Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 233 Man's Scheming

Chapter 233 Man's Scheming
Gu'an was only here to deliver things, so he couldn't be found out. After washing the dishes, he told Wei Chengfeng and left.

The yard became quiet, Wei Chengfeng went up the steps, and then walked to the door of Yun Shu's room. He stood in front of the door for a while, but finally left.

Was someone there just now?
Concentrated and busy in the space, she heard a movement at the tips of her ears. Yun Shu took a look, but it was pitch black outside. Thinking that she locked the door, she felt that she was too sensitive.

She was so busy that night, looking at the pile of herbs arranged in front of her, she felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

The space is magical, but many things have to be done by herself, sometimes she will sigh, what is she trying so hard for?
But the happy family members flashed past, and she felt it was worth it again.

The next day, the Qin family went out as usual, but after Yun Shu had dinner, she saw Yun Feng sneaking away. sneaky.

Yun Shu frowned, raised his foot slightly, and caught up with him.

Suddenly finding a person stopped in front of him, Yun Feng turned his head and exclaimed, "Sister... sister? You scared me." He loudly concealed his guilt.

"Where are you going?" Yun Shu asked directly.

As expected, Yun Feng's expression wandered, "I'm in good health, and I want to go out for a walk."

"You can also leave the village, there's no need to go out. Didn't Mother tell you to stay at home, and if you really have nothing to do, you can go to Liu Hongshan." Yun Shu said for a long time with no expression on her face.

"But...but it can't always be like this, I... still have to earn money." He almost said the last sentence with his tongue in his mouth.

"Earn money?" Yun Shu still heard it. She took a look at Yun Feng, and she might have confessed that his complexion had lost the guilt he had before, but when Yun Shu looked at him, he was still a little unnatural, obviously not used to his sister Incomparably sharp eyes.

He also tried to bypass Yun Shu, but Yun Shu stretched out his hand to stop him, looked at him and said, "Brother, I'm satisfied if I have this heart, but after this incident, I don't think it's an option to leave you alone in the town. If you really want to find something to do to be at ease, I have an idea."

"what idea?"

"You know, my master is very busy, so he left a lot of things for me, which made me a little busy. In addition, my mother also needs to take care of it. I have been thinking about finding someone to take care of this. Brother thinks he is competent for this Is something wrong?" Yun Shu looked straight.

Yun Feng was stunned, helping her with things?

"But I don't know anything." This is the truth, he is better at idleness than anyone else, but he just can't do business, otherwise he wouldn't be reduced to working in a teahouse.

Maybe it was because he said it too calmly, after he finished speaking, he remembered that it was still his sister in front of him, Yun Feng blushed slightly.

"If you don't know it, you can learn it seriously, unless you are afraid of being tired and dare not agree." Yun Shu raised her voice slightly.

Being so provoked, Yun Feng blurted out, "Who says I dare not agree."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw his sister raised her brows and smiled faintly. Yun Feng, who realized what he said, was red and black, "You tell me."

"It's hard to chase after a gentleman's words, and daring to promise means promise." Yun Shu didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he did, "Go to Liu Hongshan to see the school first, and I will explain to you tonight what you need to do. Don't get tired then."

Yun Shu left after speaking.

Yun Feng stood there in a daze, and then he realized that a fighting spirit surged in his heart.

Carrying sacks, serving tea and water, being scolded and bullied, he has experienced all kinds of things, what else can make him tired.

He just felt that he didn't bypass his sister's words.

After thinking about it, he glanced at the entrance of the village and didn't intend to go. He shook his head and went to the village to find Liu Hongshan.

Witnessing how stalking followers can be for several days in a row, Yun Shu is used to always having someone by her side.

Occasionally, when encountering something that I can't figure out, I will turn around and ask him.

It's a pity that the other party only has one sentence every time, "I think you're doing well and thinking well." It's a completely unnutritious answer.

"There is no difference between saying and not saying."

"Why is there no difference?"

"Let's hear it." Yun Shu snorted.

"You already had the answer in your mind when you asked me, and I said you will be more sure of your answer. To be precise, no matter what I say, you will do what you think, right?" Wei Chengfeng looked understanding her tone said.

Yun Shu, "..." Is she targeting so clearly?

"It's not obvious, it's almost printed on his face." As if he knew what Yun Shu was thinking, he added lightly.

Yun Shu didn't bother to talk to him, and turned to leave, but the corners of her lips unconsciously curved slightly.

Yun Shu also came back from a walk. At this moment, she saw the figure moving in front of the kitchen, and she looked up.Wei Chengfeng brought some dry branches from nowhere, cut them off, and chopped them into pieces.

Just as he was thinking about why he was so diligent, suddenly footsteps came from behind, and Yun Shu turned around to see her mother walking over.

Looking at the people in the room, and then at Qin's family, a thought came to mind, and Yun Shu was stunned for a long time.

"Shu'er, what are you doing standing here?" Mrs. Qin came over and took her daughter into the house, and when she looked up, she saw Wei Chengfeng chopping firewood. She was stunned for a moment, let go of her daughter and walked over with an embarrassed expression, "Are you... aren't you?" Tell me not to let you do this?"

A lot of firewood had been scattered on the ground, and it looked like it had been busy for a while, Qin was very moved.

"Auntie." Wei Chengfeng seemed to have just seen her, stood up, wiped the sweat from his brow, but said, "It's easy."

"But your injury hasn't healed yet, will something happen?" Qin was still worried.

"Yun Shu helps me change my medicine every day, and she won't watch anything happen to me." Wei Chengfeng said calmly after looking up at Yun Shu slightly.

Only then did Qin remember that her daughter's master was a genius doctor, so she could only say embarrassingly, "Then thank you, I'll cook first."

"Don't worry, Auntie, I'll help you when I'm done." The man said diligently, he put down the ax and went to the kitchen.

Qin was surprised and moved, and his eyes were even more gratified and satisfied. He was still delaying at first, and finally let the other party intervene.

Yun Shu, who was watching from the side, "..."

How did she remember that he chopped some firewood at noon, and finally stopped and said that he was doing it tomorrow?So just now, knowing that her mother is coming back, she deliberately made it for her to see?

Good idea!Shameless!

He didn't even bother to hide it from her, and even came in front of her face.

Yun Shu sneered a few times, and entered the room with a dark face.

"Come here and help." Wei Chengfeng saw her, and shouted with pursed lips.

Yun Shuli ignored it.

Seeing this, Qin said with an embarrassed expression, "This child,...Young Master Wei, don't mind."

"It's okay, auntie, I don't mind." Wei Chengfeng looked at her sideways, his voice was flat, but he lowered his voice obviously, showing another meaning, and then said, "Auntie, don't shout so loudly, call me Chengfeng is fine."

"Okay, Chengfeng." Qin said as she said.

In the distance, Yun Shu's feet trembled and he almost fell.

(End of this chapter)

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