Good Fortune Martial Emperor

Chapter 364 God General of Doubu, Meng Chi

Chapter 364 God General of Doubu, Meng Chi

On the top of the city, Mu Chen and Yan Nantian stood side by side.

Their eyes did not look at the millions of troops on the ground, but fixed on the three figures in the air.

Chu Qianfeng, Zhuo Wen, Wei Chengxuan.

Three Fortune Realm powerhouses descended at the same time, covering the entire border city with awe-inspiring momentum. Chu Qianfeng's words rang like thunder in everyone's ears.

Everyone in the border town felt a great pressure, as if the sky was about to fall.

When Chu Qianfeng finished speaking, millions of soldiers shouted in unison: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The sound was deafening, sweeping across the entire border town, and the ordinary residents hiding in the refuge were already trembling with fright.

Even those soldiers who had experienced many battles were forced to straighten their bodies, relying on the spears in their hands to barely fall down.

After saying these words, Chu Qianfeng and the others flew out of the void. Although they only appeared for a moment, the fighting spirit of the soldiers in the border town was almost shattered.

This place is no better than a barren land. In a land of hundreds of countries, a strong man in the Creation Realm has the strength of one person to fight against the country. Now, when three strong men in the Creation Realm come to the front, the soldiers in the border town feel powerless to contend with just by virtue of their aura.

What's more, there are millions of troops surrounding the city, and they add up to only 10 people.

The disparity in strength is too great, this is a war that is doomed.

Yan Nantian let out a long sigh. Having experienced countless battles of life and death and never giving up, he also felt waves of powerlessness welling up in his heart.

"Mu Chen, arrange for everyone to move from the secret path, as far as you can go."

"father in law."

"I know what you want to say, even if the two of us voluntarily lead to death, Chu Qianfeng will not let the soldiers and civilians in the city go, in his eyes, he can't tolerate those who have followed me, even if they don't know Ordinary people." Yan Nantian has worked with Chu Qianfeng for many years and knows his nature very well.

"Father-in-law, you take everyone away, and I will stay to buy time."

"No, you take Yufei and Yunyao and let Uncle Fu send you to find Ye Feng. I have fought for the defense of the border city all my life. This city is everything to me. I can't leave."

"Your Majesty, the last general was originally a striker and killed the enemy for His Majesty!" A soldier knelt on one knee, but said with firm eyes.

Afterwards, a large group of soldiers knelt down on the city wall. They were all Yan Nantian's old subordinates.

"Willing to fight with His Majesty!"

Yan Yi led Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry to the front, and the 18 people beat their chests with their right hands, their fists and armor collided with dazzling sparks, and they said: "Fight for Your Majesty! Fight for the Kingdom of Yan!"

As soon as their words fell, countless voices calling for battle resounded in the border town, some were soldiers, some were people, and these voices finally converged into a torrent, resounding throughout the world.

At this moment, two young figures came forward, they were Li Xiangchuan and Jiang Hen who came back from the wasteland.

Li Xiangchuan said: "Your Majesty, the Li family is willing to fight with Your Majesty."

After returning to the state of Chu, Li Xiangchuan persuaded his father to move the entire Li family into the state of Yan. Although the loss was not small, Li Xiangchuan also obtained a lot of spiritual stones in the barren land. It can be said that the gains are more than the losses. many.

Jiang Hen said: "Although I can't help much, I will do my best."

After a period of practice, Jiang Hen's strength has recovered a bit, and now he has stepped into the Lingfu realm again. Although he has lost his life soul, his sword practice has improved a lot, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

Li Xiangchuan said: "Ye Feng already has two Creation Realm powerhouses beside him, and both of them are stronger than Chu Qianfeng. As long as we drag Ye Feng back, the victory will be ours."

"I'm afraid it's too late. By the time Ye Feng gets the news, the battle may have already ended."

"That's right, far water can't save near fire." Yan Nantian said, "Li Xiangchuan, Jiang Hen, you all go, leave here, go to the wasteland, there is your stage."

"If I leave like this, Ye Feng will definitely kill me." Li Xiangchuan said with a smile.

Jiang Hen also said: "I am here to be guided by Senior Mu Chen, how can I leave alone at this time."

A slightly hunched figure walked slowly, seeing him, everyone consciously made way to both sides.

"Don't worry about each of them. Let the old man take care of the three Creation Realms." Fu Bo put his hands behind his back, with a kind smile on his face.

"But..." Mu Chen had just opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Uncle Fu, "It's nothing but, the old man's bones can still hold on."

After finishing speaking, an astonishing aura emanated from Forbe's body. This aura continued to rise, and spread out in an instant, even surpassing the millions of troops outside the city.

Li Xiangchuan and Jiang Hen's eyes widened, especially Jiang Hen. The aura released from Fu Bo's body was even many times stronger than the aura of Wu Daoyang he had ever felt.

It can be said that, except for Mu Chen and Yan Nantian, no one could have imagined that this usually amiable old man had such terrifying power.

There were silver lines on Forbe's face, and the space around him fluctuated, and then he disappeared out of nowhere in front of everyone's eyes, appearing in the sky above the million-strong army.

As soon as Chu Qianfeng and the others arrived at the rear station, they felt an extremely powerful spatial force lock them in. Then, they were distorted in front of their eyes, and they were actually picked up by Fu Bo through the air, and they were still outside the border city.

They subconsciously wanted to make a move, but they felt that the surrounding world was rejecting their own power, and even a strong man in the realm of good fortune couldn't mobilize even the slightest bit of aura.

The three looked at Fu Bo in shock.

"Chu Qianfeng, you never said before that there is such a strong person." Zhuo Wen angrily scolded.

Wei Chengxuan also said with a gloomy face: "This kind of power is probably beyond the limit of this world. Chu Qianfeng, who have you offended?"

Chu Qianfeng said: "I didn't know this person before."

Seeing that Uncle Fu stretched out his hand and grasped it, the space force began to squeeze the bodies of the three people. In his hands, the three powerhouses were like three ants.

"Chu Qianfeng, this is all your fault." Zhuo Wen wanted to struggle, but under the divine power of the space consciousness world, everything was useless.

The sergeants in the border town looked at this scene in shock, and there was boundless hope in their hearts. As long as Fu Bo killed Chu Qianfeng, everything would be over.

"Chu Qianfeng, what are you waiting for? This power is beyond anything that can be found in the ordinary world. Hurry up and sacrifice your Heaven Punishing Token."

A look of reluctance flashed in Chu Qianfeng's eyes, a golden light flashed in his palm, and a bright token appeared. Then, a drop of blood essence dripped on it, and suddenly, the golden light shone, and a golden God of War descended from the clouds.

An incomparably noble aura enveloped the audience, making people unable to help but want to prostrate themselves.

"This is... a god!"

"It's really a miracle!"

The golden God of War looked at Uncle Fu, and said coldly: "The last time I was free around here, the divine power of the time realm fluctuated, and even killed you as an inspector of the divine realm, it must be you."

"It's me." Facing God of War, Forbe's eyes were very calm.

"Where are your accomplices?"

"Only me, no party."

"Then you can die." God of War said, "The one who kills you is the God General of Doubu, Meng Chi."

After finishing speaking, a three-pointed two-edged knife made of gold appeared in Meng Chi's hand. Once he made a move, it seemed to penetrate the endless void, and streaks of golden light continuously penetrated Fu Bo's body.

"Master, old man, I can't take care of you anymore." Ye Feng's figure seemed to appear in Uncle Fu's pupils, but this figure got farther and farther away, and then, in the endless golden light, Uncle Fu's body directly into nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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