Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 166 Jiang's Cooperation

Chapter 166 Jiang's Cooperation
Yun Shu left the teahouse, ate a bowl of noodles at a shop not far away, and then went to Jiang's house.

She changed into that black disguise, and wanted to go in directly through the main entrance, but there were many gatekeepers, if she stayed any longer, she would be seen by nearby pedestrians, so she simply climbed in from the side wall.

The courtyard wall of Jiang's house was about a meter higher than Yun Shu's house, so it took internal force to get in, but it didn't bother Yun Shu.

Her qinggong has improved again in the past few days, and the new medicine she practiced is also immediately successful. If she really succeeds in improving her internal strength this time, she will probably be able to feel the law, and it is not impossible for her internal strength to surpass those masters by then.

Just because of her lack of internal energy, she couldn't come and go without a trace. God knows how envious Yun Shu was every time she saw Su Yi and the others appear and disappear in front of her.

Realizing that she was thinking too far, Yun Shu quickly withdrew her thoughts when a few servants appeared in front of her. She quickly entered the space, waited for them to go far before coming out, and then went directly to Master Jiang's study.

Jiang Huaishan was sitting in the study at this time, his brows were furrowed, his eyes were angry, he felt angry after thinking about it, he raised his hand to sweep, and all the things on the table fell to the ground.

But he still couldn't get over his anger. Today he wanted to have a look and find a few good-quality ones to check the accounts, but someone spread a false rumor that he was looking for a son-in-law, and they discussed how his daughter was doing, and they all said some stupid things.

Jiang Huaishan heard it just in time, and was so angry that she drove everyone out, but when people inquired, they all talked about her daughter.

It was a man who had been sullen all morning and scolded the Zhao family several times.The heart is all about the kid surnamed Zhao, who behaved improperly and ruined his daughter's reputation, and now he dares to spread rumors outside, it really pissed him off!
He has nothing to do with the Zhao family!

Hearing someone push the door suddenly, he thought it was the butler bringing him food again, so he shouted angrily without raising his head, "Didn't I say don't bother me!"

"It seems that I came at the wrong time." A voice came faintly.

Jiang Huaishan sensed something was wrong and looked over. When he saw a dark figure standing by the door, the anger on his face instantly dissipated. He stood up and walked over, "Genius doctor? When did you come, come down Why didn't people report?"

"The situation is urgent. I didn't enter through the main entrance. It seems to have disturbed Master Jiang." Yun Shu said leisurely.

"No, no, I didn't bother you! I've always wanted to find a chance to invite you as a guest, so as to thank you for saving my little girl's life several times, but I heard that you have gone wandering." Jiang Huaishan didn't lie about this, he meant it sincerely I want to thank the miracle doctor, but unfortunately I can't find anyone.

He had heard everything from the butler before, and he thought this miracle doctor was a powerful man, but he didn't expect to save her daughter several times without telling her, and he was also his apprentice last time, so he recognized the maid's tricks in time, otherwise he would The daughter's reputation was ruined early on.

He was grateful for the thought.

Only his daughter is the most important person in his life, and now his daughter's illness is mostly cured, all of this is due to the kindness of the divine doctor.

"Master Jiang doesn't have to be like this. I came here this time for personal reasons." Yun Shu said in a low voice, her voice was deep, and it seemed that there were many emotions mixed with it that made it hard to figure out.

Jiang Huaishan knew it clearly, "Is there anything I can do to help the genius doctor?"

Yun Shu said, "I was traveling abroad, but I received a voice transmission from my apprentice saying that I was framed, so I hurried back. I wanted to teach those people directly, but I heard that the Jiang family has a part. This old man has always admired Master Jiang's direct behavior, that’s why I’m here.”

He thought he was asking for his own help, but when he heard these words, Jiang Huaishan's heart was shocked, obviously he didn't realize when he bullied the genius doctor's apprentice.

But hearing that he made a special trip for this matter, Jiang Huaishan accepted it no matter if it was a polite word or not.

"Genius doctor, I, Jiang Huaishan, am not the kind of person who repays kindness with revenge. Is there a misunderstanding about framing Lingtu?" He explained.

Yun Shu pretended to be mysterious and waved his hands, "Master Jiang doesn't need to explain. Everyone knows that Ruyi Embroidery Building is a joint venture between the Pei family, the Song family, and the Jiang family. My apprentice opened the Yunxiu Pavilion just to earn money to support a family. But they were shouted to imitate your things, but they don't know that my reputation is not for nothing. My apprentice's things can't be imitated by anyone. Within two days, they will know the consequences of bullying my apprentice. gone."

Ruyi embroidery building?

Jiang Huaishan was shocked, this really has something to do with him, and said, "Genius doctor, I do know something about this, but most of the Ruyi Embroidery Building is controlled by the Song family, I really don't know about the imitation of Yunxiu Pavilion Love." He has been busy with his daughter's affairs recently, so he has no mood to care about these things.

He was rather curious as to what the miracle doctor said would be the consequence.

Yun Shu had been observing him for a long time, and seeing that he really didn't seem to be lying, she nodded.

"It's too late to say these things now. It's true that the Jiang family participated in it. Master Ruojiang really wants to thank me. I hope I can cooperate with this old man."

How could Jiang Huaishan dare to say no, "Please tell me, the genius doctor."

"You answer me a question first, afraid to offend the Pei family?"

As soon as the question came out, Jiang Huaishan heard his heart beat violently, it was really difficult to answer this question.

Seeing that he hesitated, Yun Shu knew in her heart that she should have hesitated.

The reason why she went to the Jiang family was because of Jiang Huaishan's character of saying that the wind is the rain. According to her analysis, this kind of person should be fearless if he has plans.

Sure enough, without making Yun Shu wait any longer, Jiang Huaishan said, "Genius doctor, no one likes to offend people. Jiang feels that since you have joined Jiang's family, you will definitely not let Jiang do too embarrassing things, so you just Tell me what to do!"

You're smart, do you want to find a guarantee for yourself?
"Alright." Yun Shu waved to him, and when the latter came over, she whispered something.

I don't know what Yun Shu said, his expression changed back and forth, and when Yun Shu finished speaking, he was still in a daze.

"The old man will stay here not long. I can find Yun Shu if I need something later. Although she is not long with me, she is smart. As long as you follow the plan, Master Jiang will not suffer."

Jiang Huaishan is still thinking about what she said just now, so he will only nod now.

Seeing his frown, Yun Shu decided to let him calm down, and left after saying a word.

When there was only one person left in the room, Jiang Huaishan seemed to come back to his senses, seeing that there was no trace of the doctor, he shook his head and said, "No wonder you asked me if I was afraid of offending the Pei family, if I did this, it would push the Pei family to the top of the wave It's peak."

But thinking of the latter, he was actually very moved.

The butler knocked on the door and came in, and served hot meals. Jiang Huaishan felt hungry when he saw it. He wondered if his mood was too complicated after talking with Yun Shu just now. He ate two bowls full of rice under the surprised eyes of the butler.

After Jiang Huaishan finished eating, he put away the plate and was still thinking about what happened to the master, but he didn't dare to ask because of his temper.

(End of this chapter)

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