Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 235 Why Come Here

Chapter 235 Why Come Here
Afterwards, the meal that Yunfeng sent was returned.

Because when he knocked on the door, there was no response from inside, but the door couldn't be pushed open, it must have been locked from the inside.

"Then put it in the kitchen. If he's hungry, he'll definitely come to see it." These were Qin's words. At this time, she looked worried, but she was serious.

Yun Shu looked away lightly.

Leaving aside Wei Chengfeng's behavior of intentionally pleasing her mother, he has indeed done nothing wrong.

It's just that Yun Shu was still bitter about his deception back then.

But sometimes she does.

When he got up in the middle of the night to practice swords, what he hurt was his own body, so what good would it do him?
At first she didn't think much about it, but then she felt something was wrong.

Gu Fang once said that Wei Chengfeng was sick and couldn't see the doctor in the town for a few days, so he asked her to go by name.Afterwards, every time he pretended to be ill, he also wanted to trick her.

So he does those silly things because...to see her?
Thinking of this result, even though it was a refreshing night, Yun Shu felt slightly hot on the face.

She subconsciously stood up and took a deep breath, as if this would calm her down a bit.

"What's wrong?" Yun Feng looked over.

Yun Shu shook his head, "I'm going back to my room first."

The back is a little anxious, as if avoiding something.

Yun Feng has always been big-hearted, he didn't pay attention to what was wrong at all, and thought of other things in a flash.

This night, Yun Shu went to bed early after being busy. She didn't know whether it was because of her wild thoughts today, or her family was discussing that person. She had an incredible dream.

In the dream, she was leaning against Wei Chengfeng's arms with a blushing face, the man's arm was like a steel bar holding her close, his chin rested on her neck, every breath he exhaled was sprayed on her face very realistically , on her neck, the itching made her feel weak all over, and she couldn't help hugging his waist tightly.

Wait...she's holding him?
At that moment, as if waking up, Yun Shu let go abruptly.

Impossible, how could she hold him.

The man was still in a dream, she looked up and saw the man looked sad, his dark obsidian eyes were full of affection she had never seen before, "Yun Shu, will you marry me? "

"Marry him! Marry him!"

Then Yun Shu saw a group of people come out suddenly, clapping their hands and booing.

At the front are her mother and elder brother, followed by Liu Hongshan, Uncle Zhang from the street, and... Pei Yu.

Yun Shu opened his mouth wide, and then... woke up in shock!

When she sat up, panting heavily, and opened her eyes to find the darkness in front of her, she seemed to realize that everything was just a dream.

She breathed a sigh of relief, then touched her heart, and found that the heart that kept beating in the dream seemed to be beating faster than before.

To calm himself down, Yun Shu got up and took a sip of herbal tea.

The entrance of the cold tea, as if she had an ice cube in her mouth, instantly made her more awake.

Looking outside, it was still pitch black, it seemed that it was still early.

She was just about to lie back on the bed when she heard a strange movement.

It seemed to be coming from the next room, but it was not very clear.

Yun Shu wasn't sure if it was an auditory hallucination.

She suddenly remembered that her elder brother said that it was convenient for her to see that person sitting at the door of the room when she woke up yesterday. Could it be that he made the noise just now.

Because of the dream just now, Yun Shu felt very strange.

He opened the door softly, paused for a while, and then got used to the blackness outside.

In fact, the moon is still there, and you can see a lot of scenery outside. Yun Shu withdrew his gaze, and was about to pass, but his footsteps did stop.

The door of Wei Chengfeng's room seemed to be open.

She walked over again, and when she reached the door, she paused again.There was no one in the room because she didn't feel the slightest breath.

She couldn't help but looked around, but she didn't see him, did she come out of the yard?

Don't worry about Su Yi and the others.

Before, Yun Shu specifically asked a few people where they were hiding. Su Yi made it clear that the hiding place was very safe. There were many animals nearby and the sound of running water, so he was not afraid of being discovered.

She was thinking about asking Su Yi where Wei Chengfeng went, but at this moment, a figure flew in on the wall and fell into the yard.

Just as Wei Chengfeng stood still, he noticed something and looked up.

Under the night, the two people's eyes met unexpectedly, and Yun Shu took the lead to ask, "Where have you been?"

"A walk," he said.

at this time?Yun Shu glanced at the sky, it must be the third watch.

Wei Chengfeng obviously didn't want to say more, he stepped up and stopped when he passed by Yun Shu, "It's windy, go back, I'm fine."

Did he think he cared about him coming to see it on purpose?

She was about to explain that the man had already returned to the room, but he didn't close the door.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Yun Shu felt that the people in the room were short of breath.

She turned to leave, but as soon as she lifted her footsteps, there was a suppressed muffled hum from the room.

Yun Shu stopped immediately, she frowned, and cursed for meddling, but her feet turned around uncontrollably.

The room was dark, because during the remodeling, the windows were moved and not yet fully designed, so they were temporarily blocked by curtains.So even if there is light outside, it can't get in.

However, Yun Shu could see clearly that Wei Chengfeng was sitting by the bed. He was pressing one hand on the bed, and the other hand was grabbing the wood at the head of the bed. He was a little strong, but his body was trembling slightly.

"Get out." He felt Yun Shu approaching, raised his head suddenly, and said in a gloomy voice.

Yun Shu's heart was blocked. He was the one who was clinging to her before, and now he is staying at her place, and let her go out?

"This is my house, if you want to go out, you have to go out." Yun Shu retorted.

In the past, men would definitely say cheeky things without shame, but this time, the moment Yun Shu finished speaking, Wei Chengfeng stood up suddenly, as if he was about to leave.

But before he reached the door, his body trembled suddenly, his whole body bowed uncontrollably, and he slowly half-kneeled on the ground.

His breathing was heavier than before, and it became more and more rapid, as if something was about to explode.

Yun Shu finally realized that something was wrong, she turned around and stepped forward, ignoring the other party's resistance, and pressed his wrist.

As expected, the pulse was chaotic.

She then looked up, only to see that the man's face was full of pain, but he was gritting his teeth to suppress it. The time Yun Shu touched his wrist, he felt the sweat coming out of his body.

"You're sick." Not a question but an affirmation.

This was not the first time Yun Shu had seen such a situation. She remembered that when Gu Fang mistook her for Xu Fuyuan, she felt his pulse.

It was strange and weird. At that time, she felt that it was a trouble, so she didn't check it carefully.

"You...it's not...you don't want to see me, why do you...come here." The pain made him speechless, but he still turned his head to look at Yun Shu, with softness and fragility in his black eyes that had never been there before.

Yun Shu's heart skipped a beat, and he was about to say something sarcastic, but when he met those eyes, he couldn't say it.

(End of this chapter)

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