Good Fortune Martial Emperor

Chapter 369 Attack on the Canyon

Chapter 369 Attack on the Canyon
Wei Chengxuan's next challenge to Mu Chen meant that the battle below the Creation Realm was over.

Yan Xun and the others, who were originally preparing to fight, no longer had the chance to make a move.

Facing the strong ones in the Creation Realm, only Mu Chen from the Creation Realm can contend, the others can only be instantly killed if they go up, meaningless death.

Behind Wei Chengxuan was a large black saber floating, and the sharp saber intent enveloped the void.

Mu Chen took a step forward, and sword energy swept across the sky.

Sword intent and sword intent confronted in the void, although Wei Chengxuan's aura was slightly stronger, but he couldn't completely suppress Mu Chen.

Mu Chen is like a sharp sword that would rather bend than bend, even if Mount Tai is overwhelming, he would rather bend than bend.

After several months of practice, Mu Chen has also stepped into the second level of good fortune. Although Wei Chengxuan is still one level away from the third level of good fortune, Mu Chen has practiced the martial arts and sword tactics of Lingwuzong, coupled with the tyranny of life and soul. , so it is not incapable of fighting.

"Mu Chen, I heard of your name when I was practicing in the barren land, but it's a pity that you were expelled from the barren area by the Lingwu Sect, otherwise your achievements would not stop there." Wei Chengxuan's eyes shone with excitement, "Today, just Let me see how much a swordsman, who is hailed as a genius, weighs."

Endless saber energy turned into a tornado, killing everything, and with a wave of Mu Chen's long sword, the ice sword energy froze out of the space, turning into a glacier and spreading.

The aura of the two was washed away, and the army of millions couldn't help but retreat, because ordinary people simply couldn't bear the power of a strong man in the Creation Realm, even if it was just an unconscious residual power.

In an instant, the wind was surging, the sky was dark, the swords collided constantly, bottomless cracks appeared on the ground, and even the walls of the border city began to shake.

Spiritual formations appeared on the city wall, blocking the aftermath that descended from the sky.

At this time, when Ye Feng left the border town, the defensive spirit array left behind on purpose was affected by the aftermath and activated the defense by itself.

In another place, the elite troops led by Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry escorted [-] women and children, had already bypassed the encircling army, and headed for the distance along the official road.

In the border town, the cultivation atmosphere is already strong. Even women can do some basic cultivation. Therefore, although they are all women and children, their progress is not slow.

After leaving everyone's sight for a while, Chu Qianfeng glanced at the direction they left, with a sinister smile on his lips.

Eighteen of Yanyun rode one horse to lead, and 18 people marched in a formation. The reason why Yan Nantian arranged eighteen of them together was because they could form the Big Dipper and Nine Suns Formation together, which no one could break through under the conditions of fortune.

Along the way, the eighteen brothers were very cautious, always guarding their surroundings. Yan Nantian told them that with Chu Qianfeng's character of vengeance, he was worried that there would be an ambush.

Sure enough, after walking for half a day, Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry suddenly signaled to stop. In front of them was a canyon with towering cliffs on both sides, leaving only a narrow passage, which could only allow five or six people to walk side by side.

The canyon was very quiet, and there seemed to be nothing unusual, but it was this quietness that made Yanyun Shibaqi feel the danger.

They are very familiar with the surrounding area. Under normal circumstances, there will be some small animals in the canyon, and there will be small birds nesting on the cliffs, and they will cry from time to time. It will never be so quiet that there is no sound at all.

"Scout!" Yan Yi ordered, "Explore the way."

The two took the lead, and their bodies disappeared from everyone's eyes after a few jumps. Their movements were light and fast, and it was difficult for the naked eye to catch them.

"General, there is an ambush!" After a while, a voice came from the valley, followed by two screams.

There was some panic in the crowd, the woman had panic in her eyes, while the child's face was full of fear.

Suddenly, on both sides of the valley, neat figures appeared one after another, there were nearly ten thousand people in total, and two young people who were [-]% similar in appearance came out.

"Wang Dong and Wang Wei of Tiansheng Kingdom have been waiting here for a long time."

These two people turned out to be the two brothers Wang Dong and Wang Wei who had returned from the wasteland. It was said that after Wang Dong failed to attack and kill Ye Feng, he had no face to return to the Holy Taoist Academy, so the two brothers returned to the Land of Hundred Kingdoms together.

When he heard that Chu Qianfeng was going to deal with Yan State, Wang Dong thought of Ye Feng, and the hatred in his heart was hard to contain, so he made a plan to destroy Ye Feng's family.

Join forces with the Three Kingdoms to destroy Yan.

Because Tiansheng Kingdom is far away, the brothers only brought 1 people with them, but these 1 people are all the elites, and those with the lowest level have also stepped into the spirit wheel.

Their role was to intercept and kill those who escaped from the Yan Kingdom. As early as the beginning, Chu Qianfeng had no intention of letting anyone in the Yan Kingdom go, even if it was just ordinary people.

Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry looked dignified, and 18 people stood in front of them, allowing the accompanying elites to protect the women and children behind them. Fortunately, the canyon road here is narrow, so they only need to guard the front.

Wang Dong and Wang Wei came hand in hand, [-] soldiers lined up neatly behind them, their bows and crossbows were fully drawn, aiming at the civilians of Yan State.

Wang Dong grinned grimly and said, "I've heard for a long time that Yanyun's eighteen riders under the throne of Yannan Tian are brave and good at fighting, and I will learn from them today."

Yan Yi said: "We and Tiansheng Kingdom do not interfere with each other, why do you bother to make trouble?"

"If you want to blame, blame Ye Feng."

Yan Shiqi said: "It seems that you have suffered a lot from Ye Feng. If he were here, you would not dare to be so arrogant."

"Don't mention the bastard's name in front of me."

Yan Yi said: "There are ordinary people behind us, let them go, our brothers will meet you when we stay here."

"None of you can leave today." Wang Wei said cruelly.

"In that case, let's fight!"

Yan Yi is not a reckless person. He has already seen that the two brothers Wang Dong and Wang Wei are both in the Lingfu realm, and there is no threat to the complete Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry. won't make a difference.

"Construct the formation!" Yan Yi gave the order, and the 18 people changed their positions, and skillfully sacrificed the Big Dipper Nine Suns Formation. Nine rounds of scorching sun descended on the void, and a flame light curtain condensed in front of them, sealing the valley intersection.


With Yan Yi's order, nine rounds of scorching sun bombarded Wang Dong and Wang Wei from different directions. This attack already possessed the power of the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Spirit Mansion, and it was definitely not something the two of them could resist.

However, Wang Dong's expression did not change, he only heard him say disdainfully: "National Teacher, it seems that I still want to ask you to take action."

As soon as the words fell, a stormy sea blew up on the flat ground, and a water wall hundreds of meters tall rose from the ground, blocking the attack of the Big Dipper and Nine Suns Formation.

A man in blue stands proudly in the void, surrounded by nine water dragons.

The national teacher of Tiansheng Kingdom, half-step fortune.

Unexpectedly, the other party also brought a half-step fortune-telling powerhouse, and the heart of Yanyun Shibaqi sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant. This person was definitely not something they could defeat.

However, Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry had no way out. Originally they could escape, but once they left, the innocent people behind them would be massacred, so they could not retreat.

"Brothers, do you still remember the vows we made when we became sworn brothers?"

"I don't want to be born in the same year, but I want to die on the same day!" The 18 people roared in unison. In the desperate situation, their fighting spirit soared to the sky.


The nine scorching suns gathered together again, and the 18 people gathered all their strength to attack Tiansheng Guoshi in midair.

"The mayfly shakes the tree!"

The nine water dragons roared down, easily annihilating the nine scorching suns, and then fell directly towards the Eighth Horsemen of Yanyun.

Half-step good fortune has been able to grasp some of the power of good fortune, the strength of Tiansheng Guoshi is enough to crush Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry, the two sides are not at the same level at all.

Looking at the pouring water dragons, all the people showed despair on their faces. This is simply not a force that human beings can contend with.

The exclamation of the woman and the cry of the child came and went, but there was no sympathy on the faces of Wang Dong and Wang Wei, only cruel smiles.

"Brothers, explode your soul!" After Yan Yi gave his orders, Yan Yun Eighteen rode on him, and at the same time, there was a violent fluctuation of spiritual power, and they flew up into the sky at the same time, facing the water dragon.

Detonating their souls is their last resort.

At this moment, the sky suddenly changed. The left half of the sky turned red gold, and the right sky turned golden.

From the sky, red gold and golden flames swept down, and the nine water dragons were wiped out in an instant.

Yanyun Shibaqi, who was about to explode his soul, suddenly felt that he was surrounded by a gentle force, and the trembling spiritual power in his body calmed down.

Four beams of light descended from the sky, turning into four figures standing above the void.

"You have worked hard, and then leave it to me."

Ye Feng was fluttering in white clothes, and on his handsome face, it was hard to hide the monstrous killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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