Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 126 A Class of Precious Tea

Chapter 126

It's a pity that the door of the shop is closed, and it can be seen that the owner is not there.

The servant came up and said something in a low voice, Pei Yu raised his head to look at the place where the sun was shining, and frowned.

There are not many guests in Liangting Town at noon, and it is mid-July now, and those who come to the village from remote villages will choose a shady place to rest, and will not come out until the hottest time passes.

Yun Shu has already figured out the habits of the people here. Not only did she eat this meal unpleasantly, but she deliberately slowed down. After eating, she went to the teahouse called 'Yipinguicha' not far from the noodle shop, and called Drinking a pot of ordinary tea.

There were a few customers in the tea shop alone, and when they saw a little girl from Yun Shu coming to drink tea, they took the initiative to say a few words with a smile.

It happened that Yun Shu drank the tea and felt that it tasted special, so he asked the boss to sit down, and the two strangers chatted like this.

From what the other party said, Yun Shu knew that the boss was a businessman from out of town. His surname was Zhong and his name was Wanli, and he was very intelligent.His hometown is among the first large towns before, and he happened to pass by Liangting Town, and found that it was a fast treasure land, so he dragged his family and moved here.

In his original words: rich places support the rich, and the poor should find a place that suits them.

Yun Shu took a sip of tea, thinking that the boss was interesting, and then mainly changed the topic to tea.

Hearing that Yun Shu was interested in his tea, the boss's tone was even more enthusiastic, "I picked this tea on the mountain by myself, it's a little more expensive than other teahouses, but those who know tea will know that it's worth the money just by taking a sip. "Sometimes business is all about intentions, and that's what Zhong Wanli thinks.

It's just that there are too many poor people in the small town, so his shop can't get up and down, and there are not many customers.

"Uncle Zhong is very insightful, but I should think about it in another place." Yun Shu looked at his confident appearance, but she didn't finish her words. Seeing that it was late, she drank the remaining tea in the cup, got up and said farewell.

Zhong Wanli stared blankly at the little girl who left, he didn't expect to chat with a little girl for so long.What's even more weird is that facing the other party, he actually has the tacit understanding of talking with an adult.

Xindao Daqian world is full of wonders, and I feel a little regretful. I just forgot to ask the little girl's name. If I meet again, I must invite her to have another cup of good tea and ask her what she means by "thinking in another way".

While thinking about it, Zhong Wanli got up to clean up the table. He doesn't have much business here, but he can support his family. In order to save expenses, he is the only clerk in the store.

It took a little effort to tidy up, and Zhong Wanli was going to go to the inner room for convenience. They had this problem when they drank too much tea, so there was a special place in the inner room.

As soon as the front foot was picked up, a voice came timidly from the door, "I'm looking for Boss Zhong."

Zhong Wanli turned his head to look, and saw a little girl dressed as a beggar standing at the door with trembling eyes. He was stunned for a moment, and then went out, "I am the owner of the teahouse, you are..."

The little girl was dressed dirty, but there was no stain on her body. She stretched out her hands, but she was holding something in her palms. She seemed a little afraid of Zhong Wanli, and her voice was softer than before, "Someone asked me to give this to you."

"For me?" Zhong Wanli was stunned, and reached out to take it.Since the opening of the teahouse, there have been many impoverished people seeking help, and he thought this little girl did the same.

Squeezing it, the thing in his hand was not hard or soft, and it was covered with something. He opened it and looked, only to see a mass of brown half-dried branches and leaves.Because he has been focusing on tea for many years, he subconsciously went up to sniff it, and then his expression was startled, this smell...

Quickly shouted to the person who was about to run away, "Little girl, what does the person who asked you to give me something look like?"

"Miss who is older than me." The other party finished without looking back, and then disappeared into the crowd.

is her!

Zhong Wanli stood at the door, holding the palm-sized object, his eyes sparkling.

Suddenly his heart moved, ignoring his physical 'discomfort', he boiled water and put the tea set away, and gently put the brown thing on the table...

As soon as Yun Shu returned to the shop, Uncle Fang told her that there was a man dressed up rich and noble before the shop. Seeing that she was not there, he waited at the door for a long time.

After looking around, but seeing no one, Yun Shu's heart moved slightly.

Among the people she knew, there were a few who were well-dressed, so she asked Uncle Fang what the other person looked like.Hearing that he looks handsome, he immediately knew who it was.

Pei Yu?What did he come to him for?
Just as she was thinking, a gentle voice came from her ear, "Miss Yun."

Uncle Fang's voice sounded low at the same time, reminding Yun Shu, "This is the man." It seemed that he was afraid that the other party would be careful.

Yun Shu followed and looked, and it was Pei Yu who walked out of the crowd, with a moon-white robe, a straight body, and a handsome and soft face with his usual smile on his face. Yun Shu knew it was just a polite smile, but she couldn't help but squint her eyes slightly, slandering her in her heart.

There have been rumors in the town that if the young master of the Pei family smiles sincerely, he will definitely be a disaster for the country and the people. She used to think of him as a smiling fox, but now that the disguise is removed, this smile is really... charming!

Suddenly realizing that he was fascinated by beauty, Yun Shu was stunned, the secret defense ability was too poor.Just as he walked over, he suddenly noticed a sharp gaze coming from the side, and then he stopped.

The sight was strong and dazzling, Yun Shu looked over and was stunned again.100 meters away from him, a slim girl, dressed in a sky-blue skirt, looked like a well-dressed rich lady, and was glaring at her with watery eyes while clutching her handkerchief.

Noticing that Yun Shu looked at her, her bright red lips seemed to be bitten tightly, and her watery eyes turned to look at another place.

Being hated for no reason, Yun Shu also looked confused, until she followed the other's line of sight and saw the handsome figure walking slowly across the way, and finally understood the reason.

Pei Yu also noticed something, looked over, and immediately frowned handsomely.

And at this moment, the girl in blue came flying like a butterfly, her small steps were unusually fast, just in time to block between the two of them before Pei Yu came over, and said sweetly, "Brother Yu..."

Yun Shu, "..." Why do you feel itchy all over?

Yun Shu really felt that she had never heard such a crooked voice in her life. She twitched the corners of her mouth, imagining that Pei Yu, who could make such a beauty so happy, should be very happy, but when she looked up, she met Pei Yu's eyes with the same dark face upright.

Yun Shu gagged and didn't take it back, so he fell into the other party's eyes exactly.

Pei Yu, who was in a bad mood, was stunned for a moment when he touched that incomparably bright expression. Yun Shu had already recovered, but the cunning in her eyes made it clear that she was thinking about watching a show. .

Pei Yu, "..."

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(End of this chapter)

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