Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 5 1 stone stirs up waves

Chapter 5 One stone stirs up a thousand waves
Tang Bohu went on to say: "Seeing that this person is so rebellious, the grassroots set the record straight, for the sake of world peace, for the truth, goodness and beauty, so they beat him up!"

There was a different kind of light in the eyes of the magistrate sitting in the hall, this Tang Yin was not simple!This was his first thought, to be able to make friends with the grandson of Duke Wei of today, and to frame the son of the imperial envoy with himself, to win over Xu Pengju, and to put himself in a dignified position, this Tang Yin is a bit interesting!
Immediately, the magistrate took the case and said: "Put Li Fang and others in prison, dare to say such treasonous words! Don't say your father and your imperial envoy, even if this lawsuit is brought before the present holy majesty, the old man will stand upright! Retire!"

"Why did I just say such a sentence...how did I just say it?" Li Fang was talking to himself like crazy while being escorted by officers and soldiers.

"Tang Yin, Zhu Zhishan, and Wen Zhengming! Gather a crowd to fight, and fine you 30 taels of silver! Just to make an example to others!" An official read the sentence of the prefect to Tang Bohu and others.

"Master Qian is here!" Xu Pengju patted his chest and said with a bad breath.

Until the few people who walked out of the yamen finally let out a sigh of relief, Zhu Zhishan patted his small chest and said, "Scared me to death, I thought I wouldn't be able to get out this time."

"Brother Tang, your idea is too bad!" Xu Pengju patted Tang Bohu on the shoulder and said, "Let me call the magistrate here, and then lead those guys to fight, how do you know he would say that? There is such an operation!"

"This is called fishing law enforcement!" Tang Bohu said with a smile.

"Yes! That's the reason, hahahaha!" The happy Xu Pengju said, "Let's go! I'm happy today. I'll treat you. If you don't get drunk, you won't return!"

As he said that, Tang Bohu took out a jade pendant and said to several people, "How much is this jade pendant worth?"

"I guess it's a few thousand taels." Xu Pengju also took the jade pendant and said, "This jade pendant is of good quality, where did it come from?"

"I took it off that guy during the fight." Tang Bohu thought about it and said, "How much is an imperial envoy's salary? Can he afford this precious jade pendant?"

"What do you mean?" Xu Pengju immediately thought of something, "Tang Bohu, do you want to play big!"

"I carry a jade pendant worth thousands of taels with me. It seems that this imperial envoy is living a good life! How much is an imperial envoy's annual salary?" Tang Bohu said in a low voice: "A strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake. Hang's imperial envoys are very courageous, since the magistrate is helping me to uphold justice, and he is not indecent, let's send the magistrate a fortune!"

"Tang Bohu, are you really going to do this?" Xu Pengju looked at Tang Bohu in surprise as if he was meeting Tang Bohu for the first time.

"Anyway, I'm offended. Hit a snake and hit seven inches! If I frame them like this, the other party will not let Tang Bohu feel better. This matter is not over yet!" Tang Bohu handed the jade pendant to Xu Pengju and said, "Give our parents, the magistrate, an immediate gift. A chance for merit."

"I see." Xu Pengju took the jade pendant and said, "Looking at you laughing and joking, I didn't expect you to be a ruthless person! This crime can cost the lives of Li Jiancheng and his family. I feel more and more for you, my lord." Interested."

"Don't you feel awkward saying this to a man like you?"

Hearing Tang Bohu's words, Xu Pengju suddenly had a chill.

Turning around to go back to the prefect's yamen, Xu Peng waved his hands and said, "In the end, I caused this incident. Don't worry, it's not difficult to bring down an imperial envoy with a dirty ass with my Xu family's title this time! I Wei Guogong's lineage has kept a low profile for a long time, and some people have been comfortable for a long time and don't know how hard the rocks under their feet are! This time, if I, Xu Pengju, forget it, they think my persimmon is so soft."

"Tang Yin, don't worry! This imperial envoy won't survive this year!"

That night Xu Pengju wrote a letter to his grandfather, explaining what happened to him in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and sent it to his grandfather in Nanjing overnight. Under the pressure of Xu Xiaogong and Wei Guogong, the prefects of Suzhou and Hangzhou also acted. Because of a small conspiracy by Tang Bohu, there was a wave of disturbance.

A few days later, Li Chengli, the imperial envoy of Suzhou and Hangzhou, directly heard the matter of being escorted back to the capital. Today's emperor Ming Xiaozong was furious, and ordered Li Chengli to be removed from his official position, and the whole family was exiled for thousands of miles!There are many officials in Ming Dynasty with dirty hands and feet!This is an old disease accumulated over the years in the Ming Dynasty. Some officials can't find out, and few hands and feet are clean!This is the first confrontation between Tang Bohu and Daming's official circles, let's use our strength to fight!As a commoner, he overthrew an important minister of the Ming court with a complete victory.

Today, instead of going to a private school, Tang Bohu stayed in the tavern of his home to help his parents manage the tavern business. While he was busy, Tang Bohu saw an acquaintance.

"Master Zhifu!" Tang Bohu walked in and bowed to the other party.

"You don't need to call me your lord here, my surname is Zhang."

Tang Bohu knew that the magistrate didn't want to disturb the guests of the tavern, so he smiled contemptuously, "Uncle Zhang can come to make our tavern flourish."

"Tang Yin is a scholar like you, and one day you will take part in the scientific examination and enter the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty!" Zhang Lin stared at Tang Bohu and said, "You are a civil servant."

"The boy feels that he is not talented enough, so he doesn't dare to be a kid." Tang Bohu said complimentingly.

"Bo Cai? The person who can write such a poem that Luohong is not a ruthless thing is not like Bo Cai. Others may not understand it, but I, Zhang Lin, can understand it. The downfall of this imperial envoy looks like the Xu family in Nanjing. Li, the instigator behind this is you, Tang Yin, Tang Bohu!"

The other party's eyes made Tang Bohu feel very uncomfortable. This kind of eyes seemed to be looking at a prey, and he didn't hide it at all.

The prefect of Suzhou said again: "Thanks to you, the meritorious service of exposing corrupt officials is rewarded with 1000 taels of gold by the holy majesty."

"Congratulations, sir!" Tang Bohu complimented again.

Zhang Lin stood up after finishing his drink and said: "It is really rare for you to have such a city at such a young age. If you can set foot in the officialdom one day, I hope you are a civil servant."

"Uncle Zhang, go slowly." Tang Bohu bent down and smiled, but his back was already wet. This man, the prefect of Suzhou, knew Tang Bohu's thoughts clearly. How many people can sit in this position? is simple.

"That's right!" Zhang Lin walked out of the tavern and turned back to Tang Bohu and said, "Although Li Jiancheng has fallen, the embankment of the West Lake will continue to be built. Jin Yiwei and Dongchang will jointly take over this matter, Tang Bohu, you have to be careful!"

What does it mean?Looking at the back of Zhang Lin leaving, Tang Bohu thought about why he said to be careful. Jinyiwei and Dongchang, two notorious organizations in Daming, came to Suzhou and Hangzhou. Instead, Zhang Lin told himself to be careful. Tang Bohu's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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