Chapter 337

The Ming Dynasty is going to be over, the Ming Dynasty is going to be over, there are no officials in the court, and even the two most important mainstays have left. Thinking that there is still one person who can contain Liu Jin, this person will definitely be able to!Yang Tinghe bought a fast horse out of the city with determination and galloped towards Tangzhuang.

Arriving at the gate of the Tang Mansion, Yang Tinghe saw Niu Er and Tian San standing at the gate.

"Why did Master Yang come in such a hurry?" Tian San asked with a smile.

"I want to see Tang Bohu!" Yang Tinghe said loudly.

"That's too unfortunate." Tian San said: "It just happens that our adults are inconvenient."

"I knew you would be so perfunctory!" Yang Tinghe took out a knife and put it on his neck and said loudly: "Tang Bohu, if you don't see me, I will die right in front of your house right now!"

"Master Yang, why bother!" Niu Er also said, "It's really inconvenient for our adults."

With the tip of the knife sticking to his neck, Yang Tinghe said loudly: "Tang Bohu, if you don't make a move, Daming will really be destroyed! Tang Bohu, come out!"

"Here we come, we are here!" A lazy voice came from the mansion, Tang Bohu put his trousers on and said, "Is it annoying, is it annoying! Don't you know how to keep quiet when you are paying respects?"

"Chu Gong?" The corners of Yang Tinghe's mouth twitched.

"Don't you know Chu Gong?" Tang Bohu looked at Yang Tinghe strangely, "It's just going to the latrine, do you know about going to the latrine?"

"I've already told you, it's inconvenient for our adults." Tian San said aggrievedly, "My lord, this Yang Tinghe said he was going to die at your doorstep."

"What!" Tang Bohu's tone was eight points higher, "died at my doorstep? Good thing you Yang Tinghe, you have read the sage books for half your life, and you used such a nasty method."

Yang Tinghe: "..."

"It's so powerful, tell me." Tang Bohu looked at Yang Tinghe vigilantly, "How much money do you want to blackmail me!"

"I didn't intend to blackmail you!" I don't know if it was because of anger, but the veins on Yang Tinghe's forehead were throbbing. It was a wrong decision to come to Tang Bohu.

Tang Bohu smiled reassuringly, "So I didn't want to extort money from me, Tian San! Niu Er!"

"Humble job!" Tian San and Niu Er replied in unison.

"Take Yang Tinghe away." Tang Bohu straightened his waistband and said, "Let this guy surnamed Yang die in another place."

"Tang Bohu, don't pretend to be stupid." Yang Tinghe continued, "You don't know why I came to you."

"Why! I really don't know." Tang Bohu looked puzzled.

"Li Dongyang, Ma Wensheng, Liu Jin!" Yang Tinghe popped out these names from his teeth.

Tang Bohu touched his nose and said, "Tian San, is there Xichang's eyeliner nearby?"

"No!" Tian San replied, "Recently, the West Factory has made a big move, and all the staff has been dispersed."

"Come in and talk." Tang Bohu invited Yang Tinghe into the mansion.

Walking into the Tang Mansion, Yang Tinghe saw the family of the Tang Mansion enjoying themselves happily, and said, "A big event is about to happen in the court. The Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Ma Wensheng, has retired from the officialdom, and Li Dongyang has resigned from office. Now the entire government is in the hands of Liu Jin. The Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, The Ministry of Punishment... all six are in Liu Jin's hands, and now Liu Jin wants to search the world for money and food."

"Are you afraid that the sky will collapse?" Tang Bohu asked.

Yang Tinghe nodded hesitantly.

"Don't worry." Tang Bohu said with a smile, "I'll take care of you when the sky collapses. Just rest assured and take good care of your body."

"You hold on, you have a way!" Yang Tinghe clung to Tang Bohu as if he had caught a life-saving straw, "I knew you would not abandon Daming, Li Dongyang didn't miss the mark, and neither did the first emperor, you can deal with it Is it Liu Jin?"

"My power is limited." Tang Bohu said: "But there is reincarnation in the law of heaven, who will the sky bypass! Liu Jin will have revenge, and this revenge is very close."

"Please explain something!" Yang Tinghe pressed again.

Tang Bohu said earnestly, "Now Liu Jin is still Zhu Houzhao's confidant, and his strength has not yet come to an end. Only the people in the world can bring down Liu Jin! What Liu Jin is doing now is to cut off the livelihood of the people. The people of Ming Dynasty can't be said to be rich. Now It’s also because you can’t eat enough and starve to death, Liu Jin wants to transfer all the treasuries of the provinces to the capital, rectify the salt law, clean up the salt class, and determine the number of companions according to the depth of the year and the number of major classes, all of which will be transferred to the capital’s internal storage.”

"This is to collect money and food from the world. Liu Jin is a complete idiot. He moved the worst idea and robbed the people of the world of food. Liu Jin is digging his own grave."

After listening to Tang Bohu's words, Yang Tinghe remained silent for a long time.

Tang Bohu went on to say: "I will let Liu Jin die without a whole body. Daming will still be the former Daming, and the world will still trust Zhu!"

"I understand." Yang Tinghe said, "You don't need Tang Bohu to act, Liu Jin already has one way of thinking."

"Of course!" Tang Bohu continued: "It's better for Master Yang to go to my Tangzhuang Academy to recuperate for a few days. Liu Jin will definitely collapse within half a year. Leave it to me. The sky won't fall."

Yang Tinghe clenched his fists and said, "It's dark in the court now, I'm already dead, Tang Bohu! I really don't know who to turn to, I can't find anyone in the court who can help me."

Tang Bohu looked at him, Yang Tinghe's despair was beyond words, like a person in a quagmire.

"Can I trust you?" Yang Tinghe asked dully.

"Who else can you trust now?" Tang Bohu said to him: "After half a year, I will give you an explanation. During this period of time, you should not go to the capital, and bring your family members to live in my Tangzhuang for a while. Are you A good official! Although I think you are not pleasing to the eye, in the future Daming will need people like you to help."

"Tang Bohu, I, Yang Tinghe, thank you for being here!" Yang Tinghe suddenly bowed to Tang Bohu, "Tang Bohu is the only one who can compete with Liu Jin in this world! I hope you, Tang Bohu, will not let me down. Please accept my respect!"

Yang Tinghe's obeisance to Tang Bohu's subordinates was not for anything else, but Yang Tinghe was begging for himself.

Sending this guy away, Tang Bohu looked at everything in Tangzhuang with complicated emotions in his heart. People from the past left one after another, Emperor Hongzhi entrusted him, Li Dongyang guided him, Liu Jian's regret, Xu Pu's sigh , Zhang Lin's concessions, Washington, Jiangnan, Dabaoen Temple, Tang Bohu has experienced all kinds of Daming in the past 20 years, and their faces are still in his mind. Tang Bohu found that he has completely integrated into Daming.

Three months later, all the money and food in the world came to the capital. Looking south from the capital, people in common clothes left their homes one after another. Shanhe looked back at Liu Jin standing in front of the empty throne, behind him was His Majesty Long Live, and in front of him was Liu Jin Liu Qiansui standing.

(End of this chapter)

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