Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 158 come to the door

Chapter 158 come to the door
Yun Shu returned a total of 28 purses and sachets. Seeing that it was about the same time, she asked the people in the shop to wait and left.

When she came back, those people were obviously relieved, thinking that Yun Shu took the opportunity to leave.

When she retreated to thirty, there was a strange movement at the door, she glanced at the door, and snorted coldly in her heart, the good show was finally about to begin.

"Is the boss of Yunxiu Pavilion here? He hasn't come out to meet my young master yet." The people outside shouted.

There were still two young girls who wanted to return their things standing in the shop. When they heard the movement and looked over, their expressions were stunned, and there was a clear look of nervousness in their eyes.

Yun Shu calmly wrote down the names of No. 30 and put down the brush.

A group of people came in at the door. They originally wanted to smash things with their hands. When they came in, they found that there were only some wooden shelves in the room. They looked at each other, and then looked behind them.

Yun Shu just finished collecting the papers, and when he looked, a man in his thirties came out, with small eyes, a big nose, and his chin raised, looking arrogant.

Hearing the servant's words, the man's eyes turned around in the shop, his face was full of anger.But when his eyes fell on Yun Shu, his eyes lit up, and the anger on his face disappeared instantly. What a delicate little girl.

He didn't expect to have such a good fortune on this trip today, he stroked his chin, his eyes seemed to be fixed on Yun Shu, and the lewdness on his face was undisguised.

Yun Shu noticed the gaze, met the dirty gaze, suppressed the coldness below. He didn't stand up, looked sideways, and said indifferently, "Yunxiu Pavilion is closed today, everyone?"

Her voice was clear and calm, and she was not in a hurry. The two girls seemed surprised, and they seemed to be really not afraid to see her, which was quite surprising.

Because they have already recognized that the person here is the famous young master of the Song family.

Not to mention that he has nothing to say, he likes to rob women of the people by force, and generally no girl can escape. Almost all the young women in the town recognize him, and the smart ones will not wait until this Young Master Song finds himself.

Thinking about hiding in the house.

"Of course I have to go out of business and imitate other people's things. If I continue to drive, I will be drowned by the spittle, right? But this young master has always been a sympathetic person. I see that the girl doesn't seem like a bad person, why don't you go back to the Song Mansion with this young master? It’s so easy to show your face and do these things.” It was the eldest son of the Song family who spoke.

Song Yong thinks that he is not good looking, but he can't bear to be rich. It is hard to find a few philanthropic people like himself even if he looks around the world.

At this time, the closer I got, the more I felt that the girl looked lovely, my heart moved, and my hand touched her, "The girl's skin looks...uh!"

Song Yong stared at Yun Shu, who was clamping his wrist with two fingers, and found that he couldn't move. Then he laughed, "Little lady is not weak, but so If you are in a hurry to touch this young master, you won't be hit by me."

As he spoke, he took a few steps closer, and Song Yong was still very proud. Sure enough, these women couldn't escape his palm.

Yun Shu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Song Mansion, this should be the daring Young Master Song, I didn't expect him to come first.

As far as she knew, this Song Yong was the son-in-law of the eldest brother of the old man of the Pei family.It's ridiculous to say that this young master Song has no skills, but he is very happy with his father-in-law. He is his own son-in-law and even recognized a god-in-law, and he has the right to be a son in the future.

That Song Mansion was the family of Uncle Pei Yu's sons and daughters, and they were usually closely connected with the Pei family, but they secretly ate the Pei family. It was said that the uncle of the Pei family seemed to want to become the second in Liangting Town.

Yun Shu originally thought that the person in charge would come today, but unexpectedly this person came instead.

But it doesn't matter if you come, since this person is so important, it will be more effective to use him as a knife.

Thinking of this, she raised her eyes, "I can't bear the kindness of Young Master Song. Before I do it, be sensible and take someone away." As soon as she loosened her finger, Song Yong took a few steps back uncontrollably , Yun Shu looked at the finger with disgust, took a rag and wiped it in front of the other party.

"You..." Song Yong took a few steps back before being supported by his subordinates. When he looked up and saw Yun Shu's movements, his face twisted in anger, "Do you know who I am, to be so ungrateful!"

Yun Shu didn't even look at him, "I'm not interested in knowing who you are, but you've tarnished my place by standing here."

"Bold, you dare to talk to our young master so much."

"Eldest young master, don't talk to her anymore, let's go up and catch her, and then you can play whatever you want, young master."

"Yes, young master."

They are all people who follow Du Song Yong, so they naturally know what he wants, and at this moment, Song Yong nodded.Anyway, he came here today to deal with a woman, the difference is that he intends to bring her back.

Immediately said, "Go and catch her, this shop, which is modeled after several of ours, will be demolished later!"

Could it be unbearable?
Yun Shu took the opportunity to glance at the crowd, and when she saw that figure was already there, she smiled, and when she finally arrived, her hands were already itchy.

She stood up unhurriedly, but the servants were afraid of Yun Shu's calmness and dared not move.

In the end, Song Yong urged impatiently, and one of them came over, but before he touched Yun Shu, he was kicked on the ground.

The three people from behind came again, Yun Shu dodged a little, one of them lay on the ground, and the other was grabbed by Yun Shu's arm, kicked against the wall, screaming.

After doing all this, Yun Shu ignored the astonished eyes around her and looked at Song Yong, "You guys did this first."

"So what if I did it, do you think you can find someone to help you with this? Let me tell you, there is really no one in Liangting Town who can help you." Song Yong was also agitated when he saw that his subordinate was beaten to the ground by a woman Dazed, and then complacently raised his hand, a group of people walked in from outside the shop.

Outside the Yunxiu Pavilion itself, a few people were attracted by Song Yong's entrance. At this moment, there was a great commotion, and people nearby came to check on the situation. The color of regret.

It was the Song family who provoked it, don't think about it now.

"What's the meaning of Young Master Song?" Inside the shop, Yun Shu looked at the crowd that was almost blocking the door, and asked with raised eyebrows.

Song Yong didn't expect her to be so calm, "Is there a need to ask? Of course I want to arrest you and bring you home."

"Really? Young Master Song is not afraid of alarming the government when he is so blatantly arresting people in broad daylight?" Yun Shu said intentionally.

"Fu Ya? That can't control me. To tell you the truth, my little lady, Mr. Qi of Fu Ya has a close relationship with my father. Even if he is watching here, he can't move me." Song Yong can be said to be proud, he has no Fearing that there are countless people standing around, their voices are not low.

"That's a coincidence. I have something to do today and I just invited Master Qi over. Since Young Master Song is not afraid, I'll invite Master Qi to come in." Yun Shu looked at him with a smile.

Song Yong still had a smile on his face, clearly not believing it.

Yun Shu ignored him and strode towards the door, "Master Qi, did you hear what you just said?"

 Drunk, when I went to the mountain, I found that the computer charger was not brought, and the battery ran out immediately. I will use my mobile phone later, it may be very slow, forgive me
(End of this chapter)

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