Chapter 122
At the end of the You era, the Pei family compound was still brightly lit.

In Jingyi's room, Mr. Pei was sitting behind the table, at the gate, and Pei Yu was standing at the door, with neither joy nor anger on his face, but his displeasure could be felt.

"Yu'er, Dad is also thinking of you." Master Pei looked devastated, and he seemed to spend half his life in a few words, persuasively, "The Xie family is basically the same as our Pei family. Dad looks like this now. I can't help you either, but if you get married to the Xie family, let's not talk about business stability, even you don't have to work so hard, dad loves you..."

There is no one in his own family who does not feel sorry for his son, not to mention that the eldest son is smart and capable, Mr. Pei has now taken it easy, he doesn't need to see the size of the Pei family property before he dies, he just wants to watch his two sons get married and have children.

There are only a few families that can be counted in this small town. The Jiang family has a marriage contract with someone, so he cares a little bit; There are several other families, think about it, only Miss Xie Jiasan is worthy of a son.

If not, he would have to go to Beijing, but the place was full of fish and dragons, and he said that he didn't want his son to be involved in it.

"Father! You don't need to take care of the Pei family's affairs, let alone my affairs. You just need to take care of your health and solve the biggest trouble for me." He obviously has more patience with Mr. Pei, even when He forced the marriage, but Pei Yu's expression remained calm.

"But I can't let go." Seeing his son like this, Master Pei said unwillingly, "You were not there the day before yesterday, and the boss of the Xie family came here, and he mentioned it to me. Miss, haven't you seen her before, she also likes you very much, she wants to ask you to visit the horse factory tomorrow, and there will be several other people at that time, so she won't be uncomfortable."

This time Pei Yu finally lost his face, he never thought that Master Pei would directly decide the matter.

"I've already promised you that I'll go to Xie's horse farm around six o'clock tomorrow morning. Just in time for you to relax, the housekeeper said that you don't have much free time today, and you haven't eaten dinner." Master Pei has made up his mind, even if he speaks a little There is no momentum, but he still expresses his toughness.

"It's getting late, dad should go to bed earlier, don't worry about the Xie family, I won't be going tomorrow." Pei Yu looked back at his own dad, and confessed with a firm attitude.He didn't look into Master Pei's sad eyes, turned and left without any hesitation.

As the night fell on Pei Yu's back, that back became more straight and aloof.

Master Pei looked at it with cloudy eyes, and there was a trace of bitterness in the corner of his mouth.

When it was late at night and everyone was falling asleep, Yun Shu was uncomfortable in the space.

After exercising, she took out the modified medicine as planned. This time, there was no redness all over her body, let alone swollen arms, but her abdomen was itchy and crisp like a cat's scratch.

The feeling was so vivid that she once wondered if she had accidentally made an aphrodisiac.

Fortunately, the feeling wasn't uncomfortable, and she hunched over on the ground and endured it for an hour before the itchiness gradually subsided.

Looking outside, the sky was already dark, and there was no movement to be heard.

She slowly got up from the ground, got some spring water to wash her face, and felt alive again.

Xin Dao didn't know how effective the medicine was, and after her heart was completely calm, she tried to use the inner strength method taught by Xu Fuyuan again.

1 minute passed, as usual, I didn't feel anything, and the same for 5 minutes.Yun Shu persisted for seven or eight minutes, trying to stop and think about what was wrong. In the past, no matter what kind of medicine, the testers said they had a reaction, but this time...

Just when she was about to stop, a strange feeling flashed across her abdomen, which was fast and wonderful, and Yun Shu caught it almost instantly. She was so excited that she resisted the urge to yell, according to what Xu Fuyuan once said The previous method guides the internal force to wander.

That's right, it's inner strength!
After practicing for so many days without internal strength, it finally appeared today.

After half an hour, the internal force had stabilized, and Yun Shu also felt the feeling that Xu Fuyuan had mentioned.

She wasn't sure whether it was the result of her own practice or the effect of the medicine just now, but it was a pity that she only took one pill, and it was too late now, and she had to get up early tomorrow, so she had to postpone it.

Because now she has more important things to do.

Xu Fuyuan said that his lightness kung fu can be practical as long as he has internal strength, it's just a matter of sticking to the length and flying height.

Imagine the feeling of practicing hard some time ago, Yun Shu's first experiment, he grasped the feeling almost instantly, and the whole person soared into the air smoothly.

Same as last time, only two meters shorter, but it was enough to make her excited.

Just less than 1 minute after taking off, there was a feeling of weight loss from the body.

She knew that it was caused by her too shallow internal strength, so she breathed in early and jumped down before landing.

As soon as the soles of his feet were on the ground, an unbearable excitement lingered in Yun Shu's heart.

She looked at her body, still in disbelief.

After thinking for so long, studying for so long, and practicing every day, she finally learned the lightness kung fu as she wished.

In other words, she no longer has to be afraid of those people flying around in front of her arrogantly.

Worried that internal strength was just an illusion, Yun Shu spent the next half hour practicing.

Every time she flew for a while, she stopped for a while to wait for her internal strength to recover, and practiced repeatedly many times. I don't know if it was an illusion, but the flying time was actually extended.

From the first 1 minute to the next 5 minutes, although it was a bit strenuous, it was a great improvement.

He planned to go to Xu Fuyuan tomorrow night to inquire about the situation.

This night Yun Shu didn't go to bed until midnight. She was too excited to calm down, and she tossed and turned on the bed for a long time before falling asleep.It's just that even in a dream, the person in the dream is flying around, until she wakes up in the morning, she feels that the person is flying.

But the consequence of too complicated and violent dreams is that after waking up, there is still a feeling of drowsiness.

Qin once again saw her daughter's slightly curved lips when she got up early in the morning, and she was in a good mood.

Not only because of this, but also because of the changes in the villagers.

When Du Qiu came to look for her yesterday, there were several other people with her. They seemed to know the Qin family a lot since they came to chat at home last time. When they met Du Qiu on the way, they asked to follow.

Later, Mrs. Qin kept them for lunch, talking about family matters, and they got along very well.

Village name used to look at Qin's a little differently, whether he didn't smile or not, he was different from them. He thought it was difficult to get along with, but he didn't know that it would be okay to understand.

In addition, every word has a family, so if you have nothing to do, you can talk about your son and daughter, and it takes a long time to talk.

The purse Yunshu Qin made earlier has been taken away, and she is still rushing to work these days.The women in the village saw her embroidery work for the first time, and found that the embroidery method was vivid, so they would ask for advice, and the Qin family did not hide it.

In just one day, Qin's favorability in their hearts has been rising steadily.

(End of this chapter)

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