Chapter 204
The voice came from far to near, and as a few footsteps approached, a few well-dressed teenagers came out of the exit.

The man in front was holding a bow, his eyes darkened when he saw the missing arrow, and then saw Yun Shu standing by the bamboo, his eyes lit up, and then he said something to the people around him, a group of people looked at Yun Shu Shu Di muttered, and then laughed maliciously.

Yun Shu patted the dust on the palms of the bamboo poles he had just grasped, and looked at the people opposite him slowly.

She glanced over the person in front of her, looked at several people, and finally landed on the last person, but she was taken aback.

The man was also looking at Yun Shu, with obvious surprise in his eyes, and when he realized that Yun Shu was looking at him, he snorted and stared over with obvious disgust on his face.

Pei Hao?

Yun Shu, who recognized who it was, couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

The last time she did it, she could understand that she just woke up and was not clear-headed, so she didn't care about it. Now she looks alive and well, is this a deliberate provocation?
At this moment, the previous voice came from her ear, "Little lady really has eyesight, you don't look at my young master standing here, you can see Pei Ershao at a glance, don't you know that we are competing here?" Archery, did you come here on purpose?" After finishing speaking, he made a frivolous voice.

The few people who were with him also looked at Yun Shu up and down, their eyes flickering as they thought of something obscene.

Pei Hao himself was extremely displeased when he saw Yun Shu.

Although his elder brother explained that everything was his misunderstanding, Pei Hao still felt that those words were perfunctory.

In addition, if the people around him were uncomfortable and joked that Master Pei came here this time to pick a wife for the brothers, he felt that Yun Shu's intentions were even more obvious.

Now when Xie Wei opened his mouth, he couldn't help but rushed up and pushed him, "Xie Wei, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

Xie Wei was very embarrassed when he was pushed, and the smile on his face was also suppressed. He gritted his teeth and looked at Pei Hao, "...don't think that I dare not beat you here."

Pei Hao stepped forward without hesitation, obviously wanting to make a real move.

"Second Young Master Pei, don't be angry, isn't Xie Wei joking?" Seeing this, several other people hurriedly stopped them and pulled them apart.

Pei Hao calmed down for a while, but turned to look at Yun Shu, with a bad tone, "No matter what your goals are, I can't achieve them. For the sake of big brother, I will forgive you once."

spare her?Still looking at Pei Yu's face?
Yun Shu felt that she should take back what she said before. Pei Hao probably didn't reply because he was injured last time, and what he said was idiotic.

She ignored him, and looked at Xie Wei, who was blushing because of anger, and asked lightly, "You just shot an arrow at me?"

When the girl opened her mouth, her voice was not as sweet as that of ordinary girls, but cold on the contrary.

Xie Wei was taken aback, glanced at her, and said without thinking, "So what? If it wasn't for the fact that my young master hadn't moved, the one who shot was not just the bamboo, but your flowery and jade-like face." That tone Arrogant still carried the lingering anger of arguing with Pei Hao.

Yun Shu pulled her lips into a smile, "Really?" Want to shoot her in the face?
Xie Wei still didn't think there was anything wrong. He impatiently shook off the people who grabbed him, strode forward, stretched out his hand to pick up Yun Shu's chin, looked at him a few times and tsk-tsk, "This face is beautiful, but it's a pity that it's beautiful." Be careful not to hit me, and make Master Ben angry, so..."

Before he finished speaking, Xie Wei's expression changed.

Yun Shu suddenly raised his hand to open it, and slapped him in the face, "Self-righteous!"

The sound of crisp applause resounded in the bamboo forest, Xie Wei was beaten and fell to the nearby bamboo, while the people a few steps away were completely dumbfounded.

"Bitch, how dare you hit me in the face!" After reacting, Xie Wei felt that half of his face was numb, and his cannibalistic gaze looked at Yun Shu, and suddenly he pushed the bamboo and clenched his fist and came over.

Pei Hao in the distance was startled, "Xie Wei, how dare you!" No matter how much he doesn't like Yun Shu, he won't watch someone beat a woman.

Xie Wei didn't listen at all, "If you fight with you, my father will scold me, but if you hit a woman, who dares to control me."

Yun Shu glanced at Pei Hao quickly, then looked at Xie Wei who was approaching slowly, the corners of his lips curved, and when he dodged easily, he slapped him with his backhand, "It's better to be symmetrical."

This time, Xie Wei was stunned by the slap. The fist he swung, and because Yun Shu's slap turned a corner and hit him on the forehead, he lay on the ground for a long time without reacting.

Several people in the distance have long stared blankly.

Yun Shu glanced at the man on the ground expressionlessly, and stepped on Xie Wei's body.

"Sorry, you are blocking my way." As soon as Yun Shu finished speaking, the people who were around the intersection retreated to both sides as if in tacit agreement, and gave way to the road.

When Pei Hao realized it, he saw that he also took a step back, and his face turned black.

"...Not yet...Help me, cough!" After an unknown amount of time, the person lying on the ground in the distance twitched and made a weak sound.

It was only then that several people came to their senses, their expressions were extremely colorful, and then stepped forward to help Xie Wei who was lying on the ground up.

But when they saw Xie Wei's raised face, they were mentally prepared and shocked.

Where is the face?It's completely a deformed steamed bun!

The faces on both sides were so red and swollen that I couldn't see the shape, not to mention the eyes were crowded together, and the nose and mouth were almost invisible.

"Bitch... bitch, I can't spare you." Even so, Xie Wei still insisted on finishing this sentence of venting.

Everyone didn't dare to say anything, everyone knew that Xie Wei loves beauty, and he likes to play with his face the most, if he sees his appearance, he probably wants to kill that woman.

Now help him to leave the small path, no matter what, it's better to find a doctor first.

Only Pei Hao was not interested in seeing how Xie Wei was doing, he stood at the intersection and stared at the road where there was no shadow left.

Brows furrowed.

I didn't expect that the woman my elder brother found would be so fierce. Didn't she know that Xie Wei is the youngest descendant of the Xie family, so she dared to cause such trouble?

But this kind of boldness, he still appreciates it, it is not at all different from those women he has seen who only know how to cry.


Yun Shu groped in the lotus garden for a long time and finally found today's protagonist.

When she passed by, Pei Yu also noticed Yun Shu. He, who was talking to everyone, stared at the girl walking in the distance, his eyes slightly lost in thought.

"Master Pei?" until a few people nearby shouted.

Only then did Pei Yu come back to his senses, and smiled apologetically, "I'll consider what everyone said, but I still have some things to deal with now, forgive me." After saying that, he walked towards the figure in front of him.

Everyone followed, but they saw First Young Master Pei standing with a woman, and they were taken aback for a moment.

Can't help looking more, there are many of them who want their daughters to enter Pei's house, who knows that there is such a hurdle, and the woman who can make Pei Yuzheng not talk about it should not be just a simple relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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