Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 347 Bewitched

Chapter 347 Bewitched
"Remember what I said to you before, Yan Song, you are a thoughtful and capable person." Tang Bohu continued: "In the past, you were too thoughtful and did too little, so I put you in Donghaiwei to sharpen you , you are born smart, you have a long way to go in life, you are a person who can be an official, but I hope you can remember a word of kindness in the future."

Tang Bohu continued: "I have killed too many people in my life, and I can't turn back! But your life is just beginning, and there will always be many choices along the way. No matter what choice you will make in the future, I just hope You can remember kindness and be kind to others."

"Students understand." Yan Song continued: "The envoys of Korea have arranged for the adults to meet them when."

"You go back to the cabinet to discuss with Yang Tinghe and Xu Zhenqing." Tang Bohu continued: "Your cabinet will entertain you, and I will be there."

"My lord, I want to introduce someone." Yan Song continued, "His name is Qian Ning, and he wants to join Jinyiwei."

"Qian Ning?" Tang Bohu thought of this character. Although this character was not very famous in history, he had the impression that he was a well-known treacherous person.

"He wants to join Jinyiwei? How much money did you charge him for recommending him in front of me?" Tang Bohu asked.

Yan Song took out a gift list and handed it to Tang Bohu, saying: "This is the amount he bribed me. The students saw that although he bribed me, he is smart and able to assess the situation. He is a man who can be used! But he cannot be reused." .”

Tang Bohu smiled and said: "You can understand this, which means that you are smarter than him. This kind of person is very opportunistic. I won't see him, and he is not qualified to let me meet. I will let him be the captain of Jinyiwei first, and later I will arrange things myself."

"Yes! The student resigned." Yan Song left step by step.

Zhong Ling'er came to Tang Bohu's side and said, "Yan Song has grown up too."

"Yes." Tang Bohu sighed, "Young people are Daming's future, and my future has come to an end. If I make any more troubles, I will become emperor. It's too much trouble."

Zhong Ling'er said: "Is that why you don't want to be emperor? It's not difficult with your power now."

"When I came to Daming, I owed too many people in my life." Tang Bohu said with a long sigh: "If the yellow robe is added to my body, I will be sorry to many, many people. I am afraid that my conscience will not be at ease in this life."

Zhong Ling'er let out a long sigh, and said, "I have always been in charge of the factory. We plan to open three branch factories in Jiangnan to test the water. What do you think?"

"You guys go ahead and discuss with Qiu Xiang about some capable people to host." Tang Bohu said while lying on the recliner, "I want to sleep for a while."

"En." Zhong Ling'er nodded.

--------------------split line

The cabinet and Tang Bohu received the Goryeo envoy together. The Goryeo envoy has been crying about the evil deeds of the Wa country. Now the Tokugawa family of the Wa country is in power and has become the largest power in the Wa country. Tang Bohu listened to him. During the dire times, the Tokugawa shogunate finally got up, and the sly smile of Tokugawa Shinichiro was still in his mind. Tang Bohu thought that at this time, Tokugawa Ieyasu, who shocked Japan, would be born soon.

The Goryeo envoy meant that they hoped that Ming would assist them again.

Yang Tinghe, Xu Zhenqing, and Yan Song didn't express their views. Tang Bohu said first: "You Goryeo has long been a vassal state of our Ming Dynasty, but how long has it been since you paid tribute to us?"

Hearing this, Yan Song smiled knowingly and immediately understood what Tang Bohu meant.

The Goryeo envoy cried and said: "Dear Duke, as long as Daming helps us, the tribute will definitely be good every year!"

Tang Bohu pretended to speculate on the other party's meaning and said: "You have surrendered to us so much, we naturally want to help you, but you have owed us tributes for many years, so it is reasonable for you in Korea to ask for help? How can you let the horse run away, no Let the horses graze."

"Does the Duke mean that we should make up the tribute from previous years?"

"Yan Song." Tang Bohu said: "According to the fact that Goryeo has not paid tribute for so many years, how much tribute they owe us in total."

"Mr. Hui." Yan Song replied, "Our cabinet has counted 500 million taels."

Hearing this number, the Koryo envoy's face immediately turned ugly.

Tang Bohu tapped his ears and said, "My ears are not very good recently. How much money did you say? I didn't understand."

"A total of 1000 million taels." Yan Song replied.


Yang Tinghe and Xu Zhenqing gasped at the same time.

"I still don't understand." Tang Bohu shook his ears and said, "Yan Song, can you speak louder."

"A total of 8000 million taels!" Yan Song almost shouted out.

"Cough cough cough cough..." Yang Tinghe almost took a mouthful of hot tea but didn't spit it out.

"I understand it this time." Tang Bohu nodded and said, "The Korean envoy who came from afar, did you understand it this time?"

"This..." The Goryeo envoy felt his scalp tingle at the 8000 million taels?Confused, he asked, "Are there so many?"

"Yes, where isn't it!" Tang Bohu continued: "You need sincerity to ask for help. If you still recognize us as the superior kingdom of Ming Dynasty, you must have the sincerity to surrender. Do you understand this sincerity?"

The Goryeo envoy knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Why did the envoy do such a big gift?" Tang Bohu was surprised.

"My lord!" the Goryeo envoy almost kowtowed, "We Goryeo can't afford so much money."

"Yan Song, have you eaten yet?" Tang Bohu looked at Yan Song and said, "What shall we have for lunch?"

"Duke!" Goryeo's envoy cried and said, "Now the Wa Kingdom is raging and rampant, please ask Daming to save us."

"Salvation is certain. Our Ming Dynasty is the kingdom of Shang, so naturally we want to help you." Tang Bohu continued: "But to help you, we must send troops, and we also need to pay for sending troops."

"This..." the Goryeo envoy hesitated.

"The tribute must be made up." Yang Tinghe said: "The payment for dispatching troops will also be paid by you Korea."

"But we, Goryeo, can't afford so much silver." The Goryeo envoy said.

Yan Song said at the right time: "The Japanese envoy must be here soon."

"Shangguo, please help us! Please don't take advantage of the fire." The Goryeo envoy was anxious.

Tang Bohu said with a smile: "Actually, the problem of money is not impossible to solve. The country of Wa has money, and I have helped you. With new firearms and troops, you can enter the country of Japan, right? If you rob the country of money, you will I have it! Maybe I can’t have enough for myself.”

The envoy from Korea became more and more short of breath. It was rumored that Tang Bohu was a difficult person to deal with. Tang Bohu in front of him was even more difficult to deal with than imagined.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of Nine Realms Supreme, thank you very much

(End of this chapter)

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