Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 319 Peach Blossom Beauty

Chapter 319 Peach Blossom Beauty
On the other side, Tang Bohu was drinking a little wine and looking at the peach blossoms. What he saw in his mind was a face he hadn't seen for a long time.

A woman stepped on the new grass on the ground and said: "Little girl has met Mr. Tang!"

Hearing the voice, Tang Bohu didn't make much movement, he just looked at the peach blossom in front of him and thought.

When Tang Bohu didn't respond, she emphasized her tone again, "Little girl has met Mr. Tang."

Tang Bohu still didn't respond, staring at the peach blossom in front of her in a daze, she walked in front of Tang Bohu unconvinced, covering the other's sight, "The little girl has seen Master Tang."

"Since you have met me, you can go." Tang Bohu said in a low voice.

"Master Tang, is that why you don't want to see the little girl?" She continued, "The little girl is the cousin of Chen Guang, Baihu of Jinyiwei."

"Is Jinyiwei Baihu very powerful?" Tang Bohu said casually, his eyes looked at the woman in front of him, and he had to say that she was very beautiful, with a confident smile, delicate facial features, every glance and smile had the charm of Jiangnan women, it would be a lie to say that she was not attracted Yes, Tang Bohu was very tempted and amazing.

The change in Tang Bohu's expression was captured by her, and she was always confident in her own face and then said: "The little girl knows that Master Tang is the commander of Jinyiwei, but I don't know if the little girl's appearance can catch Master Tang's eyes."

"To be honest, you are very beautiful." Tang Bohu said again: "What's your name!"

"Little girl, Chen Hui!" The other party said with a smile, "I've always heard that Mr. Tang is also a genius."

"Chen Hui, this name is very artistic, but it's also very ordinary." Tang Bohu said leisurely: "You are as the name suggests, although you are beautiful, but in my opinion, you are very ordinary, I really have no interest in you. "

Chen Hui said with a smile: "Master Tang keeps saying that the little girl is not in Mr. Tang's eyes. What if Mr. Tang is tempted by the little girl one day? Let's make a bet."

Looking at the clear sky, Tang Bohu also smiled and said: "If one day I fall in love with you, I will be struck by lightning!"


As soon as the words fell, a thunder sounded under the sunny sky.

"Thunder is thunder?" Tang Bohu looked at the sky, "Your Chen family's Feng Shui is too wicked."

"Hehe..." Chen Hui laughed wildly, but soon returned to normal, "Let's talk about the serious thing, my cousin told me that ordinary women can't fall into your eyes of Tang Bohu, little girls have psychology Get ready! But there is something Mr. Tang must be interested in."

"I don't want to marry you. Too many women in the family is not a good thing." Tang Bohu said.

Chen Hui said at the same time: "The matter I want to talk about is the sea ban! Nowadays, there are many people in various parts of the south of the Yangtze River secretly conducting sea trade transactions, and I have a list in my hand."

"What list!" Tang Bohu regained his spirit immediately.

"Those who have been involved in the sea ban for many years." Chen Hui approached and said, "In addition to officials, there are also gentry and courts from all over the country, dignitaries in the south of the Yangtze River! Is Tang Bohu interested now?"

"Yes!" Tang Bohu said, "Hurry up and give it to me!"

Tang Bohu has always felt that the water in the south of the Yangtze River is deep, but if there is such a list, then for Tang Bohu, there will be a place to start with the knife in his hand. The sea chart that he took from the Japanese pirates in Donghaiwei has never been found. Available timing.

"Master Tang wants it, so can Master Tang marry me?" Chen Hui smiled like a proud fox.

"If I marry you, I will not only get the list but also embrace the beauty, so why not do it." Tang Bohu turned and said, "But I have understood a truth over the years, the more beautiful the woman is, the more dangerous she is."

"Thank you, Mr. Tang, for your compliment!" Chen Hui bowed and said, "Actually, I am not dangerous at all, little girl."

"Sick people will say that they are not sick, and bad people will not say that they are bad people." Tang Bohu waved his fan slowly, "A woman who is not in danger will tell others that she is not a threat."

Before Chen Hui could speak, Tang Bohu said again: "Don't you feel that you are at a disadvantage by doing this? Don't you feel that you are at a disadvantage by dedicating yourself, including everything you have, selflessly to me? What benefits can you gain?"

"Master Tang's words are wrong." Chen Hui said again: "This matter is based on emotion and reason, and it's not about me, Chen Hui. Our daughter's marriage depends entirely on the wishes of the elders in the family. This matter is not mine. The benefits are the benefits of the Chen family, do so many Master Tang understand?"

"I don't understand." Tang Bohu said, "Do you really like me? If you don't, I advise you not to spend the rest of your life on it."

Tang Bohu thought of Zhu Yun, and he never wanted any woman to suffer because of him.

Chen Hui watched Tang Bohu leave in a hurry, feeling a little puzzled but also very satisfied. Just like what his cousin said, this Tang Bohu was different from other men. Chen Hui was surprised at what kind of man he was, but she was also disappointed after that, but she was relieved a lot.

I have to say that this Tang Bohu is very temperamental and has an inexplicable feeling, which makes her a little moved. If this Tang Bohu easily marries her, then Chen Hui will definitely look down on him, but right now she is a little happy.

Walking alone, Tang Bohu was full of remorse, how good it was to be a beast to accept this woman, what a saint to be rejected, what a wonderful thing!It's such a good deal to be able to receive beauties and get a list.

"Master Tang!" Chen Guang stood aside, saw Tang Bohu approaching and said with a smile, "Master Tang is still satisfied with his humble cousin?"

"I'm very satisfied." Tang Bohu nodded, "But I don't think this tastes right."

"What's wrong?" Chen Guang stood aside.

"I can't say what's wrong, but there's always something wrong." Tang Bohu said in a low voice: "Is there such a good thing in the world? Can pies fall from the sky? I'm afraid that I will be knocked out by the falling ones, so I want to think about it, at least see if there is anything else on this pie."

"My lord is really..." Chen Guang said with a smile: "It doesn't mean much to be humble, I just hope to marry you."

The news that the Chen family was going to marry their daughter to Tang Bohu spread like wildfire. Everyone in the south of the Yangtze River heard the news from the Chen family. All of them could see the taste of it, and for a while, people from all sides wrote posts one after another, wanting to marry their daughters to Tang Bohu, and Tang Bohu became a favorite for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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