Chapter 173
The movement was not small, and after Yun Shu had watched it for a long time, everyone followed him. They were stunned again, it was the Jiang family.

What kind of wind is blowing today, people from this big family have come one after another?
There were more than a dozen people in the crowd, except for the servants at the back, it was Zheng Feng, the housekeeper, but the one walking in the front was the old man of the Jiang family who never went out very much.

It is said that this old man of the Jiang family is somewhat similar to the old man of the Pei family.

His wife died of illness in the early years, the Pei family left two sons, but Master Jiang has only one daughter.

It's just that Mr. Pei's health is not good, except for the few wives he had long ago, he didn't marry again.And this Mr. Jiang seemed to have a heart in the past two years. He took in two concubines in a year, but his stomach still didn't move. Some people said that this is Mr. Jiang's love and his heart for his original spouse, but he had to accept concubines in order to carry on the family. .

But the truth in the end how, no one knows.

Mr. Jiang was fat and dressed in silk and satin. He looked like a rich man, and he came with a belly full.

Realizing that they really came to Yunxiu Pavilion, everyone subconsciously stepped aside.

It was indeed the butler who went there first, and arched his body towards the little girl, "Miss Yun, are you okay if I don't see you for a few days?" The tone seemed familiar.

Everyone was puzzled, this Ruyi Embroidery Building seemed to have the participation of Jiang's family, but this Yunxiu Pavilion knew Jiang's family, what happened?

Knowing that Jiang Huaishan told Zheng Feng about her plan, Yun Shu smiled politely, "I'm fine, I wonder how Miss Jiang is recovering?"

"Thanks to the miracle doctor's blessing, my young lady is already well."

"That's good. Before my trip, my master told me to go and see, but recently I really can't get away." Yun Shu also said.

The crowd was surprised again.

Before, they only saw at a glance who the person with the problem with the Ruyi Xiulou sachet was, but now they heard that it seemed very powerful.

I can't help but think of the rumors some time ago, that the young lady of the Jiang family has been suffering from a serious illness since she was a child, and she looks extremely ugly, but last time someone said that she seems to have recovered her appearance, so she is the teacher of this little girl!

It just so happened that Master Jiang also came over, and he smiled at each other, "I'm busy and I have nothing to do, today is not about Yan'er, but about the poison of this sachet."

Everyone knew that the old man of the Jiang family had a bad temper, and it was rare for him to be polite, let alone smiling.

The look in Yun Shu's eyes was even more unusual.

Jiang Huaishan said, "I didn't know about the sachet of Ruyi Embroidery House before. Fortunately, Doctor Su reminded me to realize it. It's just that Xiulou is not owned by the Jiang family, and no one believed me when I said it, so I had to withdraw it. I have been involved, this matter cannot be ignored, I heard that you know this detoxification method, so I wanted to go and ask for a prescription."

Jiang Huaishan seldom appeared in front of the public, and everyone didn't have a deep impression of him, but now it was rare to see him once, but seeing him come to ask for medicine because of the sachet, his impression instantly improved.

This is much better than the Pei family who only came with a butler and was not sincere.

"This... I may not be able to do it." Yun Shu hesitated for a moment, looking embarrassed, "I know that Master Jiang has a good relationship with my master, but this prescription was passed down to me by my master alone, even if I want to help, I don't have the master's permission , and cannot agree."

As he spoke, he looked over again, "Besides, even if I give it, the prescription is cumbersome and complicated to make. Since Mr. Jiang has withdrawn from the Ruyi Embroidery Building, why bother?"

Jiang Huaishan smiled, "It's rare for me to be kind. Besides, the people in the town have become like this. I don't feel comfortable watching it. If I can pay for it, I'd be happy."

This explanation sounds very random, but it is this randomness that moved everyone.

It is said that some people have a cold face and a warm heart, but the master of the Jiang family turned out to be a kind-hearted master.

"Yun Shu, although you are a junior, the old man knows that you are not a bad person. This time, you are very innocent, but thousands of people are indeed victims. I hope you can consider it. If you can, I am willing to pay for it. "

Jiang Huaishan's mind is active, he can feel that the eyes of the surrounding people are all on him, and he knows that everyone's eyes are moved without looking.

At first, he wasn't sure about Yun Shu's purpose, but at this moment, he already understood.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were too many eyes around her, he would have liked to praise her.

The little girl looked young, but she didn't expect to have a lot of thoughts, knowing how to use this method to win people's hearts.

Yun Shuzi also received Jiang Huaishan's meaningful eyes and pretended not to know.

Originally, he was asked to come to act in a play, but seeing that the performance was almost done, he was ready to close the play.

"Uncle Jiang." After thinking about it for a long time, Yun Shu made a sound, and the title changed accordingly.

She glanced at Jiang Huai-Shan first, and then looked at the waiting crowd. There was embarrassment, hesitation, and even more struggle in her eyes, but in the end it turned into a compromise, "Since you have said so, if I insist on It's too much. I've thought about it, since I want to save them, I will save them all, and I don't need Uncle Jiang to pay you, but I need to borrow some people to help me make some sachets."

Make sachets again?Everyone is puzzled.

Yun Shu explained, "The medicine left by my master is not eaten or applied externally, but worn. I have considered detoxification, and I have asked my family to prepare some sachets and put the antidote, but the quantity is really not enough. If you wait , It’s not good for everyone to be covered with poison bags, but it’s enough to have someone to help. However, there is something that needs to be explained to everyone.”

The last sentence is indeed eye-catching.

"What word?" they asked.

"I, Yunxiu Pavilion, originally sold embroidery products. I can get this herb for free, but the sachet is not. If you want to detoxify, you have to pay a hundred dollars to buy this sachet. I can promise to detoxify everyone."

"But this sachet..." Someone obviously hesitated, but after seeing the one or two detoxification stickers on the door, and comparing them with each other, he convinced himself, "Just buy it, we asked for it ourselves, who knows Wait any longer, what kind of poison is this?"

Compared with one hundred Wen and one tael, although they are both paid for, the latter is obviously convincing.

"Don't worry, everyone. The poison of this sachet will cause facial abnormalities, but it won't kill people, it just disfigures them." Yun Shu comforted.

But after saying this, the man was fine, but the women covered their faces in obvious horror.

It will be disfigured.

Yun Shu pretended not to know, but inadvertently met Jiang Huaishan's shrewd eyes. The latter seemed to understand her intentions, with obvious admiration in his eyes, so he raised his lips slightly, which was indeed hard to detect .

In the end, she dropped another sentence, "The sachet of Yunxiu Pavilion is the scent that my master personally blended. If ordinary people imitate it, accidents will happen. Don't take chances and think that the Pei family can be responsible, because they can't untie it."

It is true that some people still wanted to make the Pei family responsible, but Yun Shu blocked the last way.

I heard her say again, "I only have more than 60 sachets here, let's take a look first."

As she spoke, she sat down again, took off the one or two notes of medical treatment, and replaced them with the written ones under everyone's suspicious eyes.

It did say: Baiwen detoxification, blacklisted guests need to pay one tael!
(End of this chapter)

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