Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 313 Wang Shouren Fights King Ning and Continues

Chapter 313 Wang Shouren Fights King Ning and Continues
Anqing City is just ahead. If you take Anqing right now, you can use it with the imperial army in Anqing City, but if you don't take this city, the army will inevitably win or lose. The current opportunity is to take Anqing and make a long-term plan. , but he can also withdraw to Jiujiang or Jiangxi fief first.

On the other side, Wang Shouren looked at the map in front of him and fell into deep thought. He had already received the news of the reinforcements from the imperial court. Right now, King Ning only had two options: one is to attack with all his strength and take Anqing down, and the other is to retreat to Jiujiang or Jiangxi and look at it carefully. The map Wang Shouren thought about the situation. If King Ning continued to attack Anqing, then everything would be fine. If King Ning escaped, it would be very troublesome. King Ning would not choose to escape. Once he escaped, all previous efforts would be wasted. ,
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King Ning is also thinking about how the battle situation will change. Wang Shouren, who he can think of, must also think that if he attacks with all his strength, then Wang Shouren will definitely defend with all his strength. At that time, the imperial army will cut off his retreat, and form a front and rear with Wang Shouren. Double teams can get very, very bad.

But if he withdraws his troops now, he will definitely become the laughing stock of the world. Since he rebelled, Da Ming will definitely not tolerate his online sales anymore, and will be killed by Da Ming's chasing soldiers all over the world.

Ning Wang raised his head and said, "Zhu Houzhao is really a royal conscript?"

"It's true!" the thorn replied.

"Good one! Zhu Houzhao, force me to make a dangerous move." King Ning ordered loudly, "Anqing is getting old, let's take down the little emperor Zhu Houzhao!"

In Anqing City, Wang Shouren was thinking about everything. How would King Ning choose his next move?
"Zhu Houzhao has personally conscripted himself!" Wang Shouren suddenly came back to his senses!King Ning also wanted an excellent opportunity to win back the city, and said loudly: "Send out spies immediately and tell Tang Bohu that King Ning will attack the imperial army!"


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King Ning looked at Anqing City in the dark, wondering in his heart, "What's going on with Wang Shouren!"

"Reporting to King Ning, Wang Shouren sent more than a dozen spies to the imperial army, but all of them were intercepted and killed by our people!"

"It seems that Wang Shouren is not stupid at all." King Ning waved his hand, "Send an order to send [-] soldiers to attack Anqing City immediately!"

Inside Anqing City, Wang Shouren was thinking, and hurriedly said, "Report! The enemy has started to attack!"

"King Ning is attacking again!" Wang Shouren personally came to the top of the city and watched the army rushing down wave after wave, he couldn't help wondering, "Can Anqing be captured before the imperial army arrives? Does this King Ning have no idea? ?”

And in the dark night, you can only see the dense torches, and you can't see the number of opponents clearly, and you can't tell whether it is a feint or not!
"Report!" A soldier came to report, "My lord, all the spies we sent out to spread the news were intercepted and killed by King Ning!"

Wang Shouren punched the city wall with a fist, and the soldiers were extremely fast!The key to the undelayed fighter plane is that King Ning took Zhu Houzhao first, and things were really unpredictable. "Release the pigeons immediately!"

King Ning watched several carrier pigeons flying out of Anqing City, "Wang Shouren is sending us supper for each of us!"


The moment the pigeon flew out of Anqing City and before it flew into the night, the fire on the top of the city was shot down by a burst of arrows. Wang Shouren was very angry, "Damn it!"

King Ning rode his horse and led his army around Anqing and headed straight for Tang Bohu's army.

Braziers were burning in front of his eyes, and Wang Shouren was still thinking about it, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. The current wind direction is towards Tang Bohu's army, and he immediately said: "Let go of the Kongming Lantern!"

Afraid that the Kongming Lantern would suffer the same fate as the carrier pigeon, Wang Shouren burned wet grass on the top of the city, filling the top of the city with smoke, and the opponent's archers could not find their way!Compared with the message transmission of the carrier pigeon Kongming Lantern, now I can only hope that Tang Bohu can understand what he means.

King Ning's army did not hold up torches, but marched lightly and planned to make a surprise attack!

"King Ning! There are Kongming lanterns!"

King Ning looked back on his war horse, and Kongming lanterns rose into the night sky one by one.He scolded angrily: "What are these guys doing for food!"

At this moment, the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, King Ning can only put all his eggs in one basket!Fleeing back would be a crushing defeat. Continuing to attack Anqing, who has been unable to attack for a long time, would only be counterproductive. In King Ning's heart, he always wanted to be the second Yongle Emperor, and he still used the same slogan as Yongle Emperor, Qing Jun side!

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Zhu Houzhao saw the Kongming Lantern in the night sky from Tang Bohu, "Who put the Kongming Lantern in the middle of the night!" Zhu Houzhao looked curious.

Tang Bohu looked at the Kongming Lantern and wondered, could it be that Wang Shouren had already captured King Ning and was celebrating? No, the spies sent a few hours ago also said that Anqing City was in a war, and 30 soldiers and horses were defeated by Wang Shouren so quickly. It took more than three months to deal with an army of [-] in Liaodong. Is he a head harvester?

No matter what he thought or what was wrong, Tang Bohu deduced the current situation and shouted secretly, this is not a celebration, this is clearly a warning, loudly order!The whole army is preparing for war, beware of night attack!

Jin Yiwei, who was still resting, immediately got up to prepare for the battle, and entered the battle state very quickly and orderly!
Niu Er led hundreds of people to throw torches around, throwing torches as far as possible, so as to know where the enemy is, Zhu Houzhao was very nervous and grabbed Tang Bohu's arm and kept saying: "There is going to be a war, let's fight!" Fight! I can finally fight..."

Seeing the torches all over the floor, King Ning knew that the other party was ready, but he couldn't care less, and shouted: "Kill!"

On the other side, Tang Bohu's Jin Yiwei had already set up a cannon, aiming at the direction of the sound of horseshoes in the distance, and he could faintly see a figure under the firelight!
"I'll release the first shot!" Zhu Houzhao excitedly held the torch.

In just a few breaths, King Ning's army appeared in front of his eyes, and tens of thousands of people charged forward. Zhu Houzhao saw that the cannon had been aimed at the target, and immediately lit the fuse.

With the sound of a cannon, a huge cannonball shot out quickly. At a distance of nearly [-] meters, the oncoming army received the cannon head-on, but the rebels of King Ning were stunned for a second, and the cannonball rushed into the army. Without slowing down, it was like knocking down a row of dominoes, and then swept past the army, forcibly tearing a crack among tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, blood and water from corpses splashed up.

Seeing this kind of lethality, someone rubbed his eyes vigorously, "Is it artillery? What the hell is this!"

(End of this chapter)

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