Chapter 151
But this number makes people who know the actual number of people in Yudu feel heartbroken.

Before this battle, there were more than 2 people in Yudu.That massacre almost wiped out the people in the city, and most of the people left were young and old. It was clear at a glance what Nanyan's intentions were.

"My lord, the people are all gathered together, what should we do next?" Feng Zhen asked Wei Ziyu when he heard the soldiers report that the relocation task was completed.

"Didn't you say anything?"

Feng Zhen was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he was talking about the plague, so he cupped his hands and said, "No, my subordinates only said that they sent military doctors to treat the wounds and didn't mention much, but this matter should not be kept secret for long. I am worried that not only the people in Yudu are restless, but also these soldiers may become timid."

Feng Zhen didn't say that he was shocked when he learned that Yu had the plague last night.

It was a plague, not a minor illness. When the military doctors in the barracks heard that they were going to check up, all of them looked dead. He always felt that this operation was a little dangerous.

"That can't be helped." Wei Ziyu sighed, "More than 4000 lives must be saved, if it is really impossible..." Wei Ziyu didn't say the rest, but Feng Zhen already understood.

He followed suit, "Your Majesty has ordered people to enter the capital quickly. If Your Majesty knows, even if you can't do anything, you shouldn't blame the prince." Such things can only be left to fate.

Wei Ziyu nodded, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "My second brother hasn't been found yet?"

"No, my subordinates have searched all the nearby places where they can stay, but they haven't found the second prince." Feng Zhen didn't know the second prince well, only that he was rarely in court, so it was very hard to find him. .

"Well, it's okay. Since my second brother asked someone to inform me, he naturally has his own way to escape. If he knows that I'm here, he will also come to me." Wei Ziyu said very confidently.

Feng Zhen also nodded, he had heard about this before, the Second Prince and Prince Yu had a good relationship since childhood, this time Prince Yu personally led the army and came all the way, it was reasonable that the Second Prince would come too.

Thinking of this, Feng Zhen went to check on the situation of the people and took his leave first.

On the tower, Wei Ziyu stood alone, looking into the distance.

Although Yudu is close to the border, the scenery is quite good. If it wasn't for the plague, he would have thought of taking it as his own, but it's a pity... maybe he won't be able to see it in the future.

After a few more glances, as if he was about to catch the beautiful scenery in his eyes, Wei Ziyu walked away after a while.

At this moment, the subordinates came up and said, "My lord, Miss Ruliu is looking for you."

"Understood." The voice was not as pleasant as before.

Women are troublesome, once he doesn't know how to advance and retreat, he just favors him a little bit, so he will be tight, and it seems that he will have to find another one again.

After walking a few steps, Wei Ziyu suddenly flashed the figure from last night in his mind, his eyes gleamed, and there was one right now.

Wei Ziyu lived in the main building of the city. During the battle, the family of the city owner was killed. Speaking of which, he had some relatives with the royal family, but unfortunately there were no bones left.

As soon as he returned to the door, there were actually two people standing in front of the door, and the soldiers at the door raised their swords to fight.

Wei Ziyu got closer to see who it was, and then strode over, "Second brother!" His voice was unconcealably joyful.

Then he said angrily to the subordinates beside him with a cold face, "I'm blinding your dog eyes, you still don't back down."

The soldier was stunned and said nothing, he never expected that the person in front of him was also a prince, and he flinched back immediately.

Wei Chengfeng looked at his younger brother whom he hadn't seen for almost two years, his frosty face seemed to be much gentler, "Ziyu." He raised his hand and patted on the shoulder that looked much stronger.

But Wei Ziyu looked at his second brother, with deep feelings in his eyes, "Second brother, why are you in such a mess?" elder brother.

"King Yu, my lord has not recovered from his serious injuries, and this time he survived by force, can you... let my lord rest for a while." A gruff voice came from the side.

Wei Ziyu was taken aback for a moment, looked at that face for a while, then narrowed his eyes and thought for a while before he asked unsurely, "Gu'an?"

Gu Fang's face darkened, "I am Gu Fang."

"Oh." Wei Ziyu just smiled, "You two brothers have similar names, I just remember this name. It seems that the second brother leads a good person, but he is sincere."

Wei Chengfeng withdrew his warning eyes from Gu Fang, and said calmly, "Don't think too much, he just lacks a brain."

Wei Ziyu laughed even louder, "Second brother's mouth is still as vicious as ever, and I'm so happy to see you. Your subordinates told me all about it last night. I'll send someone to look at your wound again." As he spoke, he gave orders to the soldiers beside him.

But he didn't see Wei Chengfeng's stunned expression, his men?

This time, Gu An was in a special situation and did not go there, so he only brought Gu Fang.

Wei Chengfeng couldn't remember which of the two had seen Ziyu last night.

But he didn't even ask.

The city lord's mansion has been cleaned up, and the doctor came here not long after. He is a military doctor in the army, and his medical skills are taught by the old doctor of the Royal Hospital. He has some abilities.

When seeing the wound exposed by Wei Chengfeng, the military doctor was shocked at first, then became more and more shocked as he looked at it, and finally felt touched, "The second prince's injury is very serious. Fortunately, the medicine was bandaged in advance, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. Eh, these are also Did you just get hurt?"

What did the military doctor find, instead of taking a good pulse, he studied it.

Wei Ziyu didn't urge him, he just waited for him to finish reading, "Is there a problem?"

The military doctor nodded and shook his head, and finally looked at Wei Chengfeng with fixed eyes, "I would like to ask the second prince, who bandaged this wound, and what medicine was used by the other party? I didn't see it."

As he spoke, he stared again.

Gu Fang was also taken down to change his medicine. If he was here, he would definitely take the opportunity to advertise to Yun Shu loudly.

But Wei Chengfeng is not a talkative person, he just said lightly, "A...friend." Very interesting friend.

"Is that friend of the second prince also in Yudu?"

"No, she's back." It's too dangerous here.

The military doctor seemed a little disappointed, and didn't ask any further questions. He applied the medicine according to his own method, and then bandaged it again.

During this time, Wei Ziyu did not forget to chat with him about his recent situation for a year or two, but then the topic changed to this migration for some reason.

"It's not that you don't like trouble, how can you meddle in this time?" Wei Chengfeng asked.

"I don't like to meddle in other people's business, but who asked someone who is the second brother to find me, just for you, I have to make this trip." In fact, his resistance to the enemy is over, and he has saved Feng Zhen. The class teacher returns to court.

Who would have thought that this would happen again to Yu.

Wei Chengfeng was taken aback when he heard that, his black eyes shone with a strange light, this was the second time Ziyu mentioned him.

Without asking Wei Chengfeng, Wei Ziyu remembered this and looked excited, "Second brother, speaking of this, I'm going to ask you for the medicine, where did you find such a vicious subordinate? Just talk about it, as soon as you come out, take a knife to my neck, look at my scar." After finishing speaking, he lifted his collar to reveal the wound on his neck that had just been treated.

(End of this chapter)

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