Chapter 184

After the plague prevailed, more than a dozen military doctors were busy day and night.

It stands to reason that it's time to rest, but the tents are still full of people.

Yun Shu moved very lightly when she entered, and the people in the camp did not notice her, which made it easier for her to observe the situation inside.

The tent is about [-] square meters, except for the people piled up in the middle, there are four or five beds beside it, lying or sleeping or staring blankly at the people on the top of the tent. smell.

The five lying down looked normal, except that they were almost mentally ill, and it didn't look like they were infected with the plague.

Otherwise, it would not be placed in the tent.

"The Andrographis paniculata that I used before still have some effect, but now it doesn't work."

"Even if we look for medicine again, it's too late. Everyone is getting sick faster and faster."

"No matter what, those people are dying. Today is the last day. Please work hard, let's take a look."

"Doctor Chen... No matter how hard you try to find it, one day is useless. Why bother struggling for nothing? In my opinion, it's better to stop. Everyone is exhausted these days, and Doctor Li even lost his life."

Among the group of noisy voices, only one person said the exact opposite. He was a man in his early twenties, with resentment and unwillingness on his face, but he endured the consequences of being targeted by everyone, and said these words.

Unexpectedly, the voice in the tent fell silent.

After a long time, I heard a heavy sigh, "That's not okay. Those children are too pitiful. They just survived the war and contracted the plague. We are their last hope. So we must persist until King Yu gives orders. , maybe you can really find something." But the latter sentence was powerless.

Yun Shu looked over, and the one who spoke was probably that Dr. Chen, who was about fifty years old, and looked about the same size as Xu Fuyuan, but with a vicissitudes of life on his face and unstoppable fatigue.

Obviously, as the young man said, as long as the plague is discovered, they will stay up as long as possible.

The inexplicable Yun Shu felt something was wrong. Although the plague was not caused by herself, it was her actions that caused these doctors to come and suffer.

Because of emotion and reason, it is very necessary for me to come this time.

She then walked to the side, and there were many wooden shelves in the corner of the tent, on which there were no longer enough dried herbs.

Yun Shu twisted a pinch, put it under his nose and sniffed it lightly, and then he knew the name and properties of the herb.

She looked at, smelled and touched each of the dozen kinds, and finally came to the conclusion that they were all herbs corresponding to the plague disease.

In modern terms, most of them are antibacterial.

Thinking of the Andrographis they mentioned before, Yun Shu frowned and thought.

It stands to reason that it is impossible to find out the exact condition of the disease and use the corresponding medicine, which will not have any effect at all.

Is there something wrong?She hasn't seen those patients seriously, so it's really hard to say how to treat them.

While thinking about it, someone in the crowd looked back and exclaimed, "Who are you?"

Under the oil lamp, Yun Shu's darkly painted face was too conspicuous, not to mention wearing a black mask.

The people in the tent dispersed almost instantly, three meters away from Yun Shu.

"Come here!" That Doctor Chen looked even more solemn, and two guards came in at the door in a short while.

Yun Shu didn't even have a chance to speak, the guards had already entered.

"Didn't you let the entrance be guarded, why do you let everyone in, don't you know where this is?" He yelled at the two people who came in.

The guard just met Yun Shu, and was taken aback by the scolding. He looked at her and then at the angry military doctors, and hurriedly explained, "Doctor Chen, you misunderstood, this is Yuwang's man , just came from the city. If this is a person from the city, the villain will not dare to let him go even if he is killed."

"A man from Yuwang?" Dr. Chen seemed less angry, but he still looked at Yun Shu warily.

Yun Shu was about to speak, when a person suddenly rushed over, she dodged subconsciously, the other party lay on the ground, and shouted, "My lord, I still want to live, please let me get out of this damn place, I can't take it anymore , this plague cannot be cured at all.”

The man was wearing a military doctor's uniform, but it was of a different color. Yun Shu guessed that he should be one of the apprentices.

Sure enough, a moment later, an old man with a stubble all over his face stepped forward and kicked him, "Bastard, you greedy bastard, shut up."

The man didn't listen, and shouted even louder.

Yun Shu frowned. She looked up and saw the military doctor who seemed to be thinking about the people of Yudu just now. Because of this accident, many people looked at the man crying on the ground and wishing to leave, with something flickering in their eyes.

There were only a few exceptions, and among them was the young man who said bluntly that he had given up treatment.

The military doctors, led by Doctor Chen and several elders, seemed extremely angry.

Yun Shu felt that the crying was too loud, and when she tapped her toes, the people on the ground fell to the ground without a sound.

This action startled everyone, and no one made a sound for an instant.

"Forgive me, if you beg me to let you leave, you should give up this idea. Now that the plague is rampant, the people are suffering, and King Yu is still guarding the city. Whether we are healers or not, we should not be like this as a citizen of the Great Zhou Dynasty. She has no bones." Her voice was low, and her tone was deliberately suppressed, and with the move just now, these people obviously thought she was a master of Yu Wang's subordinates, and no one dared to speak out.

Yun Shu glanced at them, kicked the people on the ground aside, ignored the glaring eyes of the stubble old man, and walked to the center.

"The main purpose of my coming here tonight is to know the conditions of the patients you have collected in the past few days. Do you have any notes?" She looked around inquiringly.

"Notes? Everyone is so busy, how can they have time to study something..." One person snorted, but before he could finish speaking, he was stopped by the people around him.

Yun Shu looked, it was the young man whose intentions were unclear, and she heard the person holding him call him: Hsinchu.

Seeing Yun Shu staring at him, the other party looked fearlessly. It was a clear and handsome face, which also showed fatigue, but there was a sense of tenacity.

Yun Shu seemed to see some dissatisfaction in that look.

Is it for yourself?Or... Yuwang?
"So, after being busy for so long, you've actually achieved nothing?" Even though Yun Shu restrained herself, her tone still showed some sarcasm. She admitted that these people worked hard, but in four or five days, no matter how stupid people were, they could touch it. Have an idea?

Countless people glared at her, and that doctor Chen's face was even darker, "Your Excellency, be careful, the plague is not an ordinary headache and fever. If it was simple, it would not have caused Dazhou to fall into disaster several times in the past." Shares know many shelves.

"Really?" Yun Shu didn't want to argue with him. She looked around, but didn't see any blueprints, and asked again, "There are no notes, should the various conditions of the patients be counted?"

However, the answer to her was that everyone was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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