Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 119 The Shop Opens

Chapter 119 The Shop Opens

Under Yun Shu's attire, the embroidery shop in the town opened silently.

The night before the opening of the shop, she worked until dark before going back. Before leaving, she had already put away all the things that the Qin family had made these days.

The wooden frames are about one meter in a row, and there are small holes every ten centimeters. Yun Shu hangs the finished product on it with a thin light white thread.

It’s neat and tidy, beautiful and novel, and there are transparent beads bought from the booth next to it. At a glance, it looks like a work of art.

Because there are not many, each shelf is only placed in one row, but it looks like a lot.

Early the next morning, she came to the shop with the morning breeze.

The signboard has already been put up, and there is no joy of opening, only three simple words: Yunxiu Pavilion.

Because her surname is Yun, and her mother's name is Qin Xiulan, they each take one character, which is the origin of the name.

When Yun Shu opened the door, he put the advertisement written by someone last night on the left and right of the gate.

On the left: Grand opening bargain, no bargaining for [-] yuan for all items, free pulse consultation for the top five, limited to one purchase.

Right: Customize various embroidery work, the same price but different types, the top ten customizers will give away ancestral beauty cream.

I still remember the incredulous gaze of the boss when Yun Shu asked someone to write for him. He probably had never seen anything before, and what he wrote was even more strange and unimaginable.

But she can't think of complicated things, these are all sales methods following the modern look.

In short, everyone has a curiosity, and she doesn't believe that even a single guest can't be recruited.

After opening the door, she opened the door and hung a transparent bead curtain on the door so that people outside could not see clearly inside, adding to the sense of mystery.

"Well, is it inconvenient for me to go in?" An awkward voice came from outside the door.

Yun Shu was checking whether there were any badly placed ones. When she heard the voice, she saw Uncle Zhang, a carpenter raising money at the door. Seeing his restless appearance, she smiled, "Uncle Zhang, did you scare me?"

"That's not true, it just doesn't look like a man can come in." Carpenter Zhang accidentally told the truth, and then smiled awkwardly at Yun Shu.

Yun Shu didn't mind either. She moved aside to reveal the shelf behind her. Seeing Carpenter Zhang's curious expression, she explained, "My mother made these stitch by stitch. You can't buy them nearby. Uncle Zhang wants them." Look. It's also suitable to buy these things as a gift for a girl at home. For the first five people who buy them, I will also help you get a pulse diagnosis for free. If it's Uncle Zhang, I will make an exception and give you one more thing."

"There is indeed a girl in my family who got married at the end of the year. You said that, and I just remembered that I, as a father, never seem to have bought anything for my daughter."

Carpenter Zhang had already seen the sign when he came in, and he knew that these little things were not cheap.

The price may be expensive for others, but he has been in business for many years, and he does not have much money in his hands, but he is also loose. In addition, Yun Shu also said to send pulses and things, and he said before that he would open to support, so he nodded , "Then take one, I don't know how to read, you pick one for me."

Yun Shu asked about her daughter's favorite clothes and picked out a plain sachet.

Carpenter Zhang was a little puzzled when he took it, "Why don't you pick up a purse." That sachet can also be used to decorate things, but this sachet always feels useless.

"Uncle Zhang, just go and deliver it. After your girl takes it for a full day, she will know the benefits of it." Yun Shu said sternly.

"Okay then. Just check the pulse. When you feel uncomfortable, you can help Uncle Zhang." He had heard Yun Shu say that he had learned some medical skills before, but he didn't think too much about it.

"And this, Uncle Zhang, keep it safe and tell your daughter to wipe it three times a day." Yun Shu didn't forget the gift she mentioned, this is the beauty cream she mentioned at the door.

In fact, it is just an ordinary skin care product, the effect must be there, and it can be seen with the naked eye, but it is not an exaggeration.

Carpenter Zhang went out with one thing in each hand, and the light was better when he left the room. He looked at the sachet again, and thought that the things in his daughter's house were pretty nice, and there was nothing wrong with the Xindao shop, so he wanted to go back first. Give something to my daughter.

But I didn't know that after returning home, I was told by my wife.

I bought two things that can be seen everywhere on the street for a hundred coins, but after all, I spent all the money, so I still need to use it.

Zhang Carpenter's originally good mood was also affected, and it was because his daughter said sweetly that she liked it very much, and showed him that it really matched, so he was a little happier.

Looking at this side again, after Carpenter Zhang left, no one came from Yunxiu Pavilion.

Maybe it's too early, all the old men and women who pass by will take a look at the sign, but most of them can't read, so they don't want to look at it.

Yun Shu sat in the store for a while and saw no one was there, so he took his medical skills and started reading.

It dragged on like this until almost noon, when the crisp sound of the bead curtain hitting the door came, she looked up and saw two young girls coming in.

She said she was a little girl, but she looked a year or two older than Yun Shu.

He should have understood the characters at the door, and he was curious, so he came in to have a look.I came here with the feeling of not buying something if it’s not good.

Seeing them coming in, Yun Shu looked around strangely, and had no desire to buy, so she stood by and let them watch. Occasionally, the two girls would exchange something in a low voice. Although she didn't say anything, Yun Shu saw them touching their purses Afterwards, liking flashed in his eyes.

You know, it's because you hate the price.

A hundred cash is enough to buy a lot of things here, and Yunshu's price is relatively several times higher than that of similar things.But since she opened the store and packaged it, she was bound to take a higher-level route, not to mention that she had already thought about a series of promotional activities, which would definitely make the characters she bought more worthwhile.

The two girls hesitated for a long time, and finally raised money and came to Yun Shu, asking if it could be cheaper.

It seems that I want to buy a purse, and I don't have much spare money, so I don't want to spend all of it on it.

Yun Shu pointed to the sign at the door and waved his hand, "No bargaining."

One sentence made the two of them give up instantly, muttered something about asking for a price, reluctantly looked at the purse for a few more times, and left.

The same situation happened about two or three times. Yun Shu was looking forward to it at first, but after being given up several times, she also became numb.

On the first day of opening the store, she didn't ask for any business. Anyway, as long as someone buys it, the store will not lose money.

After eating casually at noon, she read the medical book as usual, leisurely as if she was not in business.

At noon, the bead curtain was raised again, she subconsciously put down the medical books and stood up, when she saw who was coming in, she sat back without even looking.

"This is the shop you opened? If you have time to do these things, why don't you study medical books well? Your master is so capable, why doesn't he teach you more, instead he wastes time doing these things." It was Xu Fuyuan who came in, and he looked at a room full of women things, with a look of disgust.

Coincidentally, when he went shopping on the street and saw Yun Shu also buying food, he followed her in a heartbeat, but saw her enter this shop, and later asked a sugar seller next to him, and it turned out that she opened it , so I decided to come in and have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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