Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 349 Goodbye Wen Zhengming

Chapter 349 Goodbye Wen Zhengming

Niu Er didn't answer this question, he really didn't know how to answer, when Tang Bohu came home and saw Zhu Yi reading a book, he stepped forward and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Father." Zhu Yi put down his book and said, "I recently thought about something called ambition. Everyone has ambitions, big or small."

"Indeed, ambition is a good thing, and it's not a good thing." Sitting opposite Zhu Yi, Tang Bohu said, "As a father, I have met many ambitious people over the years, like Chahar, King Ning, and Liu Jin." .”

"Father." Zhu Yi then asked, "Is ambition good?"

"To be honest, everyone has ambitions, and when your desires swell, your ambitions will sprout." Tang Bohu said patiently: "Some people can control their ambitions, but some people are controlled by ambitions. Have no ambition, but be able to control ambition."

"Is father ambitious?" Zhu Yi asked.

Tang Bohu smiled slightly, "My ambition is not big, my family and the world!"

Zhu Yi nodded thoughtfully, "Father, do I need ambition?"

"You must have it." Tang Bohu continued: "When you become an adult, you will definitely sit on the throne. My father hopes that you will spend the rest of your life on the throne safely, but my father does not want you to be just a mediocre emperor. .”

"I want to be like my father." Zhu Yi said: "They all said that my father got rid of Liu Jin to make the world peaceful, fought in Liaodong to protect the frontier, defeated King Ning, founded an academy for the world's students, opened a factory for the world's people, If a child wants to be ambitious, then the child must become a person whose achievements surpass that of his father."

"You are wrong, being a father is not so powerful." Tang Bohu said in a low voice: "It was not me who got rid of Liu Jin, but the people of the world! It wasn't me who put down Liaodong, it was the people of the world, and it wasn't me who killed King Ning , is the people of the world! This world has never belonged to one person, he belongs to the people of the world."

"Thank you father for teaching." Zhu Yi bowed.

Tang Bohu sighed, "You want to become an emperor above ten thousand people. The road of an emperor is not easy to walk. As a father, you can only lead you to the throne. In the future, you will still have to walk the road of an emperor alone. Is the emperor standing at the peak? the loneliest man."

Zhu Yi remained silent after listening to Tang Bohu's words, the loneliest person.

Seeing the child's puzzled expression, Zhu Yi looked very much like himself, and his way of thinking was exactly the same as himself. Tang Bohu said in a low voice: "If one day you can overthrow the father, the father can rest assured that the throne will be handed over to you. .”

"Boy, do you want to bring down father?" Zhu Yi was once again lost in confusion.

"Now I hold great power and command the world!" Tang Bohu whispered to Zhu Yi: "One day your first enemy will be me who holds great power!"

"I don't want my father to be the enemy of the child!" Zhu Yi panicked, "If this is really the case, the emperor's child would rather not be."

"No!" Tang Bohu pressed his shoulders, "You must be the emperor! Because you are my child, my child can't be submissive, you have to face the face of the world, you have to grow up! Now you don't understand, in the future Father will let you understand."

Zhu Yi's stubborn tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

Tang Bohu carefully wiped away his tears, "Yi'er, carrying this country is the mission entrusted to me by the emperor of the Zhu family, but my father will leave one day, and my father can't protect you all the time. You have to be able to protect yourself .”

Zhu Yi wiped away his tears and said, "I will definitely grow up, and I will protect my father in the future!"

"Yeah! You have a long way to go, and it's too early for you to say this for your father." Tang Bohu persuaded: "From now on, don't cry anymore."

"Baby don't cry!"

The father and son chatted until dusk. They didn't know it was time to eat until Qiuxiang knocked on the door. The whole family of the Tang family was eating. The mother was surrounded by a group of grandchildren and laughed non-stop, and the family was very happy.

On the second day, Tang Bohu got up early and saw an old man, Wen Zhengming would come.

Tang Bohu hurried out and saw Wen Zhengming, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. Wen Zhengming is now 30 years old, with a beard on his chin, and he is still holding the child by his hand.

"Brother Tang, long time no see." Wen Zhengming said with a smile.

"Hahaha! Long time no see, Brother Wen!" Tang Bohu said with a smile, "Let's go! I won't go to court today, let's have a good drink."

"I don't drink anymore." Wen Zhengming said with a smile: "This is my child, Wen Jing, and I want him to study in your academy."

"You have a child too." Tang Bohu knelt down and looked at the child and said, "Call Uncle."

"Uncle Tang!" the child obediently called out.

"Where have you been all these years?" Tang Bohu asked.

Wen Zhengming held his child's hand and said: "I have traveled to many places over the years, and then I met a woman. Maybe life is like this. Since then, I have stopped, married and had children."

"I wanted to leave just like you." Tang Bohu sighed, "But when I turned around, I was already firmly tied to Daming."

"Your story has been circulating in the market." Wen Zhengming said: "Now you, Tang Bohu, are so powerful that you can make officials all over the world tremble by stomping your feet. We have seen everything you have done for Daming over the years. Now you The scenery is beautiful, the Tang family in the suburbs of Beijing is three feet away from the sky, and the current emperor is being raised by you."

"Isn't this a burden?" Tang Bohu said as he walked, "What do you plan to do in the future?"

"This is asking for your help, Brother Tang." Wen Zhengming said, "I want to live in Tangzhuang, accompany my child to study, and accompany him to grow up."

"Come with me." Tang Bohu took Wen Zhengming to a very familiar place, "Do you still remember this place, when you and Zhu Zhishan, Xu Zhenqing, and Wang Shouren came to the capital for the exam, you lived here! These few days I kept the two houses and didn't touch them, it's still the same as before!"

"I know!" Wen Zhengming said with a smile after a long absence: "That house used to be Zhu Zhishan's, this is mine, this is Lao Wang's house, and this is Xu Zhenqing's."

Wen Zhengming pushed open the door, "This is where the bastard Zhu Zhishan lived before, and it's still the same as before."

As soon as the door was opened, curses came from the room, "Who is it early in the morning! Let no one sleep! Damn, uncle!"

Wen Zhengming walked into the room with a smile, "Brother Zhu?"

"Wen...Wen Wen Wen Zhengming!" Zhu Zhishan stared with big eyes, as if he had seen a ghost, "Your grandma, you are still alive!"

"Who, let people not sleep!" Yang Sheng also got up from the bed, cursing and getting up.

Looking at the two big men on the bed, Wen Zhengming couldn't help but gasped and said, "Hiss... I haven't seen you for many years, why did Brother Zhu sleep with a man!"

"That's not the case, Zhengming! You listen to my explanation!" Zhu Zhishan stood up hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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