Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 144 Dense Wounds

Chapter 144 Dense Wounds
The area of ​​the temple is about a hundred square meters, and the Buddha statue in front of it, which is missing half of its body, is covered with dust and occupies less than half of the area.

In the middle of the room, traces of burning can be seen, and there is a half-old pot beside it.

Yun Shu was looking at the room when he suddenly saw something move in the corner, and then looked again, only to find that it was a person.

At this time, the man also noticed the movement, first moved, and then suddenly sat up while supporting the ground.

It's Gu'an.

When seeing that face, Yun Shu was taken aback, because besides being dirty, Gu'an's skin was emitting an abnormal blush.

"My lord, what's wrong with Gu An?" Gu Fang also noticed that something was wrong with Gu An, and rushed to help him up, but Gu An pushed him away vigorously, and as a result, he staggered and fell to the ground, and finally leaned on the wall So as not to lie down.

Wei Chengfeng's brows were tightly furrowed, but he didn't say a word.

Yun Shu looked away lightly, "Gu Fang, leave him alone, come and help me."

"Miss Yun, Ke Gu'an..." Gu Fang wanted to say something, but was interrupted by another voice, and Wei Cheng followed in a deep voice, "Listen to her."

Gu Fang had to follow suit.

Yun Shu didn't ask him to do a big favor, but just asked him to find some water, turn on the fire and boil some water, and by the way... stay away from Gu'an.

She herself walked to the corner and unwrapped the package with her back to the crowd.

It is really wise for her mother to collect such a big bag of things, she has too many things to use, and this is just right for camouflage.

Gu Fang had already gone out, and the other two men didn't have the habit of peeking, so Yun Shu used the body of the Buddha statue to put more than half of the wrapped clothes into the space, and then picked out some bottles and cans to replace them.

After thinking about it, she filled another tube of spring water with a bamboo tube. Now she doesn't feel safe at all.

There are many gauze Yunshu, including silver needles. In order not to reveal her identity, she asked Wang Caifeng to rebuild a set for herself with materials added with raw stones.

Picking out the ones that will be used later from these things, Yun Shu wrapped up the rest, put them in the corner, and walked out with the pile of things in his arms.

Picking out a place without bloodstains, Yun Shu put the things in his arms on the thatch and arranged them. Then he looked at the man who was still standing but his back was turned to him, and shouted, "It's time to start."

The other party didn't respond, so Yun Shu yelled again. This time the other party moved, but something was wrong.

Yun Shu stood up when he realized something was wrong, but it was still a step too late.

When she saw someone who was fine, she suddenly staggered. When Yun Shu passed by, she only had time to grab him by the arm, and most of the other person's body was already smashed to the ground.

It was also at this time that Yun Shu saw clearly that his face was frighteningly white.

"If you're so good at pretending, you deserve to faint!" After feeling his pulse, he found that the other party's pulse was extremely weak, and his complexion was too weak, and he knew that it was all his disguise before.

When this man tried to be brave, he didn't even want his life.

"My lord..." Seeing Wei Chengfeng fainted, Gu An struggled to come over. Yun Shu sensed his intentions, and immediately lowered his face, "You came here to harm him. I hope you will be honest before I leave Where to stay, otherwise..." Yun Shu didn't finish the rest.

Because she saw that Gu'an's face became paler, and the eyes that showed both sides were also dark.

Yun Shu knew that she was speaking a little harshly, but there was nothing she could do. What she said was the truth.

Turning her head to look at the man who was still on the ground, she resigned herself to dragging him to the front. During this time, the man's brows were always furrowed, and his lips were still moving vaguely as he said something, but Yun Shu wasn't interested in listening , it doesn't matter.

After peeling off the tightly wrapped coat, the smell of blood became even stronger.

Even though Yun Shu thought that he was seriously injured, he didn't expect it to be this serious.

Under the coat, blood almost stained his body red. When the inner coat was unbuttoned, the bloodstains on his body were already revealing red flesh.

Moreover, most of the underwear was already tightly stuck to the injured place. Yun Shu wanted to tear it off, but the man let out a suppressed panting sound as soon as he moved. She frowned tightly as she looked at the wound that had begun to bleed.

Clothes have to go, there is no way.

A decision was made in his heart, and the next moment, Yun Shu raised his hand and dropped it.

"Stop, you..." Gu An was always paying attention to the situation here, and realized that Yun Shu was about to stop his movements, but it was too late, Yun Shu slashed straight down with the knife in his hand, the man groaned, and finally fell silent.

Worried that his hands were not strong enough, Yun Shu stepped up his strength, and the result was that a mark was left on the opponent's neck.

Yun Shu looked at it, paused for a while, then turned to Gu An and said, "Help me hide this, your Patriarch probably doesn't want to know." His tone was without any apology.

Gu'an, "..."

After a cup of tea, Gu Fang also came back.

"What's wrong, my lord?" He saw the figure lying on the ground and asked anxiously.

Yun Shu looked calm, "I lost a lot of blood and fell into a coma, did you get the water back?"

"I got it back, do you want to boil it?" Gu Fang believed it, and was distracted in an instant.

Yun Shu nodded, then thought of something, stood up and took a look.The iron pot was very clean, and there was a pot full of water at this moment, so it looked clean.

After thinking about it, she picked one out of the bottles and jars she took out, opened the stopper, and dropped the powder inside into the iron pot.

Both Gu Fang and Gu An watched this scene curiously, and Gu Fang couldn't help asking, "Miss Yun, what did you put?"

"Disinfectant, you don't know if you tell me, but it's not poisonous anyway." The air here is like this, and the water quality is not necessarily clean. Yun Shu did this just in case.

After finishing, looking at Gu Fang who was still looking at him in doubt, he glanced at his heart, and sure enough, the blood was soaking out again, Yun Shu frowned and said, "You sit and boil water, don't move around, if the wound Open it again, and you will be the one who faints the next moment."

In this kind of place, it would be troublesome if she fainted, and she didn't want to put a burden on herself.

"Thank you, Miss Yun." Gu Fang expressed his gratitude with emotion.

Yun Shu's heart froze, and he waved his hand, "I took the money, no need to thank you."

Then he got busy again.

The weather in Yudu is the same as that in Liangting Town, and the sun comes out in the morning.

Some of the roof above the temple was broken, and the sun fell straight down. After Yun Shu was busy for a while, his forehead was sweating.

It took her half an hour just to take off the blood-stained clothes on Wei Chengfeng's body, and then Yun Shu became numb when he saw the densely incisions on his upper body, which were either deep or shallow.

Wipe it with hot water, apply medicinal powder, and apply more ointment for protection, and then Yunshu wraps it with clean gauze.

Now you don't need to wear any clothes, and you will gain weight.

Later, Yun Shu handled his hands for him.

It's strange to say that before Lu Gufang said that his Patriarch had fought for several hours to resist the killer and ended up like this.But Yun Shu doesn't look like it, the wounds are dense and numerous, it doesn't look like they were injured by several people.

Just as she was thinking, the hand that was forcibly straightened by her suddenly turned over. Yun Shu couldn't dodge in time, and was caught straight, a wet and sticky feeling spread in the palm of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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