Chapter 192
Even if they didn't pay too much attention, when the shouts of joy came from the epidemic area, no matter whether it was a soldier, a general or Yu Wang, they all looked curiously.

The group of military doctors walked forward in disbelief. Did that person really find a cure for the plague?

"How is this possible?" Wei Ziyu was in a daze when he heard his men come down to report the situation inside.

"Prince Yu, if this is true, the people of Yudu will be saved." The general next to him didn't see the strangeness in their prince's eyes, and made no effort to hide his surprise.

It was Feng Zhen who noticed something, came over and asked in a low voice, "My lord... seems unhappy?" These words were a bit bold.

The plague can be cured, which is equivalent to saving the death of thousands of people and saving the capital of Yu. Who dares to say that he is not happy.

"How can this king be unhappy." It's just that the woman should be proud again now.

It stands to reason that if the people of Yudu can survive smoothly, he will be rewarded as the person in charge this time, but he just can't be happy.

"General Feng, it's not that Prince Yu is unhappy, it's just that he is too happy to express it. After all, if the plague is cured, Prince Yu will have to spend money." Pei Yu came over and said something leisurely without fear of death, with a smile on his face.

Wei Ziyu snorted, "It's just her wishful thinking."

As soon as the words fell, another voice came slowly, "She mentioned me and Pei Yu, not to mention you promised in front of these soldiers and generals, it would be bad if you reneged."

"Second brother." Wei Ziyu looked at his second brother in disbelief, "Could it be that I have suffered a dark loss?"

Wei Chengfeng looked at him disapprovingly, "How do you count as a loss? You saved the people of Yudu. Although you lost some money, you gained a reputation. If your father knows what you have done, and praise you again, it will be a gain or a loss. You should know best."

As far as the state treasury is sufficient, even if you don't give a gold ten thousand taels, it won't be far behind.

"So the second brother is helping her on purpose?" Wei Ziyu saw something, and asked the doubts in his heart.

As soon as this question came up, even Pei Yu looked over, wanting to see how Wei Chengfeng would answer it.

"You think too much, I haven't helped you with anything." The calm expression on his face made it hard to find fault.

Wei Ziyu was taken aback for a moment, and when he looked back, it seemed that he hadn't done anything.

Even Pei Yu was almost entangled in it, until he accidentally saw the corners of the lips of the person in front of him, he realized it, and his black eyes deepened.

Yun Shu didn't expect that group of people to be so timid.

She has already said that she has a way to reduce the fever of the infected person, but no one dares to come in to see the situation.

Knowing this earlier, she simply used this excuse to delay time from the beginning.

What a bunch of cowardly people.

But to her surprise, in the midst of her busy schedule, an unexpected person came to the tent.

"I heard you found the antidote?" The man frowned when he saw the small tent after he came in, and then landed on a room full of herbs, stretched it out, and then walked up.

Yun Shu patted his clumsy hands away, and said expressionlessly, "I didn't dare to come in before, but I came here when I heard that I found the antidote. It's really true."

There was a trace of embarrassment on Qingzhu Qingjun's face, but he quickly recovered, and retorted, "I'm a doctor, and it's normal to cherish my life. But you, I'm surprised, you actually have some skills."

Yun Shu twitched the corner of her mouth, "Really, then I'm really sorry for disappointing you."

Qingzhu smiled slightly, "I am not disappointed, but I am admired."

Yun Shu paused, and looked at the young man in front of her as if his tone was serious and not joking, so she looked away lightly, "After talking so much, I haven't said your intention yet, don't you know, if you can't solve it later, the people here will still Death is inevitable, and you don't even want to leave."

"Death is death, I am not afraid."

Yun Shu shook her head and didn't bother to pay attention to him. Just now she said that she cherished her life, but she didn't have to be afraid when she turned around. This person is really strange.

But there was someone to help, and he was happy and relaxed, so he handed over the matter of setting up the cauldron to boil the medicine.

"If the herbal medicine is not enough, ask people outside to ask for it. First, stabilize everyone's situation." She knew that if there was a slight delay, some people would die if they were not treated in time. Just now, she first rescued several people who passed out in a coma.

Qingzhu nodded and became serious.

All afternoon, people in the affected area were busy.

That's right, it's in the epidemic area.

Those military doctors were timid and cautious, except for Qingzhu, no one helped.In the end, it was the people who could still move that helped them get back to work.

With Yun Shu's tent as the center, three or four cauldrons were set up at the door, and everyone was putting the herbs calculated by the green bamboo into the pot, and then adding water to boil.

Rising black smoke mixed with medicinal gas surrounds the entire infected area.

Those people who were still groggy before couldn't help but take a deep breath when they saw this.

Maybe it's an illusion, I always feel that after inhaling those medicinal fragrances, my body doesn't seem to be tired anymore.

At the end of the day, the boiled decoction had been delivered to thousands of people.

The steamy black thick soup in the bowl seemed to have lost its bitterness, and everyone drank it in one gulp, even the children who had been yelling obediently swallowed sip after sip.

In the middle of Shenshi, Qingzhu ran into the tent with a happy face, gesticulating incoherently for a long time before saying what he wanted to say, "It's back... everyone's fever is gone, it's amazing."

"I know." Her own medicine, and she also tried it on Gu'an, naturally it can reduce the fever.

However, Qing Zhu couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart. No matter what medicine Doctor Chen and the others used before, it might be able to relieve the patient's symptoms, but the fever could not be eliminated.

But I didn't expect her to solve it in just one night.

Immediately, he looked at Yun Shu with admiration.

If someone who is familiar with Qingzhu is here, they will never believe that the young man in front of him who is not hiding his emotions is the Qingzhu who loves to pretend to be deep and speak extremely harshly.

Before Yun Shu could urge her, Qing Zhu went out to help again after saying this.

Yun Shu looked at his excited back and shook his head.

As the sun gradually set, the sky also darkened. When the last ray of light was hidden in the dark clouds, dozens of braziers were lit simultaneously in the affected area.

Yun Shu was still busy trying the one-off medicine to solve the sequelae of the plague, so she even forgot the time before she knew it.

"Doctor Yun, it's time to eat." The helping soldier came over and urged him again. This was the third time he had yelled.

At this time, another person also entered the tent, holding a bowl of hot porridge in his hand, "Even if you are in a hurry, you have to take care of your health, I don't want to see the people of Yudu recover, but you are exhausted. "

Qingzhu frowned and looked at her, unexpectedly she was more desperate than he expected.

"Just a little bit, don't worry, I don't get tired so easily." Yun Shu said without turning her head, until the porridge was placed in front of her, pressing down on the herbs she picked, she looked up in astonishment, but only heard Qingzhu go away He hummed, "It's up to you, eat or not, starve to death."

Yun Shu, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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