Chapter 15
"Mom, what's wrong?" Yun Shu asked.

When Qin heard her daughter's voice, she hurriedly wiped her face, pretended nothing happened, picked up a package on the ground, didn't look in Yun Shu's eyes, and said as she walked, "It's okay, mother saw that the house I've lived in for a while has been completed. It's just a little heartache, hurry up and urge your elder brother to come out, there is nothing to take here."

Yun Shu heard the words and looked inside. Yun Feng stood with his back to the two and couldn't see his emotions clearly, so she called out, "Brother?"

"Well, you go out first, I'll be right there." Yun Feng's thick voice came.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the voice seemed a little hoarse. Noticing his clenched fists by his side, Yun Shu calmed down and helped Qin Shi out.

Maybe it was because of walking around for a long time yesterday, Yun Shu felt that her body was almost in good shape, only her forehead, which was the most injured, still had some faint pain, but it was nothing to Yun Shu. After helping Qin Shi out, she looked at the burning House frowned.

Originally, she thought that there would be a place for her family to settle down, and she could earn money slowly, but now her plans were completely messed up.

Uncle Zhang also ran over at this time, and apologized repeatedly to Qin Shi and Yun Shu.Although the three of them still rely on him to have a place, he blames himself more than anyone else.

Yun Shu turned her head to look at Uncle Zhang's old and apologetic face. She never thought that there would be such a kind-hearted person before.Looking for shelter and providing food for people she doesn't know, even at the expense of falling out with her family, she thought in her heart that she would definitely make up for them if she had the opportunity in the future.

Yun Feng finally came out. Coincidentally, just as he came out of the gate, a piece of wood directly above fell to the ground. One step later, the wood would have hit Yun Feng on the head.

Qin Shi didn't care about other things, ran up to hug her son, and checked Yunfeng up and down, and was relieved to see that he was fine.

Yun Shu noticed the guilt and apology on his elder brother's face.

Thinking of her mother's wrong expression before, Yun Shu thought to herself.

"Big sister, why don't you go with me to the front room to rest, anyway, we don't need such a big house, maybe it will be a bit crowded when we live together, but at least we don't have to suffer from cold and hunger." Uncle Zhang enthusiastically said.

"No, really no, you've done enough to help our mother and son. I saw what happened last night, and we can't drag you down any longer." Qin rejected his offer with red eyes. Uncle Zhang was the best person she met and treated her best. Thinking that the mother and son were rescued by him when they were in a desperate situation, Qin was very grateful.

"Those rebellious sons never take me seriously, don't be afraid, just live here." Uncle Zhang insisted.

The Qin family was about to refuse, but Yun Shu took her by the arm, and said to herself, "Grandpa Zhang, look at this, let my mother and elder brother stay with you for a day, I found someone in town yesterday The working people are willing to pay in advance, but they need to work for a day, and when I come back, I will find another place to live."

"Girl, you are a girl, why are you looking for a job..."

"I'm also part of the family, and I can't always reach for food, and I've made up my mind."

Uncle Zhang wanted to dissuade him, but seeing Yun Shu's insistence on his face, he sighed and said, "Well, if that doesn't work, you can stay here."

Yun Shu nodded, and said to the Qin family who was hesitant to speak, "Mother, you should have a good rest first, and by the way, find out where is suitable for living with Grandpa Zhang. When I come back, we can discuss where to live."

Finally, she looked at Yunfeng, "Brother, no matter how stupid you did before, if you can change from today onwards, you will still be my elder brother. After I go to town, protect your mother and don't let her suffer any more harm."

After all, no matter how many people were there, they walked towards the main road.

Yun Feng stared blankly at his younger sister's back, she was so thin, but she was so strong at this moment.Self-blame and uncomfortable emotions surged, and for the first time he felt that he was a big jerk.

It was not yet full light, but the air was starting to be hot and dry. Yun Shu first went to the pond where he washed his face yesterday to tie up his hair, and then stared in a daze at his own face reflected in the water.

From the very first day, she knew how beautiful this face would be when dressed up, so she deliberately kept it hidden in the mud all the time, and only in this way would it not cause trouble.

She washed her face and neck carefully, and took out the carbon stick that came along from the space to camouflage her eyebrows and face.

After doing everything, when she looked at this face again, she had turned into a boy with thick eyebrows and black face.

Finally, she crushed some toner powder and applied it on her hands and neck to complete it.

Putting on the long black coat from yesterday, covering most of her face, and leaving a few strands of hair to cover it up, Yun Shu stood up and looked at her current appearance, feeling that her mother and elder brother recognized her right here. I can't leave her.

When we arrived in the town, it was just dawn, but there were not many people who came out to work.

Passing through the busiest market in the center, Yun Shu went in the direction of Jiang's house, a passer-by, and went down to the most prosperous area in Liangting Town, which was said to be the most prosperous area under the suspicious and probing eyes of that person.

At this time, she was standing at the gate of Jiang's house, looking at the gate of the luxurious house in front of her, her steps paused slightly.

She was thinking about how to make her believe in herself.

Just as he was thinking, the front door slowly opened, and two servants from the Jiang family yawned and cleaned the door with a broom. At this moment, one of them noticed Yun Shu outside the door. After looking at her, he didn't know what to think, and frowned Mei drove her away with a look of disgust, "Go, go, what a beggar who came so early in the morning, if the master sees it, he should be fined again."

Mr. Jiang is a famous person in Liangting Town. His predecessors made a fortune in the silk business. He loves vanity. He hates beggars the most, because a certain generation of his ancestors was a well-known local beggar. To ridicule him, so I told everyone in the Jiang family not to treat the beggar with a good face.

Seeing that Yun Shu was still at the door, the servants became angry and came over with a broom to sweep Yun Shu directly, but Yun Shu dodged sideways, and instead knelt on the ground with his feet limp.

"If you move rashly again, your legs will be wasted." Yun Shu watched the servant prepare to get up again, and reminded him coldly.

Seeing that something was wrong, the other person dropped his broom and ran back to the mansion, where there was a lot of noise within a short time.

The butler heard that someone was making trouble early in the morning, and came out with a group of guards. When he saw Yun Shu's appearance, he showed distasteful eyes without any surprise. See if I don't send you to see the officer."

A group of people came over and surrounded Yun Shu in a flash, ready to move with sticks in their hands. Yun Shu frowned when she saw the situation developing like this. She looked up at the housekeeper outside the crowd, and said slowly, "If you don't want Miss Jiang to spend her life Surrounded by illness, send me to see the official."

(End of this chapter)

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