Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 178 Raising Food and Grass

Chapter 178 Raising Food and Grass
He was relieved at the moment, but when he thought that there was still a plague-infested city not far away, Qi Wenshan looked gloomy and didn't know what to do.

The letter only said to let him catch those soldiers and take precautions, and not to reveal the plague for the time being.

But those soldiers yelled and couldn't hide it even if they wanted to. The only thing he could do was to obscure the truth.

"Your Excellency, don't worry. Didn't it say in the letter that King Yu and the Second Prince are both in Yudu, and they will definitely come up with a perfect plan." The master just finished writing, looked up and saw his lord's anxious look, and sighed road.

"But this is not another disease, but a plague." Qi Wenshan also sighed, thinking about the plagues that have occurred over the years, the only one that was really brought under control was the one ten years ago.

At that time, the situation was serious, and the military doctors were helpless. It was the people from the Godly Doctor Valley who were dispatched to control the plague. But even so, thousands of people were lost that year.

The master also knew some inside information, and suddenly thought of something, "I remember rumors in the early years that the second prince had a good relationship with Miracle Doctor Gu, maybe this time Miracle Doctor Gu will come."

"I hope." Qi Wenshan had never met that second prince, he only knew that he had a strange disease since he was a child, and later the emperor sent him to Guli, a well-known genius doctor in the world at that time, as for the second prince, what happened to them in the end? I don't know either.

If it wasn't mentioned in the letter, he wouldn't have thought of the prince at all.

Suddenly he noticed a person standing at the door, Qi Wenshan looked over, and the person came in after seeing this, "My lord." It was Luo Jin who just came back.

"You've heard it all, it's good to know about it, don't let it out."

Luo Jin just nodded, "This subordinate understands, it's just..."

Qi Wenshan asked, "Just what?" He knew he must have something to say.

"This subordinate thinks that since King Yu himself is in Yudu, and he sent a letter, it would be a little bad for your lord to just look at it."

Hearing what he said, Qi Wenshan also hesitated, as if it was true.

The noble princes are all in the center of the plague, but it would be a bit outrageous to be here as if nothing had happened.

Knowing that since Luo Jin said it, he must have an idea, and asked, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"The subordinates feel that there must not be much food and grass for King Yu to lead his troops to stay here for a few days. Your lord might as well go to the rich merchants in the town to get some medicines and food and grass to send. First, let the people of all towns know where King Yu is, so they can feel at ease. Second, It also shows the concern of adults.”

"This method is really good, then... let's do it like this, you pick people, and I prepare things." Qi Wenshan thought this suggestion was excellent, and seeing the master nodded, he immediately made a decision.

Seeing that Luo Jin hadn't left yet, he asked doubtfully, "Is there anything else?"

"This subordinate wants to recommend himself to be the food delivery person, and I hope that the adults will agree." Luo Jin said firmly.

"Okay." Regarding the plague, those who know the inside story will probably try not to go there. Qi Wenshan was surprised by Luo Jin's request. Thinking that his suggestion just now was also for the common people, knowing that he was kind, how could he refuse? .

Luo Jin stepped back, the master looked at his back and praised him appreciatively, "Luo Jin is a good man."

Qi Wenshan also nodded.

Because there is a lot of movement in collecting food, some things can't be covered even if they want to.

Qi Wenshan visited every business, and some people had already heard the news and asked about the plague. Qi Wenshan always answered vaguely, only mentioning the matter of collecting food.

Some merchants were reluctant, but thinking of the plague, they gave more or less.

And when some of them heard that they were given to Yu Wang, they were extremely generous, and they were very willing to give food and medicine.

It was the last time Qi Wenshan went to the Pei family, and the servants of the Pei family welcomed him into the living room, where Pei Yu was already sitting on the sidelines waiting.

"Lord Qi." Seeing him, Pei Yu got up and asked him to come across, but before Qi Wenshan could speak, he said first, "The food is ready and can be taken away at any time, but Pei Yu wants to know something accurate, Is the plague story true or false?"

It is not easy for ordinary people to lie to Pei Yu's eyes, and Qi Wenshan understands and appreciates this rising star even more.

When he came, he was ready, he hesitated a little, and asked Pei Yu to remove the servants around him, and then nodded slowly.

With this nod, Pei Yu frowned.

"If the fundraising is completed today, I plan to have people rush to Yudu overnight. No matter whether they can help or not, they will do their best." Qi Wenshan said.

"In such a hurry?"

Qi Wenshan shook his head and said, "There is nothing you can do if you are not in a hurry. We know the news too late. It is said that the plague spread a few days ago. You also know that the plague broke out extremely quickly. I just hope that it will not be too late."

Pei Yu was startled, he always thought more than others, when he heard this, he guessed something, his face was serious.

If the plague has been happening for a few days, and the soldiers can run here, it means that the situation is more serious than imagined.

What he was more worried about was whether the plague would bring to Liangting Town. After all, these diseases were difficult to control, and a careless one might ruin Dazhou.

Imagine the disasters in the past, that jade-like handsome face is no longer relaxed, but instead is deeply depressed.

That night, dozens of carts loaded with food and medicine were sent to Yudu.

The people who saw it talked more after hearing about it, but after hearing that Yudu was guarding the two princes, they felt more at ease.

I don't know if it was affected by this, but the number of people going to town the next day was much less.

Yun Shu gave her mother one of the masks she made last night, warning her that she must wear it if she went out of the village, and stuffed some antiseptic herbs into her existing sachet for her mother and elder brother, and witnessed it with her own eyes. It's reassuring to see them wearing it.

When she went to the town, there were few people on the street. Originally, she also wanted to close the business for two days, but she was worried that such attention would make Qin's worry instead, so she simply dismissed the idea.

As soon as the door opened, an old acquaintance came to visit, "Yun Shu, have you heard about the plague?"

Carpenter Zhang came in with a cautious face. In the past, he always said that this shop was not suitable for a man like him to come in, but today he didn't feel any pressure at all. It was clear that he was here for something.

"I heard that Mr. Qi said he would deal with it, so don't worry about it." Yun Shu pretended not to know.

"But I'm just not at ease. Your master is so capable, did he teach you how to guard against this?" After walking around a few times with worry on his face, Carpenter Zhang finally revealed his intention, and then looked at Yun Shu with hope.

Seeing that he was in a panic, Yun Shu paused, took out the sachets he made last night, thought for a while and took four of them to him, "I don't know if these things are useful, if Uncle Zhang is worried, you might as well bring one as a gift for you of."

She remembered that the other party's family had two children, and there were exactly four of them including the couple.

Carpenter Zhang did rush to pay, but Yun Shu didn't want it. In the end, the other party thanked Wan Xie and left happily holding the sachet.

(End of this chapter)

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