Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 310 Epiphany

Chapter 310 Epiphany
Wang Shouren's father, Wang Hua, looked at his son meditating in a water pavilion in Longchang, looked at his son Wang Hua and said, "You are an official, you should serve the people! If an official is just an official, you will be in vain for your father. Your instruction."

After Wang Hua finished speaking, he left his son and left. The thinly dressed Wang Shouren was thinking about his father's words, listening to the sound of water flowing, the sound of wind, the sound of all things, why water can penetrate rocks, and why eagles can soar in the sky. Feeling the warmth of the sun, Wang Shouren opened his eyes.

At this moment, his whole spirit is different. Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, he has read many books in this life, and has experienced many things, such as the clarity of water after sand and stone precipitation. At this moment, he The heart is very clear, what is knowledge!what a line!When the clouds and mists were cleared to see the sky and the earth, one face after another in memory came to mind.

With his wife traveling thousands of miles to find him, Tang Bohu's smiling face, Wude's sorrow, Emperor Hongzhi's helplessness, Liu Jin's coldness, memories like a flood washed through his mind.

The memories of these years have all settled in my mind. Sometimes when I think about Tang Bohu's words, it really makes sense. I don't know where this guy heard it from. These worldly truths really don't seem to be at his age. What should be said, compared to himself, Tang Bohu really understands life better than himself.

When they came outside the dragon field, more than 1000 Jinyiwei were already waiting here. When they saw Wang Shouren coming, a captain of the Jinyiwei stepped forward and said, "I have been waiting for Mr. Wang for a long time, so I just got on my horse to judge!"

Wang Shouren got on his horse and lifted the reins and said loudly: "Soldiers follow me to meet King Ning!"

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In one day and one night, Wang Shouren rushed to Anqing. There were hundreds of Jinyiwei and [-] soldiers here. When they saw Wang Shouren arrived, all the soldiers knelt on one knee and said loudly: "I will wait for Lord Wang again by the order of Master Tang. Listen to Lord Wang's orders!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Shouren got off his horse, "Tang Bohu was really thoughtful in preparing."

"My lord!" A guard in Jin Yi stepped forward and said, "Now that King Ning has conquered Jiujiang and is heading straight for Anqing, I hope your lord will make a decision soon."

"How many people do we have!" Wang Shouren then asked.

"[-] soldiers and horses! King Ning rebelled against the flag, the local officials were in chaos, and the generation of thieves in Nanzhong were everywhere. Now Anqing is too far away from Nanjing to rush to help. Are we defending?"

"Thief?" Wang Shouren said suspiciously: "Then put down the chaos first, and then capture the king!"


"Report!" Jinyiwei Xiaoqi came on a fast horse and shouted an order, "The commander of Jinyiwei, Tang Shuai, has already set out in person. The army of the imperial court is on the way, and they will pass by Anqing soon. Lord Wang must stop King Ning!"

Wang Shouren read the military newspaper and said with a smile, "King Xiao Xiaoning! How dare you make a mistake!"

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Zhu Zhishan and Yang Sheng sat in the yamen of Jinyiwei Mansion, "Why didn't Tang Bohu bring me this time?"

"That's going to fight, not to have a good time!" Zhu Zhishan said to Yang Sheng: "Although Liu Jin is gone, the capital cannot live without Jinyiwei."

"My uncle wants to fight, it's so fun to fight." Yang Sheng stretched his waist and said.

"You can pull it down." Zhu Zhishan said to Yang Sheng: "Just like you, look at Niu Er, Tian San, and Su San! They kill people like hemp one by one, and they are all bloody people! You and I were born as scholars at most. .”

"I heard that a few new girls have come to Yichun Courtyard recently!" Yang Sheng pondered and said, "Do you want to have some fun with Lao Zhu?"

Zhu Zhishan also said treacherously: "I don't have any money."

"With my uncle here, you still worry about money!" Yang Sheng patted his chest and said, "This uncle treats you!"

"Okay!" Zhu Zhishan said briskly: "Then we'll drink him and turn the world upside down, and we won't go home if we don't get drunk!"

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Tang Bohu's army was advancing, and the road was full of wind and dust. A man stood in the middle of the pipeline, "Jin Yiwei is marching, give way quickly!"

Hearing the voice, the other party still stood there motionless but responded loudly: "Jinyiwei Baihu Chen Guang, please see Commander!"

"My lord, it's Chen Guang!" Tian San whispered beside Tang Bohu.

"I heard it!" Tang Bohu looked at the lonely man in front of him and said, "Take it immediately!"

More than a dozen Jin Yiwei immediately rushed forward and put Chen Guang on the ground. Tang Bohu got off his horse and walked over to look at him and said, "You have finally shown your face after disappearing from the world for so many years."

"Long time no see Tang Bohu!" Chen Guang replied with a struggling smile.

"We have something to talk about on the way." Tang Bohu said, "Put Chen Guang into the carriage, and we will continue on our way."

Chen Guang got into the carriage, and the army staggered in the carriage again. Sitting in the same carriage, Tang Bohu looked at Chen Guang and said, "Where have you been hiding all these years?"

"I didn't hide, it's just that your people couldn't find me." Chen Guang replied, "Is there anything to eat? I'm starving to death."

"Do you want dry food for the march?" Tang Bohu took out some pancakes.

Chen Guang immediately took it and ate it hungrily, and took another mouthful of cold water before he breathed a sigh of relief, "It's much more comfortable."

"Tell me," Tang Bohu stared at the other party.

Chen Guang ate the remaining half of the pancake and said, "Actually, I didn't want to come out. This time, the matchmaker found me and asked me to pass a message."

"Is Hongnian okay?" Tang Bohu asked. He hadn't seen Hongniang for many years, and almost forgot what she looked like. He always felt that Hongniang looked at him with vague affection.

"The sea ban can be opened!" Chen Guang continued, "This is what Hongniang asked me to pass on."

"According to this, you are the matchmaker's person?" Tang Bohu looked closely at the other party, "Can the matchmaker order you to pass the message? This is really not easy."

"It's not that the matchmaker is not simple, it's because you underestimated this woman." Chen Guang continued, "Don't you think about why so many Jiangnan dignitaries can gather in the matchmaker's Tangzhuang?"

Tang Bohu thought about it and said, "I've thought about the reason. It might be related to the matchmaker's deceased husband."

"You guessed wrong!" Chen Guang shook his head.

"So are you a matchmaker?" Tang Bohu looked at Chen Guang annoyed, "I'm being sloppy! My temper has become more and more irritable these years, maybe I will let you leave the palace on the spot! No, yes Self-destruct!"

"Am I a matchmaker?" Chen Guang said with a smile, "Guess?"

Tang Bohu: "..."

Clang!Outside the carriage, Tian San couldn't bear it anymore, pulled out the knife in his hand and said in a low voice, "Sir, do you need me to eunuch him and send him to the East Factory?"

"No, thank you!" Tang Bohu smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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