Chapter 194 Pack up and go home
The night wind was howling, and the villagers of Xiaoxu Village had already fallen asleep, but only one family's light was still on.

Under the oil lamp, the figure walked restlessly in the room, and not long after, he pushed the door and came out into the courtyard.

"Mother, are you still worried about my sister?" Yun Feng in the room heard the movement, pushed the door out, and saw his mother standing in the yard, frowned, and walked out.

When Qin heard her son's voice, she lowered her eyes slightly, with a sad expression on her face, "How can you not be worried, then there is no place for Yudu to go, Shu'er..."

After that, his voice became hoarse, and he couldn't speak.

Seeing the sparkle in his mother's eyes, Yun Feng felt uncomfortable. After thinking about it, he comforted him, "Didn't my sister say that, she just sent the prescription for her master. After all, the lives of the people in Yudu cannot be ignored. My sister...should There will be no danger."

Qin could only nod her head, and now she could only think so.


It was just dawn, and Yun Shu was woken up by the sound outside.

She was so sleepy last night that she went back to the tent and crawled on the table for a while, unexpectedly fell asleep.

When she stood up, something fell on the ground. She turned her head and saw that it was a man's coat. She picked it up in a daze, and wiped off the dust on it. Yun Shu put it on the table next to her.

She thought it should be that guy Qingzhu.

In the past few days, I always forgot to eat and drink water, and they were all brought by the other party. Although the words were ugly, after getting along with him, Yun Shu knew that the man had a good heart.

After thinking about it, she smiled, seeing no one around, went into the space to freshen up, changed clothes, and walked out of the tent.

"Doctor Yun, look at our spirits."

"Your medicine is amazing, now we are all saved."

"Fortunately, I met such a good person as Doctor Yun."

Yun Shu just went out, and the people who came to him were all kinds of compliments.

She was a little embarrassed by what was said, so she had to recite what she loved to say these days, "I don't have any skills, my master gave me the prescription, I just got a little strength."

That's right, Yun Shu never took the credit for herself.

She understands the meaning of restraining her sharpness, and since she is too ostentatious and troublesome, she simply promotes her title of 'master'.

Sure enough, the people changed the subject again, "Doctor Yun's master must be a good man, anyway, our life was saved by you two."

"Yes, yes, we will never forget this kindness."

Along the way, most of them are the benevolent faces of the people of Yudu.

On the contrary, Yun Shu felt a little embarrassed.

Compared with those flattering people in the previous life, Yun Shu knew that these people were more simple-minded, and their gratitude came from the heart, real and not adulterated.

She looked at the people who hadn't recovered yet, and went to feel their pulse again. After some delay, it was already noon.

"Great, great! King Yu just issued an order to lift the ban, and everyone can go back to the city." Someone in the distance shouted, and everyone was stunned. It's a surprise.

Even Yun Shu, who buried her head in poking his forehead for a child, looked in astonishment.

so fast?

She thought that King Yu would definitely wait until everyone was intact before giving this order.

Then she thought about it, and she realized again, probably because the plague was gaining momentum, and she wanted to take the opportunity to conquer people's hearts.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for everyone to talk about King Yu.

The person who sent the message came and said that King Yu said a lot of words, it seemed that he was glad that everyone recovered and wanted everyone to go home.

Yun Shu snorted coldly when he heard this, it was a good move.

When she finished her work and walked to the front of the crowd, she saw that Yu Wang hadn't left yet.

He seemed to be very satisfied with what he said just now, with a smile on his face.

At this moment, he seemed to have noticed Yun Shu, his eyes narrowed, his gaze passed through the crowd, and he stared directly at Yun Shu.

From a distance, Yun Shu only saw his mouth opening and closing. Although he didn't hear the sound, he guessed that it was not a good thing.

She glanced at him lightly, then turned around expressionlessly.

Seeing her ignoring him, Wei Ziyu in the distance disappeared the smile on his face.

This woman!

Yun Shu turned back to the tent, intending to put away her things. Not long after she had been busy, she saw the four soldiers who had helped test the medicine run back, staring at her, hesitating and not speaking.

"Speak directly." Yun Shu said without turning his head.

Several people looked at each other, and then said, "Doctor Yun, I heard that Yudu City will be cleaned up in the afternoon. I don't know if there is any plague left there. Our brothers are the first batch to go in. I would like to ask if there is any medicine to prevent it. a bit?"

"This! The decoction boiled before is enough for each person to drink one more bowl." The plague is basically cured, and the bacteria that come again are not enough to look at. At most, you will feel uncomfortable.

"It's so simple, that's great, thank you, Doctor Yun." The four of them thanked Dade for taking a look at Yun Shu, and left impatiently, obviously going to take medicine.

After Yun Shu thought of something, he turned to look at the corner of the tent.

Gu'an was the first person to be the experimenter.

It's just that after her fever subsided, she disappeared.

Yun Shu didn't need to think about it to know that she must have gone to find her master, and it would be embarrassing for them to meet if he spared him.

When I came here, I carried a burden on my back, and it will be the same when I go back, only a little lighter.

Yun Shu looked at the tent again, made sure there was nothing missing, and walked out the door.

As soon as I went out, I almost bumped into someone.

She looked up and saw that it was green bamboo. He was still holding two bowls in his hand, with rice on one side and vegetables on the other. They were steaming. It was obvious that he had brought food to Yun Shu according to his usual habits.

This meeting also noticed Yun Shu's attire, and Qing Zhu was taken aback, "Doctor Yun, you... this is?"

"King Yu has opened up the epidemic area, and everyone has gone home. Of course I want to go home too." Yun Shu said.

so fast?

The military doctor was accompanying King Yu, and Qingzhu thought she would stay for a few more days, but she didn't know what to say for a while, so she had to pass the food over, "At least eat lunch."

"No, I've been away from home for a long time, and my family must be worried, so I don't have to eat, thank you." Yun Shu patted him on the shoulder and said solemnly, missing him leaving.

She still has to look for Prince Yu, it's not too late now, so hurry up, maybe she can make it back at night.

Qing Zhu stared blankly at her leaving, suddenly remembered that she still had something to say, and hurriedly chased after her.

Finally, I felt that the bowl in my hand was in the way, so I put it directly on the ground.

It's just that Yun Shu moved faster than he thought, and he couldn't find the other party for a while.

In fact, Yun Shu had inquired about Wei Ziyu's camp a long time ago, and after responding to the person who greeted him on the way, he rushed to the other's residence.

Although the distance of a few kilometers is not close, it takes half an hour to walk.

Yun Shu walked away for a while and felt that it was too time-consuming, and was considering whether to release Xiao Hei, but saw a black smoke billowing from the sky in the distance.

What happened?
(End of this chapter)

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