Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 360 Treasure

Chapter 360 Treasure
Niu Er was escorting a person on a horse, and Jin Yiwei had a serious posture, "Why does your lord care so much about this man who met Columbus?"

"Second brother, it's actually not difficult to guess." Su San, who escorted him together, also said, "This Columbus came from the western ocean, and Daming has been at a loss for the western sea route all these years."

"This Columbus has been wandering at sea for half his life. What adults care about may not be Columbus. He wants to open the sea route to the ocean, and what he wants is the chart."

Niu Er woke up and said, "That's right! I'll search this guy quickly to see if he has a chart."

"Second brother, there is no need." Su San whispered, "This old man is a living chart, and having him is more useful than a chart."

"Master Tang is really far-sighted." Niu Er sighed, "However, this guy Columbus would know, it seems that no one in Ming Dynasty is familiar with this guy Columbus, and only after asking about it did he know how powerful this guy is."

Columbus sat in the carriage and watched the scenery along the way, and arrived in the capital half a month later.

Tang Bohu held Columbus's hand enthusiastically: "I used to look at your portraits, but this time I finally saw a living one."

"Hehehe..." Although Columbus didn't understand Tang Bohu's words.But you can feel the enthusiasm of the other party.

"Can you sign me, old man?" Tang Bohu said with a smile, while Qiu Xiang stood aside all the time, wondering why her husband-in-law was so interested in this old man.

"Just write a name?" Columbus's accent was very jerky, and the Central Plains could not speak clearly.

Tang Bohu took a white cloth and said, "Just write it here."

Columbus didn't know what the other party meant, but he saw that the person in front of him was not malicious, so he wrote his name with a quill pen. Tang Bohu took a look at the signature, and immediately put it away and handed it to Qiuxiang, saying: "Put it away, this thing will be used in the future." It is a family heirloom of our Tang family."

"Hmm..." Qiuxiang accepted it unwillingly.

Tang Bohu was very proud that this was Columbus's signature.

Accompanied by Tang Bohu, Columbus visited Tangzhuang, sighing along the way, "What kind of place is this?"

"This is the court." Tang Bohu introduced, "This one is for badminton, and this one is for Cuju..."

"Where is this place?" Columbus looked at this huge building.

"This is a factory!" Tang Bohu introduced, "This is also the first factory in Ming Dynasty."

The entourage around Columbus has a quill pen to record everything in Tangzhuang. Daming is very prosperous. Over the years, they have been to many lands while wandering on the sea. Daming is the most peaceful and richest country they have ever seen.

"Where is this place? There are so many children."

Tang Bohu replied: "This is the most valuable place in my Tangzhuang. This place is the place where the academy teaches and educates people, and it is also the most sacred place in my opinion."

"Teaching?" Columbus said thoughtfully, "Is it a place to teach them?"

"Exactly!" Tang Bohu nodded.

"Teach others your own skills, and teach so many children," Columbus said, "Is your knowledge so cheap? Teach others as you like."

Hearing Columbus' opinion, Tang Bohu shook his head, "There are many ancestors before us, their learning, their knowledge, and their understanding of the world are treasures for us younger generations. If the ancestors left behind, we are their inheritance and dare not lose it."

"Great." Columbus said: "Your spirit is great, and I am inferior to you in this regard."

Accompanying Columbus walking step by step, Tang Bohu continued: "Actually, my Tangzhuang is very peaceful and a good place to retire. Why don't you stop and watch the clouds rise and fall here."

"I'll stay here for a while." Columbus said as he took out a peanut from his pocket, opened the shell and chewed it in his mouth.

Tang Bohu's eyes widened, "Is this a peanut?"

"This is the seed of a plant that can be eaten." Columbus gave Tang Bohu a few.

As a result, Tang Bohu also peeled off a peanut, looked at the peanut carefully, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, and put it in his mouth. Tang Bohu was delighted that it was really a peanut. Raw peanuts taste a bit astringent, but Tang Bohu likes this taste so much .

Collect these peanuts in a hurry, and I can eat peanuts in the future!

Along the way, Columbus told Tang Bohu about his voyages. He listened fascinatedly, and Tang Bohu asked, "Mr. Columbus, have you ever seen something called corn?"

"What is corn?" Columbus was curious.

"It's just a kind of grain." Tang Bohu drew the appearance of corn, "This is corn."

"I haven't seen it." Columbus shook his head.

"Alas..." Tang Bohu sighed, there is no way, after all, corn is still grown in a certain continent, and he has not been to all places.

Wang Shouren came at a leisurely pace, "This must be the old Mr. Columbus from overseas."

Columbus got up and performed a Western etiquette to Wang Shouren.

Looking at Wang Shouren's posture, this guy probably wanted to sit and discuss with Columbus, Tang Bohu fought a cold war.

Columbus saw something. Wang Shouren looked at Tang Bohu suspiciously, got up quickly and Tang Bohu said: "This is the current principal of Tangzhuang Academy, Mr. Wang Shouren."

"Hello!" Columbus said to Wang Shouren.

"I heard that a foreigner came to Tangzhuang, and the students in the academy are very curious." Wang Shouren said in a low voice, "I don't know if Mr. Columbus is interested in coming to the academy to teach the children."

"That's a good idea!" Tang Bohu immediately made a decision, and said to the confused Columbus: "Mr. Columbus, can you tell the story of your voyage with the children of our academy? Some of your adventures may not be experienced by many people in their lifetime. We will also write your experience into a book and pass it on.”

"Pass down." Columbus asked doubtfully, "Does it mean inheritance?"

"Yes." Tang Bohu explained again: "There are Columbus like you in this era, and there will be tens of thousands of Columbus in the future. This world is too vast, and there are too few people like you."

Spreading these two words struck Columbus's heart, "Okay, I agree! But I won't stay in Daming for too long, I want to bury myself in my own homeland."

"Well, no problem." Tang Bohu said.

Tang Bohu naturally wants the nautical chart, which is the most valuable thing in Columbus, but the nautical experience is what Daming needs most, and it is more important than the nautical chart. The ocean is a strange place, especially for the long-sealed Daming. .

(End of this chapter)

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