Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 302 The Ocean Has Cannons

Chapter 302
Tang Bohu swaggered and pulled the three Franco cannons to Tang Zhuang, no one stopped him, now Tang Bohu has the capital of arrogance, and the civil servants in the capital are suppressed by Liu Jin. Liu Jin is a tiger in the palace, so murderous Tang Bohu is a tiger outside the palace, holding the Jinyiwei who monitors the world in his hand, no one wants to offend this stubborn stubble!

They would rather offend Liu Jin than offend this cruel man Tang Bohu.

Yang Tinghe sat on the teahouse, looking down at Tang Bohu leading the Jinyiwei to swagger through the market, "Don't say that Tang Bohu is the commander of the Jinyiwei today, just because of his reputation over the years, so many people in the court dare not touch this guy. Snakes have been afraid of well ropes for ten years, but Tang Bohu is far more terrifying than Liu Jin."

When they came to Tangzhuang, Tang Bohu directly threw Liu Daxia aside. The old foreman and others looked at Franji Cannon curiously, "Is the owner planning to use this to protect Tangzhuang?"

"No and no." Tang Bohu shook his head and said, "Tear it down."

Old foreman: "..."

"This is a cannon, the weapon used by Ming to kill the enemy! How dare I, an old man." The old foreman waved his hands again and again, "The old man dare not."

Liu Daxia became impatient when he heard this, "Tang Bohu! If you dare to try dismantling it, I will fight with you."

"It's really annoying." Tang Bohu shouted: "Tian San, throw this guy out of Tangzhuang for me, and set up a sign that Liu Daxia and dogs are not allowed to enter."

Being dragged away by Jin Yiwei, Liu Daxia scolded angrily, "Tang Bohu! You bastard!"

Liu Daxia was finally kicked out, and Tang Bohu's ears became much cleaner. He observed the Fran's machine gun and began to prepare to disassemble this thing in order to understand it and transform it.

Tang Bohu disassembled the parts one by one, put them on the ground and began to study the principle of the Fran cannon.

"It's wrong for the owner to do this." The old foreman stood aside.

Tang Bohu looked at every part and said: "This world is always improving, and no one will wait for anyone! If you are one step behind, others will be one step ahead of you. This artillery is much sharper than Daming's standard artillery. If Fran Robots have a lot of Fran cannons, is that a threat to us? If I can thoroughly understand this Fran cannon, improve it, transform it, and make it better than the Fran cannon Aren't firearms better."

The old foreman knew in his heart that the work that Tang Bohu had done all these years was no longer what ordinary craftsmen should do. He knew in his heart what Tang Bohu wanted to make, and those were big killers that could be killed on the battlefield. The kind that bleeds into rivers, the strength is breathless, and the old foreman also started to study the Fran machine gun with Tang Bohu.

Seeing the old foreman's worried expression, Tang Bohu continued: "You don't have to worry about anything, I will take care of it if something goes wrong!"

The old foreman said nothing, but nodded,

East Factory
Liu Jin and Jiao Fang have discussed for a long time, and finally they are going to start with Haimao. Haimao is a piece of fat and he doesn't want to let it go. Regarding Liu Jin's decision, Jiao Fang can't wait for him to do this. Haiban is a pit of fire, and Jiao Fang wants to kill Liu Jin delivery.

If I resolutely agree to Liu Jin's decision, it will inevitably arouse suspicion. Liu Jin is a smart person, so he shouldn't be fooled so easily. Jiao Fang said in a low voice: "As the factory owner said, the sea ban is a good opportunity. We can pass the sea ban. Intervene in the Jiangnan officialdom, but now is not the time for us to intervene in the sea ban."

"When will it be?" Liu Jin asked again.

Jiao Fang thought about it, and finally said after a long time: "Mr. Chang, do you still remember the incident when Tang Bohu greeted the envoys from Japan and Korea?"

"Of course our family remembers." Liu Jin nodded and said, "The matter of the envoys of the two countries was also full of ups and downs. How could our family not know about it?"

As soon as Liu Jin said this, he immediately understood, "Our family knows that the clue to breaking the difficulty of the sea ban is in Tang Bohu's hands."

"No!" Jiao Fang shook her head immediately, "This matter is not in Tang Bohu's control, but it was also facilitated by Tang Bohu and the late emperor. The situation has already been set up. The lower officials don't know the reason, but Li Dongyang, a veteran cabinet minister, should know. There are very few people who know about the sea ban, and the next official is also his own scrutiny."

"No, this is not deliberation." Liu Jin said again: "What you said is very reasonable. At the beginning, the late emperor divided the firearms between the two, and the purpose was thought-provoking. At the time, the commander of Jinyiwei was not Tang Bohu, but the matter has been in contact with the envoys of the two countries. It was Tang Bohu, and then Liu Jin's eyes flashed sharply, why didn't you say this earlier."

"The lower officials didn't expect that Eunuch Liu would consider the sea ban."

"Go down." Liu Jin relaxed her body and put all her weight on the chair, "Our family is tired."

Jiao Fang resigned.

Zhu Houzhao learned that Tang Bohu had taken Frangji's cannon away and hurried to Tangzhuang, but when he arrived at the newly built arsenal in Tangzhuang, the scene in front of him made the current emperor dumbfounded. Frangji's cannon was dismantled into pieces. "Tang Bohu, what the hell are you doing?"

A few good cannons were dismantled by Tang Bohu. These are cannons from the ocean. Maybe there are only a few of them in Ming Dynasty, but they were dismantled by Tang Bohu!

"Your Majesty, follow me." Tang Bohu knew what Zhu Houzhao was thinking, and when he came out of the secret room, there was a big lock.

Zhu Houzhao stood in the dark underground passage, which looked like a secret room, and it was locked with a huge iron lock, "What did you bring me here for?"

"His Royal Highness will know it at a glance." Tang Bohu took it out, unlocked it, and put down the heavy iron chain. The sound of metal clashing echoed in a narrow corridor here.

Walking into the dark secret room, Tang Bohu lit the candles and the whole secret room was lit up.

Zhu Houzhao was stunned by the scene in front of him. The walls here were covered with dense drawings. Looking at the patterns in the drawings, Zhu Houzhao saw the same novelty.

A blueprint in front of him aroused Zhu Houzhao's curiosity, "Isn't this a firecracker? Why is it a little different!"

"This is a sniper rifle!" Tang Bohu explained: "The so-called taking the head of an enemy general thousands of miles away, this thing can do it."

"Is it really so powerful?" Zhu Hou took care of this strange blueprint: "You should stop fooling me."

Zhu Houzhao looked at the drawings one by one, "What is this?"

"This is called a cannon." Tang Bohu explained: "This is a design I modified based on the principle of the Franco cannon, and it is now being produced. The cannon will be my first batch of new firearms in Ming Dynasty."

"No wonder, you dismantled the Fran's machine gun to build this thing." Zhu Houzhao muttered, and saw a new thing, "What is this thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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