Chapter 133

At this time, the remaining four people had already walked towards Yun Shu, with four pairs of eyes staring at Yun Shu coldly, "Together? Kill!"

Yun Shu's cold eyes froze, and he couldn't tell that this was to solve himself together.

She took a step back and turned her eyes to the distance. After being stabbed in the arm, Xu Fuyuan lay motionless on the ground like a dead body. She didn't know if he was really dead this time.

She felt that she must have not picked a good day to come here today, otherwise how could she be so unlucky?

The four of them had already come over in their thoughts, and the move was the ultimate move.

Yun Shu had never dealt with such a person before, and she was a little nervous, but her palms were hot, like a beating heart, shouting something, making her eager to try.

And she did.

Holding a dagger to fight against themselves, the four of them obviously didn't take Yun Shu seriously. They probably wanted to make a quick decision, and they spread out their positions so that Yun Shu had nowhere to escape.

Just in the first siege, an unexpected thing happened.

The sword light of the four of them surrounded the middle airtightly, but in the blink of an eye, the girl disappeared out of thin air?

They looked around immediately, terrified.

Watching the two from a distance, they shouted nervously, "Be careful behind you!"

Apparently it's too late.

Yun Shu thanked her for her space from the bottom of her heart, otherwise she really didn't know how to deal with them.

While several people were looking for her and relaxed, she suddenly came out of the space, dodged past, and the dagger sank into the back of one of them.

Blood splashed out like a fountain, and Yun Shu felt a chill on his face, and a strong fishy smell came from his mouth and nose.

She didn't care to wipe her face, and changed positions again. At this time, the few people were already alert, but they still underestimated Yun Shu.Before she passed by, she raised her palm, and white smoke whizzed towards them. The moment they were almost contaminated by the smoke, several people had already swayed in their steps.

Yun Shu covered her nose with a mask in one hand, but her body flashed beside the three of them. She struck quickly and hated, and before they had time to resist, they had already become the ghosts of her men.

The two people in the distance were already stunned.

At this moment, the sky was getting dark. When they looked, they saw only a thin girl in plain clothes standing proudly among the corpses. Her face was covered with blood, and her facial features could hardly be seen clearly, but those cold eyes were So clear it made them shudder.

There are still white objects floating in the air, and the figure seems to be sitting in the smoke, looming, mysterious and strange, and finally gradually blurred,... blurry?
There were two muffled thumps on the ground, Yun Shu put on his mask and walked out, caught a glimpse of the two unconscious people, and smiled mockingly.

If she could hide from the poisonous powder just by covering her nose, why would she wear a mask?
Thanks to Xu Fuyuan, this powder was improved from the one he plotted against himself, and he was going to try it, but these people became the first batch of experimenters.

She went up and kicked the two of them, but nothing happened.

Then he bent down and groped around the two of them, perhaps because they were too cautious, except for the sword in their hands, they didn't have a single extra thing.

However, Yun Shu still saw a small black mark under their necks with sharp eyes.

At first glance, it looks like a circle, but when you look closely, you can see a complex totem inside.It should be a long time relationship, the color is black with blue.

She then walked to the side, Xu Fuyuan remained motionless, breathing weakly.

Yun Shu stretched out her hand to feel for his pulse, although it was weak but still beating, she frowned, took out the poison powder antidote, opened his mouth and threw one in, fearing that the reaction time would be too long, she drank another small cup spring water.

Then he took off his mask and waited.

In less than 3 minutes, the people on the ground groaned and a few people quietly opened their eyes, and when they saw Yun Shu's figure with drooping eyelids, they chuckled a few times, "...I'm going to die now, if you don't agree to me, just go together ...go to hell together..."

"Hmph, if you go to hell, you should go alone." Yun Shu snorted coldly, and picked him up directly.

Since she knew how to use a little internal force, her strength has also increased a lot, and Xu Fuyuan is not heavy, so she can barely bear the weight.

Xu Fuyuan blinked his eyes, finally regained consciousness, and saw the corpse on the ground clearly, then he looked surprised, " killed me? I didn't die?"

"If you want to die, I can help. But before you die, let's make it clear who these people are?"

"Idiots want to die!" Xu Fuyuan muttered, and seeing Yun Shu staring at him coldly, he dawdled, "It's not the little tail of Miracle Doctor Gu, those guys told the public before that I stole their formula and put it on It's a pity that it's been more than ten years, and this time it looks like it."

The appearance seems to be proud, but also arrogant.

"So you didn't actually steal it?"

"Stole it! Why didn't you steal it? It's better for me to use such a good thing and hide it in the coffin. I'm here to promote the prestige of the sect for them." Xu Fuyuan said proudly.

Yun Shu, "..."

He added, "This time you are considered unlucky. Everyone says that I, Xu Fuyuan, is cruel, but I don't know that group of old people may not be any better. They say that those who are with me are all damned people, and the names of people who shouldn't be damned are in their hands." Not much less than me, for the sake of trouble, I chose this place to live, who told you to come at the wrong time."

Yun Shu was inexplicably startled, and looked at him unexpectedly, she said who would like to live in such a ghostly place, so she said it was troublesome, but was she really worried that others would be implicated?
Before, she thought that Xu Fuyuan was pulling herself into the water on purpose, so she yelled that to make her suffer. It turned out that even if he didn't yell, she wouldn't be able to escape.

She suddenly felt that this old thing, although he was a little bad at doing things, he was a little arrogant and shameless, but his heart was not very bad.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Xu Fuyuan couldn't help asking with a trembling voice after being chilled by Yun Shu's appraising eyes.

He passed out just after being injured, and to be honest, he didn't see how these people died.

But there was one thing he noticed.

These killing skills are not high, but at least they are trained dead servants, and most people don't want to escape alive.But this girl didn't say how many people she killed, and she didn't look injured at all.

It was the blood on his face that he noticed was not her own.

How close the heart is to be dyed like this, I feel a little chill in my heart unexpectedly.

I should have known earlier, that old thing is very strange, and the apprentice he accepted must not be an ordinary character. If this is the first time he kills someone so calmly, how dark is his heart?

Yun Shu, who was considered to be dark, was thinking about whether she would be involved in this matter, when she turned her head and saw Xu Fuyuan's cowardly expression, she said with disgust on her face, "I just watched it for a long time, and I don't think you seem like a long-lived person. Still restrain yourself."

As she spoke, she took him to the side and asked him to hold the door frame, "You come here to deal with the aftermath, don't involve me, and we will pretend that we don't know each other from now on."

After walking a few steps, Xu Fuyuan called to stop him again. Yun Shu looked impatiently, but saw the other party muttering, "You can go, but you have to take your people away."

(End of this chapter)

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