Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 155 The People Behind the Scenes

Chapter 155 The People Behind the Scenes
The door of the shop was still wide open, but no one took a step forward. The servants were eager to try, but they immediately gave up their minds after hearing the discussion behind them.

"I think what the little girl Ren said is quite right. You can only make trouble with evidence, right? Speaking of which, I went to this shop with her once when it opened, and she was quite kind. I guess she was scared and closed the door. There was a lot of trouble yesterday."

At that time, a group of people suddenly stopped at the door, let alone a woman, even a man was terrified.

"That's true. I've seen that girl before. She bought a lot of things at the stall next to me. Last time my little treasure kept crying, and this little girl generously gave me a little thing. Doesn't it look like that kind of cheating?" Human."

Everyone is not stupid, although what both sides say is true, there is still something unclear when you think about it carefully.

Regardless of whether there are people who have bought things in Yunxiu Pavilion, after thinking about it calmly, they are not as excited as before, and finally walked away slowly.

The servants seemed rather abrupt.

Seeing no one else, he whispered, "What should we do now?"

"What else can we do, let's go back first. Everyone else is gone, it's too conspicuous for us to stay here."

"That's right, I've been on guard for a day anyway, and the news has spread, and the little girl looks a little weird, so let's go back and report the situation."

After the discussion, he left quietly.

Unexpectedly, every move fell into Yun Shu's eyes. Qin Shi followed her daughter and saw those people leaving. She breathed a sigh of relief, "Great, they are all gone."

Yun Shu didn't expect it to be so good.

If she guessed right, the few people who left were actually just going back to report the news. The next time they come, they will probably be more ruthless, but her mother's character is too timid, so it's better not to tell her about it.

"By the way, mother, I heard that these people came yesterday. Was there someone to help?" There was no one around, so Yun Shu asked what he had been thinking about.

"Uh...yes, it's from the Pei family." Qin replied, she was stunned when she mentioned this, with fear on her face, obviously remembering what happened yesterday.

The Yunxiu Pavilion was surrounded by people yesterday, and the situation was dangerous. It just so happened that the housekeeper of the Pei family led someone to stop that person, and then suppressed those people. Otherwise, the Yunxiu Pavilion would have been disturbed yesterday.Listening to her detailed description of the situation at that time, Yun Shu's heart moved, so it was like this.

The steward Xindao chose to help her mother without even asking, and Yun Shu remembered this kindness.

Then asked, "Mother, why don't you just go home?"

Speaking of this, Qin's bowed her head and said nothing. Yun Shu was just about to ask her what's wrong, but the voice came from a low voice, "The weird girl is useless. She panicked when she saw so many people, but the shop is Shu My son, mother can't let others destroy it, thinking that they will never do anything to mother." The final tone was exceptionally firm.

Yun Shu stared blankly at the figure who seemed to have suddenly become stronger, the corners of his lips curled up, and he smiled knowingly.I understand that Qin Shi is timid, but when protecting her children, she is not as strong as her.Thinking of something again, Yun Shu restrained his smile and asked, "What about big brother?"

"I found someone to bring him a message, saying that I was too busy to go back, Feng'er has always been careless, so he definitely wouldn't think too much about it." In addition to the location of the shop, Shu'er only told her, Feng'er never visited , I just wanted to see it but couldn't find it.

It turned out to be like this, that's good!She thought that her elder brother knew about this, but he hid again like last time, otherwise she would not be able to spare him.

Yun Shu asked about the details of yesterday, and after listening to Qin's narration, she felt that it was just the right time for her to come back.If she guessed right, the previous disturbance was just the beginning, and it should be targeted directly later.

I'm also glad that I came back early, otherwise her mother would be bullied.

"Mother, you go back to rest first, just leave it to me here." Seeing that Qin's face was full of concern, as if he wanted to say something, Yun Shu immediately said, "I will solve it here, three days at the latest."

Perhaps it was because of her confident tone, or because of her calmness in the face of those people just now, Qin Shi was worried that she would be hindered here, so she nodded.

Yun Shu hired a carriage to take her back to the village, and when she could no longer see Mrs. Qin, she walked towards the street.

Although Yunxiu Pavilion opened not long ago and it is a small shop, the 'fragrant wind' a few days ago still had a big impact.

Yun Shu just inquired a little, and knew the direction where the servants left just now.

She used lightness kung fu to speed up, and it didn't take long to find those figures not far away.

Yun Shu, a merchant and aristocrat in Xiaoxu Town, almost knew something about it. When he saw a few people walking towards the rich area, he knew that he was looking for someone behind the scenes.

She followed carefully, maybe those people never thought that anyone would follow, they were very relaxed, chatting and laughing into a house.

She glanced at the top of the mansion, marked with two words: Song Mansion!
Anyone with a little money would mark their name like this. Yun Shu wrote down the surname, and then looked at the yard to see if he turned around and left.

If you give a little money in teahouses and restaurants, you can know most of the things you want to know.

Yun Shu didn't change her clothes, she just walked into a teahouse, ordered a pot of tea, gave the little girl a few copper coins, pretended to mention Song's house unintentionally, and couldn't stop talking about convenience.

"...He is very powerful. He is related to several big families in the town. He makes a lot of things. I heard that everyone is not easy to mess with."

"Lord Qi is still a good person. He didn't collude with them, but there are some things that no one dares to say that he can't control if he wants to."

"I remember that a few days ago, the eldest son of the Song family robbed a girl. The girl was still pregnant, and she was given medicine that day. The husband went to find her, but her leg was broken. The whole family was ruined. "

"Usually no one dares to look for something if you take something here, but if you drop it on a table, why would there be a Pei family behind?"

Yun Shuben drank tea by his side and listened. When he heard the back, he snapped his fingers, "Who are you talking about?"

"The Pei family, you should know this, right? The two young masters of the Pei family are not married yet. There is no one in the town who doesn't want to marry at your age, right?" The second child obviously mistook Yun Shu for asking about this. Finding a way out for himself, with a face full of ridicule.

Yun Shu didn't explain, but frowned.

The little girl said again, "The sisters-in-law of the Pei family are closely related, and the Song family is actually a branch of the Pei family. As far as this is concerned, no one in the town provokes her."

Is it?Is it because businessmen are mutual?

It's about the same as what you should know, but unexpectedly, Pei's family popped up. She paid the bill and left the teahouse, and the waiter enthusiastically delivered it to the door.

Originally, he just wanted to find out the relationship between these people, but now it made it more troublesome. Yun Shu frowned and touched his sleeves.

She has a lot of poisons, if she can poison these troubles to death, it will be faster.

But thinking of someone in the government office, Yun Shu quickly dismissed the idea.

She decided to go to Pei's mansion first.

 After being put on the shelves, the update time is temporarily in the afternoon. The weather is too cold, and the pigeons freeze into dogs as soon as they return to their hometown. The dog paws have no courage to stretch out in the morning. The base is more than [-], and will be updated from time to time to compensate everyone slowly, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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