Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 124 Special Sachet

Chapter 124 Special Sachet
Meat and pastry?
Uncle Zhang was stunned for a long time, he didn't wake up, he thought it was a hallucination.

It wasn't until the daughter said some words intermittently, and the whole person kept circling in front of him, and a wisp of fragrance came from his nostrils, that he gradually realized something.

The daughter told him that when she woke up in the morning to wash her body, she found a pleasant and light floral fragrance on her body. At first, she didn't know it, but she didn't realize it until Aunt Zhang asked her daughter if she had put on perfume.

After searching all over her body, she finally found the source of the fragrance. It was the sachet that was disliked by the mother and daughter yesterday? !

She carried the sachet with her for a whole day yesterday, and after she went to bed and changed her clothes, she placed it by the bedside. She didn't expect it to have such an effect.

Later, I couldn't help being excited, and woke up Uncle Zhang just to ask where Uncle Zhang bought the sachet.

Uncle Zhang still remembers the joyful eyes his wife and daughter looked at him when he left home in the morning: he finally bought a good thing.

"I came here in such a hurry just to buy another one. Do you still have that one?" Uncle Zhang was a little uncomfortable when he said this. So I asked him to buy one as soon as possible.

It was rare that there was an object that his wife liked, so he naturally hurried to it, fearing that the good things would be bought away.

"Master, do you mean that after wearing this sachet, it will smell very fragrant when you wake up in the morning?" A guest who heard the whole thing next to him asked quickly after Uncle Zhang opened his mouth, the curiosity on his face was not concealed .

Uncle Zhang looked subconsciously, nodded in a daze, "Yes."

It's just that his daughter didn't read much and knew limited words, so he didn't react when she started to say something sweet to him.

"Is it so amazing?" the girl murmured.

The other people in the shop also had curious eyes, but they were also accompanied by doubts. They probably wondered if the two of them were acting suspiciously on purpose.

Yun Shu glanced at the crowd, pretending not to see the curiosity in their eyes, took another sachet and handed it to Uncle Zhang, "There are things, but I made five flavors of the sachet, and this flavor is actually Not bad."

She taught Uncle Zhang how to smell the smell inside, seeing the surprised expression on the other side's face after he approached the sachet and took a sip, Yun Shu smiled faintly.

These scents are actually not spices, but the smell of medicinal flowers extracted by Yunshu.

She studied medical skills in her previous life, and most of what she learned was related to medicinal materials and medical skills.

The thing in this sachet that can make people emit fragrance is actually a kind of medicinal material.

She saw other people in the shop slowly moving towards the shelf where the sachets were placed, imitating Uncle Zhang, approaching the sachets and sniffing gently, and then showing the same expression as Uncle Zhang, which is even better Surprised reaction.

Men and women have different feelings and preferences for fragrances. Most of the customers in the store at this time are young girls. When they smell the fragrance specially made by Yunshu, they naturally know whether it is good or bad.

Uncle Zhang's face was full of satisfaction, "It smells really good. My house... ahem, I like it very much. This is what I want." Consciousness almost slipped his tongue, and he hurriedly looked up at Yun Shu. relieved.It's better not to tell others about this kind of thing, they are already quite old, otherwise they will make people laugh.

Quickly took out the money and put away the sachet.

But he didn't see the clear eyes that Yun Shu took the opportunity to glance over.

Yun Shu sent him out, and waited for him to leave before turning back to the shop. As soon as he entered, he heard the soft voice of the girl who asked before, "Well... if we buy it together, can it be cheaper?"

Yun Shu looked around inquiringly, but met four or five pairs of shining eyes.

Although he was moved, he still shook his head, "I'm sorry, the new store is open without bargaining." It was marked outside the door, if it was cheap, it would set a precedent, and it would not end well in the future.

The girls didn't expect her to be so firm, they turned their eyes away in disappointment, and then looked at the sachet in front of them, a little hesitant.

Yun Shu had no choice but to add fuel to the fire, "There are only three places left for free pulse diagnosis. If you don't want me to make a pulse diagnosis, I can give you a gift instead, a very special gift." Her tone and expression were quite meaningful .

Xu saw the mystery Yun Shu said, and the most active girl was finally moved, "I'll buy it! But I don't need to check the pulse. I want that special gift you mentioned."

"Yes." This was expected by Yun Shu. After she nodded, she asked the other party to pick out the sachet, and took out a white jade porcelain bottle from her sleeve. Seeing the other party's curiosity, she explained, "After going back, Take some liquid from the bottle and apply it on the right side of your face, and when it's gone, you'll see where it works."

What Yun Shu said was not clear, but the girl was full of expectation, she put away the bottle and nodded repeatedly, "I will, as long as you don't lie to me."

"It's up to ten days after the stuff is used up. If it's useless, you can come to me. Even if I'm not here, the shop is still there." Yun Shu glanced at her, and his eyes flicked across the faint spots on her face. Traces, the portion in the bottle is more than enough.

The girl was satisfied and left.

Yun Shu then looked at the people around him, "There are still two places left..."

"I want!"

"Obviously I said it first..."


In the room that smelled like medicine, several servant girls stood by the side of the room with their heads bowed, not saying a word.

At this moment, a servant's voice came from the door, "Master!"

"En!" The voice came, and Pei Yu's slender figure entered the room.

Seeing the atmosphere in the room, his eyes flicked across the scattered porcelain shards on the ground, and the smile on his handsome face faded away. He raised his hand to let the servants back away, and only stepped forward when they were all gone.

The fragments made a small 'clicking' sound under their feet, and Pei Yu passed through the debris on the ground, obviously not using much force, but the 'clicking' sound continued all the way to the bedside.

The moment the voice fell, Pei Hao, who was sitting against the head of the bed, turned his head to look to the other side, and let out a 'hum'.

Pei Yu, who was a little annoyed by his behavior, saw his childish actions, and the anger dissipated in an instant, but there was still no smile on his face, and asked, "Show me losing your temper early in the morning?"

"Hmph!" Pei Hao didn't speak, but turned his head stubbornly again.

"If you turn your head around again, it will be broken. Tell me, why are you angry again?" At this point, Pei Yu's tone was no longer low. He patted Pei Hao's legs that were slanted by the bed, lifted his robe and sat down. .

"It's just right to break it." Pei Hao turned his head and glared at him, then continued to turn his head back, but the voice in his mouth didn't stop, "It's not a good end after saving someone, don't expect me to block the knife for you next time. I'll I knew that you were deliberately against me, and you are not here to see my jokes!" After speaking, the voice was a little choked.

(End of this chapter)

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