Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 148 The Camp Trip

Chapter 148 The Camp Trip
Yun Shu's outfit was perfect, and the soldiers who met Nanyan several times on the way were ignored.

Those soldiers wore Nanyan's exclusive black soldier uniforms, with broad knives pinned to their waists, and their faces were fierce. Yun Shu noticed that their helmets had Nanyan's special logo on them, so he took note of them secretly.

At any rate, I am a citizen of the Great Zhou Dynasty, so I won't be able to tell the enemy from ourselves in the future.

The last time she saw a group of people dragging a young girl away, Yun Shu endured it for a long time, but did not come forward.

The place where those people went was under the city gate, and there were several rows of soldiers alone. It would not be worthwhile to pay for themselves for saving others.

She looked at it for a long time, and could still hear the girl's cry in her ears, and finally left cruelly.

Crossing the hillside and walking up the road, Yun Shu thought it would be a smooth journey, but unexpectedly saw a few Nanyan soldiers patrolling on the way.

She hid in the space ahead of time, just as those people came over, they seemed to be still chatting.

"I really don't know what the general thinks, who dares to come to this ghost place, what's wrong with missing two? Didn't they not be killed at the beginning?" The soldier looked extremely resentful.

The other person sneered, "What do you know? At the beginning, the massacre was for the sake of gaining prestige, and then it stopped after thinking of other ways. Otherwise, why do you think we are still waiting here?"

"You mean the incident that was circulated in the army?" The man's voice was obviously lowered.

Yun Shu couldn't help raising curiosity even in the space. Could it be that Nanyan's people stationed in Yudu City have ulterior motives?He continued to listen.

"That's not a rumor. Isn't my uncle an adjutant under the general? He told me that the general received an order that people in the capital of Yu are not allowed to enter and leave, to hold funerals, and not to eat. What do you think? what?"

A few other people leaned over, apparently unaware, "Why?"

"Stupid or not? So many people died this time, and we can't hold a funeral. What about the dead? Of course, the rotten insects got sick from the sun! You don't understand, this war not only depends on strength, but also on brains , I will tell you guys about this, remember not to spread it." The man said proudly.

"Don't talk, don't talk, so how long do we have to wait? If something happens, won't we suffer then?" Knowing their general's plan and thinking about the consequences, these people were also nervous.

Hearing that man confidently said, "Don't worry about this, the effect has already come out these days, my uncle said that we will arrange to withdraw the troops quietly tonight, and withdraw them within two days. If we run around towns and villages, then the disease will spread, and we don't need to fight, this Great Zhou will be over." The more he talked, the more excited he became, as if thinking of Nanyuan's successful occupation of Great Zhou in the future, his eyes were full of yearning.

Several other people were also affected, talking about Honghu Haozhi, a few people walked and talked, and gradually walked away.

At this time, Yun Shu was so angry in the space that he didn't know what to say.

What a vicious plan!

She said that the news that Yudu was massacred came from Liangting Town earlier, why did she come here, seeing many people not talking, all of them were pale and emaciated, it turned out that everything was Nanyuan's plan.

She was very curious about whose order the so-called general listened to, and came up with such a ruthless method?Relying on dead bodies to give birth to diseases, and then distributed to nearby villages and towns by hungry people who have been trapped for many days?

In this way, isn't Liangting Town, which is only more than 70 kilometers away, also one of the targets?

Yun Shu was anxious and troubled. The plague could be big or small. She didn't read much history, but she knew that the most common solution to the plague in the history books was to cut the weeds and eradicate the roots and keep the small ones. If something happened to Liangting Town, it would probably be destroyed abandon.

How could she have seen this happen?
Yun Shu stepped out of the space and stood at the intersection, looking at the two roads and hesitating.One side is the way back, as long as you go there, you can see your family at night; and the other side is the place leading to Yudu, if you go there, you will be in dire straits and extremely dangerous.

If you choose to go home, it means that within a few days, the plague will spread and endanger your family.

Finally, she looked at one of the paths and secretly made up her mind...

The sky was very dark, and the gloomy night seemed to indicate that something big would happen, and it seemed depressing.

Under the darkness, a petite figure hid in the bushes and watched every move of the soldiers on the road outside.

Are you really withdrawing your troops?

The person hiding here is none other than Yun Shu, that's right!Her decision was to stay and deal with it, at least she was going to stop it.

She is currently wearing a plain men's attire, and the time is too short. Apart from combing her hair into a man's bun and smearing some dirt on her face, she has not made any other disguises.

At first glance, this kind of attire is just a thin and thin boy, but if you look closely, you can still recognize the gender.

Yun Shu didn't bother to care about it anymore, anyway, she was just going to send a letter now.

Seeing the densely packed troops leaving quietly, Yun Shu also retreated from another place.

She remembered who said before that King Yu's troops hadn't completely evacuated yet, they were only thirty miles outside Yudu city, if she told them the Nanyan plan and let them defend Yudu, maybe the tragedy could be postponed.

She can't be sure to solve the plague herself, so she might as well hand it over to the Great Zhou army.

Wars happen frequently, and there must be many plagues. Maybe the military doctor has experience.

It's just her who has no identity, rumors, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

But now I can't think about so much.

Yun Shu released Xiao Hei and got on his horse. There are only two roads out of the city.One is the direction where the soldiers went to Nanyan stationed just now, and the other is the place where the Da Zhou army is stationed.

Thirty miles, if it is fast, it will not take an hour.She only hoped that the people in the city would not find out that the Nanyan soldiers were gone so soon, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

With something on her mind, Yun Shu rode fast, and within half an hour, she saw lights all over the place in the distance, where the terrain was low, she got off her horse and approached quietly, only to realize that what she saw was not the lights, but the Zhou army campfire.

It's getting dark now, and the camp is quiet, so I definitely can't go there by myself.

She could see well, so she found a close place to observe for a while, and found that near the mountain, a shed had the least patrol team, and the time for changing teams was enough for her to react.

With a plan in mind, Yun Shu acted quietly.

With the help of space, the action was surprisingly smooth. In less than a quarter of an hour, Yun Shu had already arrived outside the tent.

At this moment, a lazy voice came from the shed, "Ru Liu, are you outside? You haven't come in to serve me, my waist is very sore..."

The voice was obviously frivolous, and Yun Shu thought to herself, could she be so lucky that if she picks it casually, she will pick that honored king, otherwise why would he call himself the king?

(End of this chapter)

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