Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 186 Went to the epidemic area

Chapter 186 Went to the epidemic area
Next to Gu'an were a few men, wearing Da Zhou's military uniforms, all of them were blindfolded, and they were all plague-stricken soldiers.

They are separated from Gu'an and ordinary people, and they are arranged in this corner alone.

When Yun Shu sat down, none of them even looked at her.Those who can come here can't get out. I don't want to waste energy paying attention to others.

Yun Shu didn't care either. She looked at Gu An who deliberately moved aside to make room for her. She wanted to feel the other's pulse, but just as she stretched out her hand, the other side dodged it.

This action also used his remaining physical strength, and he seemed to be uncomfortable, so he turned sideways and coughed in a low voice.

"Don't worry, if I dare to come in, I won't be afraid of this plague. And my master has seen your illnesses, and gave me some reminders." She said, looking at Gu'an who looked surprised, ignoring the flickering eyes in his eyes, Feel his pulse again.

The pulse condition is loose and weak, sometimes fluctuating and elusive.

Yun Shu frowned, and checked the redness on his body again. The covered area was rotten.Before getting close, the smell of rot was already coming, and it could be smelled through the mask.

Gu'an was embarrassed, turned his face to the side and stiffened his body.

It wasn't until Yun Shu finished checking that he loosened up. It was just this loosening that made him breathe violently like a weak child who fell into the water.

Yun Shu wanted to get him some water to drink, but it would be too conspicuous to take things directly from the open space, and the things in her package were not easy to reveal now.

She came to the exit, intending to ask the soldiers for help.

As soon as they passed by, two sharp knives faced each other, "Everyone is not allowed to leave here, this is an order from King Yu."

The implication was that even if Yun Shu was Yu Wang's man, once he came in, he wouldn't even think about leaving.

"I'm not going to leave, I just want to ask you guys for something." Yun Shu stretched out his hand to push the sharp blade away, and looked at it lightly.

The two of them didn't expect him to be so bold, so aren't they afraid that if one of their hands shakes, her arm will disappear?
Surprised by her words.

He glanced at Yun Shu suspiciously, "What do you want?"

"A tent doesn't need to be very big, just enough for one or two people to live in." The wind was too loud at night, and it was inconvenient for her to carry things.

After all, they were bearing the title of King Yu. While covering their mouth and nose with their sleeves, the two of them glanced at Yun Shu, then nodded, and warned her not to enter the area led by outsiders.

Seeing that Yun Shu agreed, he was relieved.

There are ready-made tents, and within a short time, the things are brought, but it is a pity that you need to build them yourself.

Yun Shu hugged the thick cloth that was heavier than herself, and put it in the place she had chosen earlier, staring at these things and frowning, what should I do next?
Then she looked at those soldiers who closed their eyes like old men, their eyes flickered...

When the soldiers came to the City Lord's Mansion, they were stopped.

Hearing that he wanted to find the second prince, several people asked and sent a message, but they insisted not to let him in.

This plague is difficult to guard against. Generally, those who stay in the city lord's mansion are not near the plague. Similarly, outsiders cannot enter.

The soldiers wanted to see the heroic appearance of the two princes this time, but now they knew it was impossible.After hearing that the other party would convey it, he folded back.

And those who replaced the message also entered the mansion.

It's just not a coincidence that the second prince's friend came, and after the two talked, they went back to their room to rest.

Prince Yu had another order before, not to disturb the Second Prince's rest, so he had to go back the same way.

It was night, Wei Chengfeng lay on the bed for a long time but tossed and turned.

Two days ago, Gu Fang was arguing to find Miss Yun, but Wei Chengfeng thought he was talkative, so he was locked in the room and forced not to go out.

Now it seems that he must have done something against his orders.

After all, according to his understanding of her, since she left, she probably wouldn't say she would come back.

Perhaps because his mind was too clear and he didn't intend to sleep, he turned over and sat up, but because he touched the wound, he felt tingling pain in many parts of his body.He frowned, took a look and got up, picked up his coat and put it on.

The black robe covered his bandages, and the man's unsmiling face carried some seriousness.

When he opened the door and walked out, two guards from morning to night immediately bent down, "Second Prince."

Wei Chengfeng nodded lightly, walked out of the room and walked to the yard.

Pei Yu arranged to be next door to his yard, and then a black and strong man came, and when he heard Pei Yu calling the other party Lu Zhuang, Wei Chengfeng guessed that he might be the elder brother Lu she was talking about.

Oh, Brother Lu!
It is so long that it is not as good as the ancient formula, so why should she treat it specially?
Wei Chengfeng also couldn't tell where the sourness in his heart came from.

He looked up and saw a fallen leaf just fell. He stretched out his hand to catch it, and held it again.With a wave of his arm, the broken leaves of the fallen leaves floated away one after another.

"Is it... Second Prince?" A figure in the distance stood furtively at the door.

Wei Chengfeng frowned, but saw that the other party was wearing a soldier's attire, and he returned it for a while. Come here at this time, is there something wrong?

He just asked, "What's the matter?"

"Great." The soldier was overjoyed and rushed over. He was the one who helped spread the message.

He came several times back and forth, and he always saw the door was closed. Just now, he was urinating, so he stopped by. He didn't expect to see a person standing under the tree. He looked like the second prince. When he asked, it was indeed the other person. .

"It's on the other side of the epidemic area. Someone told me to bring a message to the second prince." Seeing the man on the other side was aggressive, the soldier quickly lowered his head and continued, "I don't know the specific situation, but I only know that the other party said that the second prince should give more After some time, he entered the epidemic area."

"Take a message to me? Who is he?" Wei Chengfeng frowned even deeper.

"It seems to be Yuwang's man. At that time, he was holding Yuwang's jade pendant." The soldier said again.

Ziyu's jade pendant.

Recalling that the three of them were talking under the tree not long ago, and the jade pendant was still firmly tied around Wei Ziyu's waist, Wei Chengfeng thought of something almost instantly.

Before the soldier had time to say more, he was terrified by the gloomy tone in front of him, "You said she entered the epidemic area?"


"Damn it!" Wei Chengfeng frowned angrily, "How long?"

"It's been... more than an hour."

In other words, has she been in that dangerous place for so long?

Wei Chengfeng clenched his hands into fists, his face was pitch black.

He didn't notice it before, he only thought she had come back, but it turned out that she went to that place quietly.

Does she not take her own life seriously?

"Second prince, wait, where are you going?" The soldier came back to his senses, only to realize that the person in front of him had already left in a flick of his sleeves, and he was going to the gate, so he hurriedly followed.

The voice also alarmed Pei Yu who was resting, he put on his clothes and came out, only to see the figure of the soldier running away, so he asked the guard guarding the yard, and when he heard what the other party repeated, Pei Yu was also surprised.

Miss Yun went to the epidemic area?
 The pigeon's dog's paws were frozen, and it was too late. .

(End of this chapter)

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