Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 117 Pei Hao's Attitude

Chapter 117 Pei Hao's Attitude
But he didn't know that the housekeeper thought that Yun Shu was busy making medicine for their second young master in his room all this time, so he was very impressed.Look at this sweaty girl, Miss Yun is still very kind.

Kind girl Yun, this society is instructing the maid to give Pei Hao medicine.

She had thought about it, even though she had chosen the profession of doctor, she still had to be careful, not to do anything if she could.It's not that she's afraid of gossip, but that she has an extra family, and she doesn't want Qin to worry about hearing gossip.

What's more, she didn't have to do it herself, she was happy and at ease.

The maid had cleaned the wound with salt water as Yun Shu said before, and now Pei Hao's wound is not as scary as it was at first.

Maybe it was a little uncomfortable, the person who fell asleep, hummed a few times, there were signs of waking up.

After Yun Shu saw it, he unhurriedly asked the maid to apply the ointment.

When she went to the street the day before yesterday, she went to find Wang Caifeng, but he was quick to do things, and he had already made some of the bottles she wanted.These ready-made medicines were all packed in bottles, but she was afraid of revealing their secrets, so she came out and put them in the small dish prepared by the housekeeper.

It's the same color as the ointment that Yun Shu made before, it's dark and ugly, but as long as you use it, you will feel good.

Sure enough, less than 2 minutes after the ointment was applied, the eyelids of the person on the bed moved again, probably because they felt the coolness of the wound, and their eyes were already half-opened.

The maid just stepped back after applying the medicine. Yun Shu summoned the butler, and the two stood by the bed and watched.

"Miss Yun, your medicine is really amazing. My young master woke up after just a while?" There was no movement, and the body couldn't take it anymore, so I went back.

Yun Shu smiled and shook her head, "I'm not so magical, it's just temporary. If you want to recover this morning, it's best not to get out of bed for a few days."

In fact, it's just inflammation, the wound won't swell like this. Yun Shu guessed that the second young master must have been active, and there was a lot of movement.

Hearing Yun Shu's hint, the butler looked helpless, "There have been a lot of things these days, and the second young master complained to the young master again. It was fine before, but then he got angry, and it's like this. In addition, the second young master is a lively person Our servants can't do anything about it."

This was already an internal matter of the Pei family, but the housekeeper told Yun Shu without any precautions, probably because he thought she was not the kind of talkative person.

"No matter what, you still have to bear it." Yun Shu said lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Pei Hao on the bed seemed to be aware of something and opened his eyes. At first, those eyes were a little chaotic, but after turning around and falling on the housekeeper, he became sober.

His lips were a little dry, but his lips were moving but no sound came out, probably because he was a little anxious and struggling to get up.

"Second young master can't do it." The butler stopped him, but Yun Shu subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold him down.

Pei Hao's eyes immediately shifted to her, his eyes changed repeatedly, and the butler next to him was about to introduce, "Second Young Master, this one is for you..."

Before he finished speaking, Pei Hao reached out and slapped Yun Shu on the arm.

There was a loud 'pop', which didn't hurt, Yun Shu withdrew his hand, frowned and looked at it, but met a pair of shameful and angry eyes, Pei Hao looked around the room again, this time he finally made a sound, " ... where's the eldest brother?"

The butler was embarrassed for beating Yun Shu for his young master, and he hadn't apologized yet. Hearing Pei Hao's words, he quickly comforted him, "The young master is in the study, I'll let someone call him, young master, don't move around anymore, what's the matter?" Let's wait until the body recovers, and the young master and the master are very worried about torturing themselves like this."

Pei Hao seemed to be being honest. He had a pale face with a bad expression, and after a while, his voice came again in a deep voice, "I don't want to see her, let her go out."

The housekeeper and Yun Shu were stunned at the same time, but Yun Shu was the first to understand that she was referring to herself.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at the person on the bed. The other person felt her gaze and stared at him. His eyes were as angry as before but a little bit ashamed. Yun Shu looked at him inexplicably.

"Second Young Master, this is..." The housekeeper also understood, and wanted to say something, but Pei Hao raised his voice, "I won't listen, let her out!"

When it came to the fact that the voice in the back had become hoarse and there was no volume, the housekeeper dared not speak any more.

He glanced at Yun Shu apologetically, "Miss Yun, I'm really sorry, how about you..."

"It's okay, I just want to go back." Although Yun Shu also felt that Pei Hao's reaction to her was inexplicable, she didn't think much about it. Maybe the people in the Pei family have strange personalities.

The butler escorted her to the room, and when he left the door, he took a small brocade box from the maid waiting beside him and handed it over, "This is the consultation fee prepared by the young master, Miss Yun, please keep it."

"For me?" Yun Shu was stunned for a moment and took it. She opened it in front of several people without any hesitation, and put a few ingots of silver in the missing piece. It looked about 50 taels, and she covered it again. Then the butler's voice continued, "Eldest Young Master said that he may trouble Miss Yun later, please include it."

Even if it's the end, the consultation fee is quite a lot. Yun Shu thought for a while, and took out a bottle from his sleeve, "I don't want to take it for nothing. This is the ointment my master made for me. The second young master's wound Using this later may speed up the recovery, so the housekeeper will keep it for now."

Healing the wound?
The housekeeper took it with a happy face, but after looking at it, he found that the bottle was very ordinary and there was no mark on it. He was not disgusted, but rather surprised, "Why is there no mark if it is medicine? If it is sold, it will be easy to confuse it." ?”

"No, these medicines haven't been sold yet. My master thinks it's troublesome. He made some other medicines because a few patients he treated asked him to ask him, so this medicine can't be bought outside."

The housekeeper was surprised. It was the first time he heard that some people would not sell medicine because they thought it was troublesome.

Since Miss Xin Daoyun is so powerful, his master is naturally better, so he suddenly wanted to meet her mysterious master.

Yun Shu left Pei's mansion with the box in his arms, and just after taking a few steps, there was another shout from behind, and when she turned her head, she saw a servant of Pei's mansion carrying some bottles, and she took a closer look to see that they were the ones she bought earlier.

At that time, I followed the butler, but I forgot about this thing, and I didn't expect to bring it to me.

"Miss Yun, this is your thing."

"Thank you." Yun Shu accepted and nodded at the other party, but the servant was a little shy.

She immediately left Pei's mansion, walked a few steps to the small road, and walked a few intersections before putting the things in her hands into the space.

When Xindao came out, the door of the shop was still open, and the people here should not be interested in those logs.

There was no rush, and he slowly swayed around.

There was an intersection ahead, and Yun Shu was about to go out to the street from the front, but he only took a few steps when he heard someone talking from the side, so he glanced subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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