Chapter 238

When Jiang Huaishan left, he kept expressing his thoughts to Pei Yu.

They have never seen these before, although they know that they are just small things, but they are strange to see.

In fact, Pei Yu himself also had the same idea. After Yun Shu asked people to do it well, he was the first to demonstrate it to him. He also introduced the principle and operation of the small organs. They were relatively simple, but it just made people feel uneasy.

Separated from Jiang Huaishan, he thought about it and decided that it was not suitable for him to visit, so he arranged for the housekeeper to find Yun Shu to buy tea.

Pei Yu didn't plan to go out of the teahouse today, because he promised Yun Shu that he would be a 'model' once, although he still didn't understand what that meant.

Zhong Wanli felt a little distressed.

A lot of people came and went on this day, but they didn't earn a penny. Although he was not the boss, he couldn't think about it.

In the evening, Yun Shu came to the teahouse. At that time, the people had already dispersed, and Zhong Wanli and a few guys were cleaning the ground.There are too many people coming, and it is inevitable to leave a lot of traces, which is very time-consuming.

Zhong Wanli roughly talked about today's situation, Yun Shu nodded in satisfaction, as long as someone comes.

She made those messy things to attract people, and the main thing she hoped to play a role was the herbal tea.

Just when he was about to leave, Zhong Wanli thought of something again, "By the way, Young Master Pei stayed all day today and is still in the backyard."

The backyard is a small area left alone by the teahouse, with gurgling water, green leaves and red flowers, quiet and quiet, and it cost a lot of money at that time.

"I'll go and have a look." It was Yun Shu who asked Pei Yu to stand in the teahouse to advertise for her. Yun Shu didn't expect that the other party would actually come, and even thought that the other party had been here for a day, Yun Shu felt that it was necessary to tell her in person Thanks.

The small dark courtyard was a bit dark, the lights beside it were not lit, and the shadowy figure stood in front of the stone, wondering if he was in a daze, only the sound of running water was heard around, light and quiet.

Yun Shu was wondering if she would disturb him in the past, but the other party had already noticed her footsteps, turned around, and when he saw her, he said familiarly, "Come here?"

Smiling and nodding, Yun Shu walked over and stood beside him, "Uncle Zhong told me what happened today, thank you for coming."

There are so many things to do in Pei's family, if he can spare a day, he can imagine how many things will be delayed.

"It didn't mean that we don't need to be so polite." He looked at it with a smile, and found that Yun Shu was full of gratitude, and his heart moved, and he blurted out, "If you really thank me, why don't you take a day to walk with me to relax."

Speaking without the intention of the listener.

The smile in Pei Yu's eyes hadn't dissipated yet, and his gaze was gentle and light, as if mixed with some emotion.

Yun Shu froze for a moment, then smiled, "Okay."

After all, he took the lead, "But don't go to the horse farm next time. The day before yesterday, Xie's family bribed some people to spread rumors. Although it didn't bother me, I would be annoyed if there were too many."

She spoke casually and naturally, and her eyes were clean and pure, as if she was really looking at a close friend.

Pei Yu, who had reacted, flashed something in his eyes, and chuckled in agreement, "Don't worry, I won't go to the horse factory." His voice was more open than before.

Yun Shu also chuckled.

The atmosphere around the two of them also changed from the previous indifference and became gentler.

I don't know how long it took, Pei Yu suddenly turned to look at her, hesitated for a while, and asked, "Did Cheng Feng say goodbye to you before leaving?"

It's been a long time since I heard this name, and when Pei Yu suddenly spoke, Yun Shu froze for a moment, then nodded.That night... it was a farewell.

Seeing her calm expression, Pei Yu was relieved, "I only found out after the fact that His Majesty pointed out the marriage to Chengfeng, and he planned to go back and refuse, and he also wanted to find Miss Liu by the way. You should know about his illness, right? It's going to happen a few times."

"I know Chengfeng likes you, otherwise King Yu wouldn't order those people to stay for one more day."

"If I hadn't seen how he treated you, I would have thought he didn't like women."

"But there are things that are easier said than done..."

I don't know if it was because the atmosphere was so good, Pei Yu said a lot unconsciously, but after he finished speaking, he found that there was no sound around him, and then he looked at Yun Shu who was staring at him in a daze, his eyes seemed a little more surprised than before.

Pei Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, and suddenly realized something, "What did Chengfeng tell you before he left?"

Yun Shu thought about it, she didn't seem to have said anything except the two-year agreement, but she didn't intend to tell Pei Yu about it.

It was because of what he said just now that Yun Shu was a little confused.

"Miss Liu, I've heard of her before. She's from the Miracle Doctor Valley." Yun Shu didn't answer his question, but asked instead.

Just as Pei Yu was about to speak, she heard her say again, "So it's because of two women that I was in a hurry to go back."

These words are obviously ambiguous.

Pei Yu opened his mouth and didn't know how to explain it. If he hadn't seen Yun Shu's calm expression, he would have thought he was jealous.

It just so happened that Yun Shu would turn her head to look at him, "Don't get me wrong, his business has nothing to do with me, I just mentioned it in passing." But she was thinking of the 'stay one more day' that Pei Yu said in her heart, and it really wasn't her who thought too much at first .

Was it because he stopped Wei Ziyu that he had the chance to save the people of Yudu?
Pei Yu said it was for her, but Yun Shu wasn't sure, but thinking about it, he really didn't seem like the kind of person who would say this for the common people, the risk was too great!
But it doesn't mean that he is for her.

When her thoughts were confused, Pei Yu said again, "It's getting late, I'll take you back."

"No, my mother should be waiting for me at the entrance of the town." Yun Shu subconsciously refused, she made an appointment with Qin's earlier.

Pei Yu was still walking out, "Then I'll take you to the entrance of the town and say hello to my aunt."

Yun Shu, "..."

There were not many people on the street, but the two walked side by side, which still attracted the attention of many people.

Yun Shu has known everyone on the street since the incident in Yunxiu Pavilion, and everyone looks familiar.

Not to mention Pei Yu, he is the young master of the Pei family.

When these two people got together, countless thoughts came to mind in an instant.

Yun Shu didn't think anything of it. She was a little used to being watched too much now.

Pei Yu was also very calm, but when he got out of the street, he suddenly said, "The old man on the side of the road just said that we are a good match."

"..." Yun Shu almost choked on his saliva, and said with a dry smile, "Really, I guess I misread it."

"Oh, that's true." Pei Yu agreed, as if he didn't care.

Yun Shu breathed a sigh of relief. She used to be more frank, but her mother talked a lot, so Yun Shu couldn't help but think too much.

She is not a narcissistic person, but in this day and age, Pei Yu is really special to her, so she inevitably doesn't think much about it.

The two of them were silent on the way back, Yun Shu raised his eyes and finally saw Qin's figure, and he was instantly relieved.

However, before he finished his breath, he saw that Pei Yu had already walked towards the Qin family, and called out kindly, "Auntie, I'll send Yun Shu over."

Qin looked at it with a smile, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Yun Shu doesn't think I'm bothering you." Pei Yu said with a light smile, and seeing Qin's surprised expression, said again, "I'll go first." After saying that, she smiled at Yun Shu who came over and left.

(End of this chapter)

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