I'm going to beat the devil

Chapter 42 Live Fire Training

Chapter 42 Live Fire Training
How to do?How to do?What should we do now?
After much deliberation, Xiao Lin couldn't think of a good solution, so he shouted: "All people above the team leader, come to the meeting."

There is no way, and now, the Zhuge Liang meeting can only be held.One person can't think of a good solution, but if two or three of them think together, they can always come up with a good solution.

Isn't there an old saying in China that three cobblers can top one Zhuge Liang?Kobayashi thought so.

As soon as he was seated, Xiao Lin said loudly: "The current situation must be very clear to everyone. I guess that the Eighth Road has blocked all our roads with drug mines last night. I hope everyone can come up with a good idea. Find a way, otherwise, this hillside will be our grave."

"Ah? How could it be like this?"

Many little devil officers are belatedly aware, and only now understand what happened.

Xiaolin was right. Since the Eighth Route had planted landmines, it was impossible to plant only a few mines. They must have planted small landmines all around them.

A ghost officer said: "Captain, are we worrying too much? Have you ever thought that the Eight Routes might be trying to scare us! In fact, where did the Eight Routes get so many landmines?"

Kobayashi said: "Squadron leader today, I think what you said is very reasonable. Since this is the case, I will give you a task now. You lead me with your squadron, as long as you give us a way out , then you have done a great job.”

Today's squadron leader was dumbfounded.Are the consequences of opposing leadership really that serious?He had no choice but to stand at attention and say hi loudly, then went out to assemble the team.

As soon as the devils heard Jinzhong's words, they stopped doing it immediately. One of the devil's squad leaders said to him: "Squadron leader, if you let us go to the front, we have no problem at all. But if you let us go to thunder, We won’t do it even if we kill it. This is basically what the engineering team does, so how can we let us do it?”

Jinzhong was very angry, he pulled out the bastard box and roared loudly: "This is an order, execute the order immediately, otherwise you will die."

He was so angry.Just now he was bullied by the captain, and now these subordinates are not obedient, how can he not be angry?
The leader of the devil subdivision immediately shrank, and just said that he would not do it if he was killed, but now seeing the gun in the squadron leader's hand, he knew that if he didn't do it again, he would be killed immediately.

So, more than 100 people in a devil squadron began to spread out as much as possible.In this way, even if it is bombed, it is only one person, and no one else will be implicated.

The most important thing is that as long as one devil can get out, it proves that there are no small mines on this road, and the devils behind can go out as long as they follow this devil.

If the devils are willing, let one or two devils go out directly, and if they are bombed, change one or two people and continue walking.

Maybe they can really go out, but the problem is, who will do such an order, maybe they will just turn around and shoot you, if you want to die, everyone will die together.

To issue such an order, unless the officer takes the lead, which officer dares to take the lead?

And, it has to be a theory without human interference.If the enemy counterattacks, this will not work.

And on the opposite mountain, Captain Zhang found Wang Zha on the top of the mountain, and wanted to slap him on the back of the head, but at this moment he was in a good mood, how could he hit him?
He said cheerfully: "Wang Zha, I didn't expect that you really have a set. How can you catch a turtle in a jar? You are trying to suffocate the devil! Hahahaha..."

Wang Zha smiled and said, "Commander, have all the soldiers been brought out yet?"

Commander Zhang said: "That's necessary. When the soldiers heard that there was live-fire training, they all ran faster than mice. Even the wounded wanted to come here. Where is the live-fire training you mentioned?"

Wang Zha laughed and said: "Regimental Commander, you send all the soldiers to the commanding heights of the surrounding mountains to ambush. Each platoon leader sends a walkie-talkie, and you will know where there is live ammunition training after a while."

Head Zhang quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and began to issue orders.After issuing the order, Commander Zhang said cheerfully, "Wang Zha, it's better to use the thing you made. With this thing to command the battle, I don't have to worry anymore. The battle order is not in place. Haha ..."

The two talked there for a while, and Wang Zha's sharp eyes suddenly saw the little devil make a move.

Quickly pointing to the little devil's hillside, he said, "Have you seen the captain? The little devil has come out, and they are so scattered. You can let the soldiers start live-fire training."

Head Zhang looked at it, ouch, it really is, at a distance of 90 meters, if you want to hit the devil, you really need a certain level of marksmanship. It really is the best live ammunition training!
The Eighth Route Army was too poor, and they were usually not willing to let the soldiers practice in actual combat. In fact, they really did not have this condition.

But now there is no such worry, even if the bullets are finished, it is worth it!

As soon as Commander Zhang's order was issued, gunshots rang out all around.

More than 100 devils, the leader of the current squadron, walked there tremblingly, and they haven't found an area with landmines yet!The gunshots from the 8th road on the opposite side rang out.

Although the marksmanship of the 8th Route is not very good, it still knocked out more than a dozen.At this moment, the devils all lay on the ground, pointing their guns everywhere.

However, they don't even know where Balu is hiding, so how can they fight?They just lay on the ground and didn't move, so at least they didn't have to go to those small mines.

Wang Bo picked up the walkie-talkie and said to the soldiers in his class: "Brothers, it's time for you to show your power. Those little devils thought we couldn't beat them if they lay on the ground. Brothers, today we will give the little devils Take a good lesson."

After Wang Zha finished speaking, he put down the headset, picked up a handful of [-] caps, and started aiming there.

There is no way, he has to kill more devils, there are no more devils in his system.

Head Zhang just heard that Wang Zhachang is capable, but as for how capable he is, he has never seen it.

At this time, he approached curiously and asked: "Wang Zha, all the devils are lying on the ground, can you do it? If you can't, don't waste bullets!"

Feelings, you are afraid of wasting bullets!

Wang Zha pointed his gun at the devil on the opposite side and said, "Commander, if it's okay, you can see it with a telescope!"

Head Zhang nodded, picked up the binoculars and began to look.Scattered gunshots rang out.

Then Captain Zhang's eyes widened suddenly, because even though the devil on the opposite side was lying on the ground, as long as the gun fired, some devil's head would be blown off.

Hula la!Arrive at three o'clock, ask for a ticket.Tomorrow's chapter will come later, no way, this is the first snow in 2002.

(End of this chapter)

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