Chapter 384 Methods
Hearing that Si Nan came to Baidi City to propose marriage, Li Xiangchuan, who was clamoring to buy wine just now, suddenly lost his voice.

The atmosphere in the private room instantly dropped to freezing point.

The waitress had goosebumps all over her body, and asked timidly: "Misters and ladies, if I have no other orders, I will go out first?"

Ye Feng waved her hand, and she left the private room as if she had been pardoned, and she even forgot to close the door.

"He came so fast!" Li Xiangchuan murmured, as if he had lost his soul.

Fatty also put away his joking look, and jokes are jokes. The reason why he had a fight with Li Xiangchuan before was because he knew that he was depressed and wanted him to release it.

Ever since meeting Sinan outside the border town, Li Xiangchuan hardly had a smile on his face.

In terms of appearance, Li Xiangchuan is no worse than Si Nan, but in terms of strength, Li Xiangchuan is far behind. Hovering beyond eighty.

What's more, judging from his background, Sinan is the youngest son of the patriarch of the Five Elements Sect. , Looking at the leopard in the tube, it can be seen how high Sinan's status in the Five Elements Gate is.

But Li Xiangchuan is just an unknown person from the land of a hundred countries. Even if he has a little reputation, it is only because he is the heir of Qiankun Yidao, but that's all. Compared with Sinan, it can be said that he is very different. .

Perhaps, Li Xiangchuan's strength will surpass Sinan's in the future, but it will definitely not be now.

"Xiangchuan, don't worry, it's just a marriage proposal, senior Bai Yuan may not agree." Ye Feng comforted.

"Ye Feng, don't comfort me. Bai Chuan said before that Sinan and Bai Lin already have a marriage contract. Now that Sinan comes to propose marriage, it's a matter of course."

"Fart!" Fatty scolded angrily, "Men are unmarried, women are unmarried, it's not a matter of course, as long as you don't get married, you have the freedom to choose, and even if Bai Yuan agrees, we can still snatch the marriage."

"The big deal, the big deal is that I don't want to lose face. When I go back to Tianshan, I just call a few brothers and sisters. It's not a problem to snatch Bai Lin away."

Ye Feng was secretly startled, could it be that the strength of Tianshan is already so strong, a few disciples dare to go to Baidi City to snatch people.

This is not taking top sects seriously.

However, Ye Feng didn't think that the disciples of Tianshan would really do this. If they did, it would undoubtedly lead to a deadly battle between the two sects.

"No need, fat man, you go, I want to drink alone."

"Drink and drink, what happens after drinking?" Ye Feng suddenly angrily said, "Do you think that getting drunk can solve the problem? Will Bai Yuan reject Si Nan's marriage proposal?"

"Don't be naive, escape, it won't solve any problems."

"At this point, you have only one option."

Li Xiangchuan looked at Ye Feng, the fat man also looked at Ye Feng, and everyone else looked at Ye Feng, and everyone waited for him to speak.

"Go propose marriage!"

"It's ridiculous." Li Xiangchuan said, "Ye Feng, I'm not in the mood to joke right now."

"I'm not joking with you." Ye Feng said, "Since Sinan and Bai Lin already have a marriage contract, now that Sinan comes to propose marriage, even if Bai Yuan wants to refuse, there is no reason, otherwise it will easily lead to conflicts between Wuxingmen and Baidi City." fighting."

"Unless someone else can give him a reason."

"And you and Bai Lin are in love, if you can propose marriage, it will be the best reason for Bai Yuan to reject the Five Elements Sect."

"What kind of reason is this? How can I compare with Si Nan?"

"You have some confidence in yourself, okay?" Ye Feng said, "Sinan's current strength is stronger than yours, but your potential is definitely higher than his."

"He is the youngest son of the suzerain of the Five Elements Sect, and you are also a descendant of Dao Kuang. When Senior Dao Kuang was alive, his reputation was far greater than that of the Five Elements Sect."

"Tell me, what is it about you that is not as good as that Simon?"

Lu Tianqi also said: "Although Ye Feng is a little excited, what he said is not unreasonable, Xiangchuan, if you haven't even tried it, how do you know it will not work?"

"If you give up without even trying, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"Think about it, if Bai Lin likes you, how can she marry someone else? If you give up, it will only cause pain for both of you."

"You forgot that when Ye Feng was in Chu State, he also faced a similar predicament as you. He was even more helpless than you, because he was alone at that time, but you were different, you had us."

"Ye Feng can do it, you are his brother, can't you?"

Seeing Lu Tianqi's agitated expression, Huang sighed in her heart, maybe when she said these words, she was also reprimanding herself.

She likes Ye Feng, but she gives up when she can't even confess her love.

She seemed to be scolding Li Xiangchuan, but she was scolding herself.

Among those present, perhaps only Huang could understand what she meant.

Even the stern Jiang Hen said: "When my life and soul were broken, you persuaded me not to give up. Now, the same thing, I will give it back to you. As long as you do it, there will be miracles."

Everyone looked at Li Xiangchuan, Ye Feng said: "Go ahead, brothers support you."

The reason why Ye Feng encouraged Li Xiangchuan to propose marriage was not because he acted impulsively, but with certainty.

Bai Yuan rescued them back then, and then sent Bai Chuan to fetch Bai Lin back.

With Bai Yuan's sophistication, it was impossible not to see the delicate affection between Li Xiangchuan and Bai Lin at that time. However, when Bai Chuan came later, he did not show any dislike for Li Xiangchuan, and instead took the initiative to tell Sinan about Sinan's situation. he.

Even, the words were full of encouragement, as if he was happy to see Li Xiangchuan compare Sinan.

There are various indications that the relationship between the Bai family and the Five Elements Gate is not very good. Neither Bai Yuan nor Bai Chuan are very happy to marry Bai Lin to Si Nan.

At this time, as long as Li Xiangchuan is brave, things may turn around unexpectedly, but Li Xiangchuan is a fan of the authorities, otherwise, with his delicate mind, how could he not see this.

Feeling everyone's sincere encouragement, Li Xiangchuan suddenly felt that things didn't seem so bad. Everyone was right. Give it a try, and there is still hope. If you don't try, you will definitely regret it in the future.

Moreover, Ye Feng is a typical example. When he faced Chu Qianfeng and Chu Tianxing back then, the situation was much worse than it is now.

"Thank you everyone, I will not give up." Li Xiangchuan said, his eyes regained the firmness of the past.

"Okay!" Ye Feng said with a smile, "You look like a man, don't worry, brother, I absolutely support you, no matter what dowry Sinan offers, we will double it!"

"Then I won't be polite." Li Xiangchuan said.

"You're welcome. For the time being, you borrowed it. After you enter Baidi City, you can find a way to pay me back."

"How many times do I have to say, I won't be a door-to-door son-in-law!" Seeing that Li Xiangchuan was about to run away again, everyone rushed away.

Early the next morning, a shocking news came out.

Li Xiangchuan, who came from a land of hundreds of countries, formally proposed marriage to Baidi City and wanted to marry Bai Lin. It is said that his invitation was personally sent to the Bai family by a disciple of Tianshan.

However, what is even more shocking is that although Bai Yuan did not say anything about this matter, someone saw Bai Lin's elder brother Bai Chuan leaving the Bai family with a fat man who was suspected to be a disciple of Tianshan.

(End of this chapter)

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