Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 160 Waiting for 3 days

Chapter 160 Waiting for three days
Seeing Qi Wenshan's wavering eyes, Yun Shu knew that he was really doubting herself.

She raised her lips and looked, smiling lightly.

"Master Song!" Qi Wenshan said suddenly, he looked at the shocked Song Yong, "There are many doubts about this matter, I hope you can go back to the government office with me!"

"Lord Qi, I was wronged. The sachet is not poisonous. You have to believe me, it's all this woman..." Song Yong didn't expect such a result, but Qi Wenshan interrupted him before he finished speaking.

"Master Song, I will thoroughly investigate this matter. If you are innocent, I will release you. I hope you can cooperate with me." Qi Wenshan's voice became serious.

Song Yong stared at him in a daze, his expression became impetuous when he realized it, he couldn't bear it and kicked the servant beside him, "I still don't report back to the house, let my father come to save me."

The servant reacted and nodded and left.

Seeing this scene, Qi Wenshan frowned but didn't stop it.

The subordinates who came with him have come to Song Yong, "Master Song, please!"

"You will regret it. Bastards, be careful, and I will settle accounts with you when I come out!" Song Yong was angry and unwilling to stop him from threatening others when so many people were taken away. Wang turned his head and glared at Yun Shu fiercely.

"Let's settle the accounts when Young Master Song comes out. I'll wait for Young Master Song to visit at Yunxiu Pavilion." Yun Shu looked quietly, with a faint smile on his face, and he didn't care about the provocation.

Qi Wenshan obviously didn't understand Yun Shu's behavior. Seeing Song Yong being taken away, he looked at Yun Shu for a while before saying, "Yun Shu, I hope you are not teasing me."

Yun Shu heard the warning, and she looked at it without fear, "Yun Shu is not so bold in this kind of thing. Yun Shu understands your concern, but the behavior of the Song family is unforgivable, and I hope that you will be as clear as you say." But don't let him go without waiting for the Pei family to come to your door.

Qi Wenshan heard what she hadn't finished speaking, and took a deep look at her before leaving.

Song Yong was taken away, Qi Wenshan left, and the people brought by the Song family ran away in an instant.

In an instant, the Yunxiu Pavilion was completely silent, not because there was no one there, but because everyone was shocked by the transformation in front of them.

The way they looked at Yun Shu seemed to have changed.

Because no one would have thought that this young girl would actually get the young master of the Song family who has done a lot of evil to the yamen.

Although they felt that Song Yong would be released soon, those who had been bullied by Song Yong felt relieved.

"Why are you still standing there, tell me your name..." The two waiting girls in the shop seemed to be in a daze, Yun Shu re-layed the paper, took up the ink for the brush, waited for a long time, but the person in front of her still didn't move, she Looking up, he was taken aback.

"That's amazing, you're not afraid of the Song family!" The two of them, who were originally not polite to Yun Shu because of the sachet, looked at Yun Shu with admiration and admiration, without concealing the exclamation in their voices.

Afraid?Why should she be afraid.

She withdrew her gaze and said calmly, "It's not me who should be afraid, but them."

This is just the beginning. She said that those who provoke her must be prepared for her to fight back.

The two girls were stunned. They looked at the Yun Shu who slightly raised their eyebrows, but their every move revealed casualness, calmness, and imperceptible arrogance in his words. His eyes seemed to be seeing an idol.

"This, this sachet, we won't return it." The two touched the things in their hands, thinking about it now, they bought everything, so there is no time to go back on their word, it's only fifty cash, and they can earn it by themselves.

The eyes that looked at Yun Shu became more and more gentle.

One of them couldn't help but ask Xiang Yunshu, "Well, you just said that the sachets sold by Ruyi Xiulou are poisonous, is that true?"

"Instead of asking me, it's better to wait patiently for three days, and the result will come out." Because no one believed me.

The two looked at each other, so there is really something wrong with the sachet, and it can be seen in three days?
The two left the shop with their thoughts in mind, but were stopped by curious onlookers.

"What happened just now? Did the boss of Yunxiu Pavilion poison Young Master Song?"

"That sachet isn't really poisonous, is it? My family bought several of them!"

But even though the two of them saw this in the shop just now, they probably finished their question to Yun Shu, couldn't stand such questioning, and left quickly.

Although the others were curious, they didn't go to the shop to ask.

What's more, if you ask, what you hear may not be true, so you can discuss it on your own.

"The Song family is a bit weak, and they probably wouldn't do this. Maybe it's the owner of the Yunxiu Pavilion who was bitten by something."

"Didn't you hear what the girl said just now? People say that you can see the results in three days. What's the benefit of lying to us?"

"Yes, Master Qi was here just now, she probably won't lie to Master Qi."

Everyone was discussing and each had their own opinions, but most of them still felt that the Pei family would not do such a thing.

In the shop, Yun Shu lowered her head and studied the ink, but the comments still came to her ears. When she heard those words that the Song family could not do such a thing, the corners of her lips became even higher.

Let's continue to guess, I believe that the more people in the Song family, the better the effect of her counterattack will be.

As dusk fell, the crowd dispersed, and Yun Shu also set foot on the path home.

In Liangting Town, under the dim light, on the closed door of Yunxiu Pavilion, on the white paper fluttering in the wind, the ink has long since dried up. At this time, the words on it can still be seen clearly by the light: free detoxification, time limit of two days !

As the night darkened, the town was bustling with activity.

In the Fuya Prison, Song Yong's hands were already covered by dense red blisters. He grabbed the iron gate of the prison with both hands, looking restless, and shouted at Qi Wenshan who was talking to the doctor not far away, "Quack doctor, I'm not sick, yes That woman poisoned me. Master Qi, have you been deceived by her too? Let me out!"

"...can't find out? I see, you go first." Hearing the call, Qi Wenshan asked the doctor to leave, then looked at Song Yong, whose hair was messy and anxious, and frowned, "Master Song, please be careful with your words. However, I have informed the Song family that they insist on continuing to open the Ruyi Embroidery Building, so I have no choice but to check and find out your illness first."

"Impossible, where is my father? Don't they know that I'm still in this dirty place?" Song Yong kicked hard at the iron gate in front of him again.

Seeing him like this, Qi Wenshan couldn't tell him. The Song family was busy counting the money. They heard that they were going to close the Xiulou and investigate Song Yong's illness. After discussing it, they decided to let Song Yong stay in the government office.

It's just that Qi Wenshan's yard is too small and still tidying up, and it will be midnight when it's done.

When he left, he took another look at Song Yong. He still didn't understand what was going on.

However, he who has never paid attention to several businesses has heard that because of the genuine and fake sachets, the supply of Ruyi Embroidery House was in short supply on the first day of opening. Yong doesn't care.

Of course, he must have thought about what Qi Wenshan would do to Song Yong.

(End of this chapter)

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