Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 334 Debt to Emperor Hongzhi

Chapter 334 Owing to Emperor Hongzhi ([-])

All the way back to the capital, Tang Bohu bid farewell to Zhu Houzhao and came to his Tangzhuang, Qiuxiang took a bath with her man and said, "Do you need some hot water?"

"Add it." Tang Bohu relaxed his body.

Qiuxiang did it herself, and Qiuxiang would not leave these things to the servants on weekdays. She poured a bucket of hot water into the bathtub and Qiuxiang lay on the side of the bathtub and observed her husband-in-law, "Is the matter in Jiangnan done this time?"

"It's done, but it's not done." Tang Bohu said slowly: "Chen Hui, you can arrange it. The Chen family entrusted this woman to me."

"Zhong Ling'er told me that day." Qiuxiang looked at Tang Bohu's body, "She said she dreamed that you would bring a woman back from Jiangnan, and it really did."

"You women's premonition is really powerful." Tang Bohu let out a long breath, "I heard about the matter of the six doors, have you settled it?"

"Zhong Ling'er said it was done." Qiu Xiang continued, "But this matter was planned by Jiao Fang and King Ning, and everyone involved in this matter except King Ning has already dealt with it, and even Jiao Fang has been arrested." Zhong Ling'er was taken down, and it was handled very cleanly."

Tang Bohu stood up and wiped his face vigorously, "You and Ling'er have had a hard time during this time."

"It's hard to say." Qiuxiang smiled and dressed Tang Bohu, "There are only these things at home, and you have never cared about them. It makes no difference whether you are here or not."

As he said that, Tang Bohu suddenly hugged Qiuxiang, "I'll let you know the difference right now."

"Don't make trouble, you are already a father." Qiuxiang struggled and said, "Be more serious in broad daylight."

"If you don't let me be dishonest, I may never be upright again." Tang Bohu laughed and picked up Qiuxiang and walked to the bed.

--------------split line
Liu Jin returned to Xichang, looking at the mess and feeling very indignant, why?Why do I keep showing my favor to Tang Bohu, but he has repeatedly turned against me? From then on, this Ming Dynasty has me, Liu Jin, without him, Tang Bohu!
Looking at the dilapidated and messy Xichang, Zhu Houzhao also sighed, "Why did it become like this, Liu Jin, please fix it, and transfer the money from the Ministry of Household and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you eunuchs are really good Why did the West Factory run out of water?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Liu Jin knelt on the ground.

Hearing Zhu Houzhao's words, Gu Dayong stood aside and sighed, this Liu Jin's energy is not exhausted, it seems that to deal with him, he needs to increase his intensity.

Zhu Houzhao turned and left. Liu Jin looked at Gu Dayong and said, "Our family knows all these things clearly. Gu Dayong, please tell our family honestly, where did you go when Tang Bohu burned down the West Factory."

Gu Dayong was afraid of Liu Jin, but he couldn't say he was afraid, and immediately said: "At that time, our family heard that Jin Yiwei came to the West Factory to take someone, and the one they wanted was Jiao Fang. I said some good things for Jiao Fang and went back."

Liu Jin stared at the other party, knowing that Gu Dayong was lying, and said in a low voice, "Wipe your ass clean, don't let our family trample you to death."

"Eunuch Liu, the old slave is leaving!" Gu Dayong smiled at Dongchang. When everything quieted down, his face changed drastically and he hurriedly packed his bags and prepared to leave here. Gu Dayong has seen it all these years, maybe he can't You can't become the second person Liu Jin even if you take down Liu Jin, Gu Dayong said with a smile: "I just want to see you die."

After staying with Qiuxiang for a long time, Tang Bohu walked out of the room and walked all the way to the backyard, and saw his parents, "Father, mother."

"You're back, just come back with all your needs." Tang's father looked at his son and said, "I didn't expect you, a bastard, to become such a character now. Dad is not as good as you, and you are better than him." promising."

"Father." Looking at his father's somewhat disappointed expression, Tang Bohu continued, "Father, I have never forgotten my original intention."

Mother Tang hugged her grandson and did not interrupt the conversation between the father and son.

Tang's father looked at his son and said, "You are a promising child. It's not easy for my father to watch you come through all these years of ups and downs. My father has never been an official and I don't know how lucky you are. As a father, as long as you know you are safe."

Tang Bohu looked at his father's gray hair which could no longer be covered by his hair. This is the heaviest feeling in Tang Bohu's heart when his father is getting old. "Maybe in a few years, I will stay away from the imperial court and the Ming court."

"Have you made a decision yet?" Father Tang asked.

Tang Bohu nodded: "These years have been exhausting enough, and it should be over."

"You can do what you want, as long as you don't do anything harmful." Tang's father patted his son on the shoulder, "You have grown up."

Tang Bohu walked out of the house with a heavy heart, Niu Er and Chen Guang, Su San immediately stepped forward and said: "My lord, the affairs in Jiangnan have been settled."

"It's hard work for you." Tang Bohu continued, "Go to my accountant to pay some money by yourself, take a good rest for a few days, and there are more things to do."

"My lord," Tian San followed up a few steps and said, "Gu Dayong wants to see you."

"Let him wait." Tang Bohu continued walking and said, "I'm going to meet another person."

"Yes!" Tian San looked deeply at Tang Bohu's back.

Tang Bohu walked into the bustling capital city. He had to meet this person. When he entered Li Dongyang's house, Tang Bohu said, "Mr. Li Ge, I, Tang Bohu, have come to see you."

Li Dongyang is taking care of the vegetables grown in the yard, "Come in, the old man already knew you would come."

This place is still the same as before, nothing has changed. Looking up and seeing Li Dongyang, he is already an old man with white beard and hair. He has been in the capital for so many years without knowing it. Let's do it."

"Yes." Tang Bohu replied.

Li Dongyang said with a wry smile: "Before the death of the late emperor, I asked the old minister to be your guide for Tang Bohu, to lead you to be an official, and to be a good minister, but for so many years, the old man seems to have taught you nothing. You It seems that I don’t need the old man to teach me anything.”

"I also ask the old man to give me some advice." Bowing to salute Li Dongyang, Tang Bohu admired this old man, and his heart was only for Daming!He is a good official, a good official who really appeared in front of him, without Li Dongyang supporting the cabinet, I don't know what the current Ming Dynasty would be like.

"Is there anything else I can teach you?" Li Dongyang sat on a stone bench beside him, "You Tang Bohu will know what you should learn, and you will know what you shouldn't."

"Old Ge." Tang Bohu was also sitting beside him, and the two of them were like nephews and uncles, "Zhu Youtang didn't force me to hand over the forging technique of the new firearm until he died. With everything I have, Zhu Youtang will not get sick from overwork, at least he won't leave so soon."

(End of this chapter)

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