Chapter 246

In the restaurant next to her, Yun Shu had just sat down with Mrs. Qin, and her eyes were on the back of that arrogant person in the distance.

Glancing at Qin's across the way, she was obviously more silent after entering the city, but now she and Yun Shu stared at the men on horseback, not knowing what she was thinking, with complicated emotions in her eyes.

"Mom, it's said that the food in this restaurant is good, so Su Yi made an order a day in advance for this, and you should eat more later." Yun Shu pretended not to know, and joked in the same tone as usual.

This is true, after traveling for so long, Yun Shu had already planned to go to the capital to have a big meal, so she asked Su Yi to inquire about the good dishes and comfortable rooms in advance, so their carriage just now could be accurate Avoid those people.

Although they had to meet sooner or later, Yun Shu didn't want the good intentions at the beginning to be ruined.

When Qin Shi heard this, she turned her gaze away, and saw Yun Shu opened her mouth to read the name of the dish, and hurriedly said, "Enough is enough, the four of us can't eat so much."

"Four?" Yun Shu paused, and explained, "Mother, there are only two of us. Su Yi and Su San have left their things in the guest room, and they will go to meet friends elsewhere later, so we probably won't see them in these two days."

Only then did Qin realize that the two of them were no longer there.

Walking together along the way, two people are missing suddenly, it is strange to be calm.

Seeing her thinking again, Yun Shu nodded to Xiaoer, "That's all for now, tell the cook to hurry up, my mother is a little hungry."

Yun Shu ordered all the signature dishes, and each of these dishes cost a lot of money. How could Xiao Er dare to offend the big customer, so he nodded and bowed and said it would be ready soon, and closed the door of the box before leaving.

That's right, Yun Shu sat in a specially reserved box, which was small and quiet.

Usually, Qin's emotions could not hide from Yun Shu's eyes. Knowing that she was lost in thought again, she hurriedly said something funny to make her happy.

A little infected by the atmosphere, Qin finally smiled.

But at this moment, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside, and a young man in white came in.

With a faint smile on his face, the man looked up and realized that he had gone to the wrong place. His eyes paused for a moment on Yun Shu's face. There seemed to be doubts in his eyes, and he cupped his hands, "Sorry, I saw the wrong door..."

Just when he exited, his eyes turned to Qin Shi, the man was obviously stunned, "Ma'am?"

This Madam, called Qin's froze, and made Yun Shu almost choke on the tea, what's the matter?Another acquaintance?
She looked up, but saw that Qin's face was pale, and her whole body was shaking like a rose beaten by frost. Yun Shu was frowning, when Qin said in a low voice, "Master, I'm just an ordinary woman." I didn't look any more.

The man didn't quite believe it, but Qin didn't look at it, so he had to give up, "Excuse me."

Before leaving, his eyes lingered on Yun Shu for a while longer, but this time there were many more things in it.

As the door closed, Yun Shu suppressed the strange throbbing in his heart, pretended nothing had happened, and smiled lightly, "Why is mother so sad? I think it must be that mother is too young, so these people put mother I think she is the wife of some rich family." After speaking, she curled her lips and smiled again.

Qin's mood was as dark as a dark cloud. Hearing this joke suddenly, he looked up and saw his daughter's unaware and extremely happy appearance. Thinking of her words again, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, "What are you talking about? Mother is so old, how can you not be so happy?" Are you young? Yes, I guess I made a mistake." After finishing the last sentence, he sighed.

Yun Shuquan pretended he hadn't seen it, and told anecdotes about the capital that he had read in books.

She deliberately teased her, and Qin Shi listened to her daughter again, and the atmosphere returned after a while, and it was more pleasant than before.

Xiaoer also served the food as soon as he said, the colorful dishes were extremely novel, and the hot noodle soup was overflowing with fragrance, no matter how you look at it, you feel your appetite is whetted.

Yun Shu kept picking up vegetables for Qin Shi, and Qin Shi served soup for her daughter in turn. Although the weather was cold, people's hearts were indeed warm.

In a room separated by only one wall, the atmosphere is somewhat different.

The beginning of next month will be Yan Zhu's wedding day, and a few friends who usually make friends with him specially ordered a table of meals, but Yan Zhu, who is today's host, doesn't look very happy.

Yan Zhu was the number one scholar in the scientific examination three years ago. Because of his handsome life and extensive reading, there was a lot of buzz at that time.

But to be a high official, in addition to knowledge, luck is also required.

Fortunately, there are all these strict conditions. First, the name of the number one scholar attracted the jealousy of the ladies from various families, and then he entered the Imperial Academy as he wished.

Compared with those champions in previous years, Yan Zhu was the luckiest.

Seeing that Yan Zhu seemed to have something on his mind, several friends deliberately joked a few times, during which Yan Zhu was all smiling.

Xu Shi usually doesn't talk too much, everyone just thinks that this young man is going to get married, so they get nervous, so the topic of chatting gets off topic.

"You all said that after brother Yan got lucky, it's not good for me to say it. If it weren't for what happened back then, brother Yan might have wives and concubines in groups." As for what happened, he didn't say anything.

"What's the matter? I think Yan Zhu's smooth sailing, could it be that he was made sad by the villain?" Someone asked subconsciously without knowing it.

When Yan Zhu heard this, he already understood what they were talking about, and frowned inadvertently, and it was too late to stop him.

"The villain is not counted, the peach blossom disaster is, how long has it been, why have you all forgotten?"

After he said this, everyone quickly recalled.If it's peach blossoms, it's about Xu Zhu's disaster, which can even be regarded as a disaster, and suddenly one thing comes to mind.

"You are not talking about the one who hooked up with us Yan Zhu and was kicked out of the house, right? Don't say, I almost forgot about it after a while. That's right, if that lady behaves better, we Yan Zhu No matter how you say it, Zhu is now a county lord."

No one noticed that when it came to this matter, the last smile on Yan Zhu's face also disappeared, he clenched his hand under the table slightly, although there was no abnormality on his face, but his eyes and heart were in a mess.

Looking at the lively atmosphere on the table, and thinking of the familiar faces in the box that just broke into by accident, Yan Zhu suddenly felt that the delicious food on the table was hard to swallow.

"I'm sorry everyone, I suddenly feel unwell, so I'm sorry." Yan Zhu got up suddenly, turned his head and left without giving everyone time to talk.

Until the figure was no longer in the room, everyone looked at each other and saw the surprise in their eyes.

They knew a lot about that incident back then. They had heard that Yan Zhu had an affair with that notorious young lady. It is said that they were engaged at that time. Unfortunately, they discovered something later, and the marriage of the two families fell through.

Could it be that Yan Zhu was very concerned when they mentioned this matter?
So, doesn't Yan Zhu still like that young lady?

But it's useless to like it. The mother and son were all driven away back then. The whole city knew about it. They probably felt ashamed to see people, and no one saw those people again.

(End of this chapter)

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