Chapter 196 Inhumane

Yun Shu stepped into the space and saw a dozen people looking around looking for her figure from inside. She didn't deliberately avoid the powder she spilled, but just smiled coldly.

After more than ten seconds, while these people looked around, she came out of the space.

"Here!" Someone spotted her immediately and informed her companions.

But he saw Yun Shu standing there unhurriedly, looking at them with the same smile as before.

They were very unhappy to be seen by that smile, and they were about to make a move when their bodies froze suddenly, and the next moment a heart-rending pain emanated from their abdomen, and they fell to their knees uncontrollably.

"Tell me, what is your Nanyuan plan? Otherwise, the powder you just inhaled will burn your hearts, liver, spleen and kidneys!" Yun Shu stepped forward and kicked the scimitar away from the man's hand, and raised one of them and asked viciously.

The other party was being tortured by the severe pain in his body, and his face was distorted badly. He seemed to want to sneak up on Yun Shu, but Yun Shu found out, dodged his fist, and then threw the other party away. The scimitar in his hand sank into the other party's throat.

She then looked at the next one, "Say it!"

Those people stared blankly at their dead companions and wanted to struggle, but they found that their bodies were in so much pain that they couldn't control them at all. Just as cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, the ground suddenly trembled.

The vibration was very obvious, as if the ground was being beaten.

But when the dozen or so people did feel the movement, they were taken aback for a moment, and then laughed, "You can't run away, our army is coming, and the people of Yudu are dying, haha!"

What?Could it be that this tremor was from Nanyuan's troops?

Yun Shu frowned as he looked at the proud and arrogant figure, anger still arose.

She has never been someone who likes blood, but at this moment, she killed these ten people without hesitation.

The shoes were stained red with blood, and the hem of her clothes was even more blood-stained. Even a few drops of blood were accidentally splashed on her dark face. Although it was not obvious, the face was as cold as ice.

Turning his head to look, the dust was flying in the distance, and the singing of birds and beasts scattered around, showing the great movement.

She turned her head and looked forward again. The people who had just run away seemed to think that it was safe, and they stayed and waited outside the epidemic area.

No, they must retreat as soon as possible.

After thinking about it, Yun Shu almost used all his internal strength to lift his breath and leave.

The people in Yudu only saw Dr. Yun who had been taking care of them for three or four days approaching, and they didn't care about being surprised, so they stepped forward to ask, "Is Dr. Yun okay?"

The blood on her body was so obvious that they didn't know if it was hers.

Hearing the words of unanimous concern, Yun Shu's heart warmed up, and he immediately urged, "Go, Nanyuan's army is coming soon, if you want to survive and see your relatives, just listen to the words, don't turn back and run forward once .” After all, she was alone, and she couldn’t save them at all.

The people were clearly taken aback for a moment, and then their faces turned pale, and they didn't react.

Seeing this, Yun Shu frowned and shouted, "Don't you understand? Hurry up and run forward with all your strength, the farther the better."

This time she used her internal strength, and her voice resounded clearly in the crowd.

The people in Yudu finally came to their senses, and looked at Yun Shu anxiously, but after seeing the coldness in her eyes, all kinds of emotions came over them, and then they finally got up and ran.

Yun Shu plunged the scimitar into the ground and looked at the receding figure, finally heaved a sigh of relief and took a deep breath.

At this time, the sound of a horse croaking came from her ears, and she looked up, and it was indeed Xiao Hei who felt the presence of the master and rushed forward.

It came to Yun Shu's side and neighed a few times uneasily.

After all, it has been raised in the space for so long, and it is smarter and more sensitive than ordinary horses. It obviously sensed something was wrong, and seemed to come to pick Yun Shu away.

The shiny black fur rubbed against Yun Shu's body. Yun Shu got up and stroked Xiao Hei's forehead, and Xiao Hei also lowered his head and rubbed against her palm.

She smiled slightly, "You have a conscience."

Immediately, he stood up and jumped, flipped onto Xiao Hei's body, Xiao Hei neighed, and galloped away.

The shaking of the ground became more and more obvious.

King Yu's army seemed to have discovered something and was approaching.

Yun Shu saw the darkness in front of him, and the people would be able to enter behind the soldiers immediately, so he felt relieved.

It's just that she didn't wait for her breath to be completely released, but Xiao Hei under him suddenly became irritable, and then ran faster than before.

When Yun Shu realized it, he also noticed something.

The whistling sounds gathered behind her like whistles, and she turned her head a little, and saw that the sky behind her seemed to be covered with dark clouds, and they were still moving fast.

She didn't see clearly until the black cloud got closer and closer.

There are no dark clouds there, but a dense rain of arrows falling from above.

Immediately, he pulled Xiao Hei to change direction and went to a distant pit.

At the moment when the arrow rain fell, she also brought Xiao Hei into the space.

From the space, she could see that the moment she left, the area around the pit was full of arrows.

Her heart turned cold, and she could no longer imagine the fate of the people in front of her.

There seemed to be screams and exclamations vaguely ahead, like a dream.

She left Xiao Hei in the space and appeared by herself, but the moment she walked out of the pit, she saw a piece of purgatory on earth.

Obviously, they could hide under the wings of the soldiers of the Great Zhou after walking a hundred steps, but the rain of arrows blocked their way.

She saw Wei Ziyu sitting on horseback to block the rain of arrows, and the soldiers moved forward holding their shields.

Some civilians were vaguely rescued, but the road was covered with everyone's corpses.

A sense of sadness swept over, Yun Shu only felt a dull pain in his heart.She covered her chest, clenched her right hand into a fist, and turned her head to look at the Nanyuan soldiers who had seen shadows behind her, her eyes were full of storms.

These murderous perverts!
Everyone knows that the people are the most innocent, but they deliberately slaughtered the people in Yudu.

These people have absolutely no humanity at all.

She took a few more glances, took note of Nanyuan's soldiers' costumes, and resolutely headed towards the Da Zhou army.

On this vast grassland, her figure alone could not attract anyone's attention at all.

She ran numbly, the road ahead was getting closer and closer, but at this moment, the familiar whistling sound came again.

Just as she was about to find a shelter to hide in the space, a figure descended from the sky and embraced Yun Shu in his arms.

Warm breath rushed into her nostrils, and she crashed into a thick and familiar chest.

Above her chest, a man's voice came out almost close to her face, "Hold me tight."

She was about to raise her head, but there was indeed the sharp sound of swords colliding in her ears, and she subconsciously stretched out her hands to hug the person in front of her.

Almost at the same time, she felt her body empty.

Through the gap in the hem of her clothes, she saw a pile of short arrows falling from the place where she was just now.

The wind was suitable for blowing, Yun Shu only heard the sound, but could not feel any wind.

She didn't realize it was coming from the person in front of her until she smelled a bloody smell.

She was slightly startled, did the wound open because of saving her?

(End of this chapter)

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