Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 242 On the way out

Chapter 242 On the way out
There was silence all around, and Yun Shu bowed his head silently.

She wanted to pretend she couldn't hear it, but it didn't mean the people around her would cooperate.

Qin looked at her daughter suspiciously, with hurt eyes, "Shu'er...going to the capital?" Or tomorrow?
As if the sky had turned dark in an instant, Qin's heart felt uncomfortable, but she pretended to be calm and looked at her daughter incredulously.

And Xu Fuyuan, the leader who caused all this, obviously didn't know what he had done. After running over, he continued to look at Yun Shu stupidly, and repeated, "Don't lie to me, I intercepted Su San's message, then The guy still refuses to admit it, but it's a pity that he can't hide it from the old man." After speaking, he snorted very proudly.

But he didn't see the black pupils in Yun Shu's eyes.

She closed her eyes to suppress the fire, then opened them again, "Get out of here first!"

I was thinking about how to convince her mother, but the plan was half-thought. Now that the truth is revealed, Yun Shu can almost imagine her mother's resolute rejection.

So seeing Xu Fuyuan's face, Yun Shu wanted to beat him up again.

Xu Fuyuan was also stunned when he was scolded, and his face turned green and red when he realized it, "You...you let me go?"

Yun Shu didn't bother to talk to him, looked at her mother, took a deep breath, and planned to smash the pot, "Mother, I didn't intend to hide this from you, but I just wanted to take you to the capital for a walk, and you know..."

"Shu'er said, will you bring your mother along?" Qin interrupted her daughter lightly.

Yun Shu couldn't see what she meant, so she nodded and said, "You also know that I have been attracted to the capital for a long time, and I want to take this opportunity to relax, and..."

"Mother is willing."

"I know mother, wait for me to say something... Uh, mother, what did you just say?" Yun Shu planned to finish speaking in one go, regardless of whether she agreed or not.In the middle of talking, but realized what, thought it was an auditory hallucination, did her mother agree?

Turning around, she saw that her mother was tugging at her clothes with red eyes, "I will follow you wherever you go, your brother is gone, mother doesn't want to stay at home alone, take mother with you, Shu'er." After speaking, she raised her hand I wiped my tears.

Yun Shu was stunned, this seemed... different from what he imagined!
Xu Fuyuan seemed to understand what he had done now, it turned out that the little girl hadn't told her mother yet.

Although his anger dissipated a little, Xu Fuyuan became angry again when he thought of her disrespectful words.

This stinky girl has changed since she entered the Dark Pavilion training camp once, and she has never respected him. After all, he is also the former owner of the Dark Pavilion, so he taught her light kung fu for a few days, okay?
He was so angry that he stared at Yun Shu with his black eyes, his black beard trembled with the corners of his mouth, and he seemed to be out of breath.

Yun Shu comforted the Qin family, and this was what she saw when she turned her head.With a gloomy face, without looking at him too much, she pulled Qin Shi away from her body, "Mother, let's go back and pack our things. You just need to bring a few clothes, and I'll prepare everything else..."

It wasn't until the surrounding voices gradually faded away that Xu Fuyuan realized that Yun Shu was ignoring him again, jumped on the ground a few times angrily, and finally followed hesitantly.

Even if he entangles her, he will entangle her. Don't think that he doesn't know that she is going to eat, drink and have fun. How can such a good thing avoid him.

Thinking of this, Xu Fuyuan walked faster.

Yun Shu's original plan was to set off tomorrow night, and Su Yi and Su San would drive, which was convenient and would not disturb others.

Of course, the most important thing is that at that time, it was still uncertain what her mother would decide.

Now that the Qin family had agreed, Yun Shu had no scruples anymore, packed up his things, changed his mind and left that night.

There are a few maids guarding the house, and Yun Shu is not afraid of accidents with their deeds of prostitution, not to mention that Liu Hongshan has agreed to come and take a look.

Even if he can't do it alone, there are still so many villagers in Xiaoxu Village.

Over the years, Yun Shu has been kind to them, and the villagers have taken good care of Yun Shu's family, so there is no worries at all.

It was the first time to drive in the dark, and Qin was a little uncomfortable.When the curtain was lifted, it was pitch black outside, except for two dim lamps shaking in front of the carriage, so after putting down the curtain, Mrs. Qin felt a little sleepy.

The carriage was prepared by Yun Shu several months ago.

The carriage was made by Wang Caifeng himself, and several layers of protection were added, not to mention bullet-proof, after all, there is no such thing here.Ordinary bow and arrow stones are still fine.

Secondly, wood carvings were added to the outside. It looks no different from other carriages, except that the inside is wider.

The two sitting boards can be moved, with a total width of half a meter. After Qin became sleepy, Yun Shu motioned her to lie down, pretending to grope from the box under the wooden boards, but actually took out a thin quilt from the space and covered her with it. And pillows stuffed with goose feathers and tranquilizer packs.

Not long after lying down, Qin fell into a deep sleep.

Yun Shu turned off one of the oil lamps in the car, and the interior of the car became dark in an instant.

She straightened her clothes, leaned against the car wall, and closed her eyes to rest.

Early the next morning, Xu Fuyuan, who came to Yun Shu's home in a hurry with a big bag on his back, threw the things away after hearing the news that his wife and miss had gone, sat on the ground angrily and scolded Yun Shu a hundred times .

Su San clearly said to leave at night, how could it be last night?He originally said that he would come here for a day today, and then she would have to bring herself with her if she didn't.That little girl is the coldest and hot-hearted, not to mention there is a Qin family who treats him well.

However, he never expected Yun Shu to change the time. If he knew that he would not go back then.

Xu Fuyuan beat his chest and stamped his feet on the ground.


The days of rushing are dull and quiet.

Yun Shu, who was not in a hurry to get to the capital as soon as possible, but wanted to play along the way, was more leisurely.

This is the fifth day since departure.

When Yun Shu took the pot and set it on fire, and made a meat skewer out of nowhere, Su Yi and Su San were already numb.

Because Yun Shu said that the two of them were tired from the journey and they didn't need to do anything, so even if they were idle, the two didn't dare to go there without authorization.

The sun only popped out, and the light was soft as if it didn't exist.

When Mrs. Qin came back from washing up by the river, she saw her daughter in thin clothes, so she hurriedly brought her a fluffy cloak, "It's cold in the morning and evening, why don't you know how to cherish yourself, thanks to the fact that you are a doctor." In this way, Qin does not know how many times a day to read.

Yun Shu is also used to it, but she is really not cold.

It can also be said that she is not afraid of the cold.

Since coming out of the training camp, she has taken the medicine several times, and it has all dissolved into her body.

Su Yi, who usually pays attention to Yun Shu's internal strength once, once went to find Yun Shu specifically, saying that he could not feel her internal strength anymore.

Can not feel internal force, one is no internal force, two is too high internal force, and three is hidden by drugs.

One can be directly denied, and three's words are unnecessary, so even if Su Yi doesn't believe it, he has to admit that his master seems to have successfully raised his internal strength to a point where he can't even feel it in two years.

Su Yi was taken away by Xu Fuyuan since he was very young, and the first thing he learned was internal strength, and it took 20 years to calculate.

(End of this chapter)

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