutou Liu asks about you, you can go to our Commander-in-Chief."

"Besides, these civil servants still have to worry about their food and expenses while staying in your East Factory. Why don't you worry less about it!"

"Then I will thank you two adults." Gu Da said with a smile to the Dongchang fans behind him: "Give him to Jin Yiwei, and we will go back to Dongchang!"

Gu Dayong handed over these civil servants to Jin Yiwei, Tian San looked at the downcast civil servants and felt trembling in his heart, "One by one couldn't stand upright, tell me you have nothing to do to provoke Liu Jin, this dead eunuch, what are you doing?" .”

"River of the same feather!" A civil official pointed at Tian San's nose and cursed.

"They're quite old, so be careful not to put yourself in it." Niu Er looked at these civil servants who couldn't walk, and was amazed, "Did you sleep with Liu Jin and his wife, or dig up their ancestors' graves? It's enough to start."

Tang Bohu stood anxiously outside Tangzhuang, waiting for Tian San and Niu Er to bring all these civil servants back. Zhu Zhishan stood aside and said, "Can't you just take care of Liu Jin? Now besides Liu Jin in the court, you are the only one who can be in power today." Let your Majesty speak before you."

"It's not that we don't report, it's not time yet." Tang Bohu waved his fan and said, "In your heart, only Liu Jin is Daming's scourge? Daming is already sick."

Zhu Zhishan: "So you want to use Liu Jin, a strong medicine, to cure Daming!?"

"You are right in saying that." Tang Bohu's eyes were low, "Da Ming's current hidden dangers have been accumulated year after year, and they cannot be solved overnight. Maybe I am too wishful thinking. I want to get rid of Da Ming's disease, but also I want to keep Daming's ZTE, but the ancients said it very well, you can't have both."

"For me, Liu Jin is a very good knife. I want to use him to cut open the most corrupt place of Ming Dynasty." Tang Bohu continued: "I don't know if my decision is wrong, but I just want to Daming is better."

"The words are touching." Zhu Zhishan looked at Tang Bohu and said, "Why don't you become the emperor?"

Tang Bohu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "I'm afraid of death!"

"Hahahaha!" Zhu Zhishan laughed loudly, "Tang Bohu, you haven't changed, you haven't changed at all!"

Tian San and a group of civil servants finally appeared on the main road of Tangzhuang. These civil servants were the airs left behind by Emperor Hongzhi. These people Tang Bohu didn’t want them to die in Liu Jin’s hands. After all, they were also for the sake of Daming, each of them was strong Daring to quarrel with Liu Jin, Tang Bohu appreciates them from the bottom of his heart, but he also feels headaches for their stubbornness. At least these people can save their lives in his own Tangzhuang, and Tang Bohu has already made arrangements for these in his heart.

"My lords have suffered!" Tang Bohu said looking at the aged faces.

A group of civil servants ignored Tang Bohu. In their impression, Tang Bohu was the same as Liu Jin, and there was no difference between them.

"My lords, if you are suffering in Dongchang, why don't you come to my Tangzhuang Academy to teach?" Tang Bohu said with a smile.

Everyone was silent, no one wanted to talk to Tang Bohu.

"My lord asked you something?" Tian San stood aside and asked, "Are all of you deaf or dumb?"

Everyone was still silent, and Tang Bohu could only let out a long sigh to these old stubborn people and said: "Niu Er, go and get some food, let these adults have a good meal, don't leave these old guys behind after noon. They're all starving."

"Yes!" Niu Er went to prepare the food.

Half an hour later, Tang Bohu came here again and said loudly: "My lords, I sincerely invite you to come to my Tangzhuang Academy to teach. Now my Tangzhuang Academy has thousands of students in the future, but the teachers are stretched. If you don't like it, we at Tangzhuang Academy will treat each other with courtesy."

Seeing that a bunch of stubborn old men didn't touch the food, and didn't intend to talk, Tang Bohu went on to say, "I won't force you either. If you want, you can stay and teach in the academy. If you don't want to? I have no choice but to hand you back to Dongchang. As for Dongchang What will those blind eunuchs do to you? I don't care!"

Everyone still didn't speak, but their expressions had loosened. Naturally, Tang Bohu didn't want to hand them over to Dongchang. Who knows what this Liu Jin would do. In case Liu Jin wanted to add a few more old eunuchs to Dongchang, let these If the veterans are not safe at the end of the festival, it is better to kill them.

"My lord, return these stubborn old men to Dongchang." Tian San whispered to Tang Bohu.

Zhu Zhishan also leaned closer and said, "It is said that Eunuch Liu from the East Factory is very interested in the old eunuch, so maybe Eunuch Liu would be happy to return it to the East Factory."

Liu Jin was interested in the old eunuch. Dozens of senior ministers shuddered one after another, and they all heard them whispering loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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