Chapter 258

Yun Feng looked at his sister and nodded. He did remember that the surname Zhou had some kind of relative in the official department. The other party happened to be in charge of the candidates this time, so it was not difficult to add or remove a qualification.

Yun Shu frowned suddenly, she had already thought of the twists and turns in the middle, and asked, "Is the person in charge of the scientific examination this year still from the Imperial Academy?"

Not knowing what my sister wanted to say, Yun Feng nodded, "That's what the imperial decree said, but... this time it seems that King Yu is proctoring the exam."

There will be an examiner for each scientific examination. In previous years, it was Mr. Hu, a scholar of the Imperial Academy, but this time he is only a deputy, and the examiner is said to be King Yu.

Yu Wang?

The name moved Yun Shu slightly.

She nodded understandingly, "Go back to your room first, study hard and don't worry about these things, I will let you take the exam."

Maybe she said it calmly, but Yun Feng thought of his sister's ability again, so he nodded, "I will always be here."

Seeing this, the troublemaker next to him laughed and teased and stared at Yun Shu, obviously thinking that this woman was talking big.

Judging by their attire, they are not from rich families. Maybe the family is good, but the government and business are different. This is not something that can be solved with a little money.

Yun Shu ignored them and just helped Qin Shi down the stairs, but those people deliberately blocked the way.

The corners of her mouth under the veil moved coldly, and she pushed the man away.

The stairs going up and down are very old, and they are very steep. She deliberately used some strength, and a row of jokers rolled to the ground like tarot cards.

The people around were stunned for a while, and finally amused by everyone's funny falling posture, they burst out laughing.

The man seemed to want to chase again, but Yun Shu became impatient, she turned her head and said coldly, "If you dare to come over, I'll chop off your hand that holds the pen."

She raised her finger slightly, but no one saw the silver light shrinking, only that person felt a tingling pain in his wrist, and then there was a limp force, and he fell to the ground with a pale face.

The bystanders looked at this scene inexplicably, knowing that Yun Shu and Qin Shi had left, everyone surrounded him, only to find that there was no silver needle in the man's wrist.

The tiny silver needle was only a little bit into the tip, and even the blood didn't flow out, but the man's expression was full of fear.

In the end, his friend saw something wrong and sent it to a nearby pharmacy, but the result was unscathed.

"It's impossible. I don't have any strength in my hands. I'm going to take the scientific examination soon. Show me quickly." The man panicked.

On the way, he kept trying to raise his hand, but his hand seemed to be cramped, and he didn't even have the strength to lift it up.

The doctor was also angry, "This old man has practiced medicine for many years, can you still not see if there is nothing wrong? Your thin body like a bamboo pole is probably caused by being too weak, hurry up, don't delay my business here, or I won't just accept you." It’s as simple as seeing a doctor’s fee.”

Being kicked out by the pharmacy, a group of people felt unbelievable, and went to several pharmacies for this reason, but they all got the same result.

"To untie the bell, the person who tied it must go to that boy surnamed Yun. This needle was made by his person, and let him be responsible." Someone suggested that everyone hit it off and went back immediately.

But he didn't know that just after he entered the Zhuangyuan Inn, several people suddenly came in at the gate, and he saw that they were all wearing black clothes, muscular and expressionless.

When he came to the counter, he looked at the shopkeeper, "We are ordered to protect Mr. Tianzi Fangyun Fengyun, please lead the way."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and took a piece of broken silver. The shopkeeper came to his senses and put away the broken silver with bright eyes. He didn't care what these were, "Heroes, I'm upstairs, everyone, please follow me."

At the door, the few people who were going to come to find trouble couldn't help retreating when they saw this.

One of them seemed reconciled, thinking that those people here dared not do anything, so they just passed by, but he had a bad expression, and he was stopped by the people just now before he approached Yun Feng's room.

In the room, Yun Feng heard the movement and came out to take a look. After finding out that there were more people at the door, he asked clearly if it was the person who came to protect him, and immediately froze.

"We came here under Miss Yun's order, please leave us alone, Master." The leader said respectfully to Yun Feng.

Several of Yunfeng's friends secretly pushed his shoulders when they saw this, "Yes! I didn't expect your family to be so capable that you even hired thugs."

"Don't make fun of me." Yun Feng also smiled helplessly.

There is no one else who can do such a thing to protect himself except his sister.

I was still too bad, and she was embarrassed by her, so I didn't worry about finding this person.

Yun Feng hinted at the reason, moved and felt uncomfortable.

Back in the room, I looked at the hot meal delivered by my sister in advance.It's been a long time since I've been in the capital, except for the few days I've been here, this is the first time I've had a good meal.

The few people who were with Yunfeng were naturally moved and happy, and they inevitably talked about Yunfeng's family.

"Yunfeng, what exactly does your family do? I don't think your sister or mother is like ordinary people."

This can usually be seen by anyone with a wink, and that person had to hold back for a long time before asking, because he was afraid of saying something he shouldn't have said, so he added, "It's okay if you don't want to say it, after all, we don't like to talk about our own family. .”

Yun Feng didn't mind, and looked at his friends with a smile, "You guys think too much, it's not that you don't want to talk, but that you have nothing to say."

Others obviously don't believe it.

He then explained, "The situation in my family is a bit complicated, but I have a powerful younger sister. You also met today. In fact, I was able to come to the capital for scientific research and even live so comfortably. It is my sister's credit. Anyway, you just need to remember , I’m no different from you.”

It is different from not saying this, but several people have realized something.

"It's hard to tell, but why is your sister covering her face? But her face..." It's hard to say the rest.

Because if it is an ordinary family, most of the masked faces are deformed.

After Yun Feng understood what they meant, he was stunned for a moment and then showed a proud expression, "This is not true, my sister is the most beautiful woman in the world, probably because she doesn't like people staring at her face." Yun Feng remembered The younger sister is more afraid of trouble.

If you don't cover your face, I'm afraid there will be too many messy eyes.

Several people took a breath in shock.

They knew that Yun Feng was never a boastful person, if he always said that, then his sister must be a natural color.

It's a pity that Yunfeng didn't want to talk more about his sister, and they were not talkative people, so after chatting casually, they didn't say anything more.

At night, a few people couldn't sleep so early, and the thugs outside the door had already come in with charcoal fire.

Six or seven people stayed in one room for discussion, but now with a charcoal basin, the room is warm and cozy.

When it was getting dark, there was a knock in the room, "Master Yun, there is Mr. Zhang who wants to see you."

When Yun Feng heard it, he immediately understood who it was. He put down his book and opened the door. As expected, the person standing at the door was Zhang Feng who had lent money to him.

"Brother Zhang, please come in quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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