Chapter 266

There was a rush of footsteps outside the room, and the destination seemed to be Yun Shu's room.

But with a flash of effort, when Yun Shu looked again, there was no sign of that person in the room.

He came suddenly and left quickly.

It was as if he had come here specifically for the woman's antidote, and after knowing that she would not give the antidote, he left without any delay.

For some reason, my heart felt a little empty.

So when Xu Fuyuan barged in without knocking on the door with an excited face, Yun Shu didn't give him a good look at all.

It's a pity that Xu Fuyuan, who was too excited, didn't care about these at all.

Originally, he took Yun Shu's words seriously last night, and even chose a rough place where he died, and was about to ask Su Yi and the others to help collect the body, but he found that not only his body was getting stronger, but he could also faintly feel his inner strength?

At first he thought it was an illusion, but Xu Fuyuan realized something only after Su Yi said he felt his inner strength.

He immediately guessed that it was the effect of the medicine Yun Shu gave him.

If Su Yi hadn't stopped him for fear that he would disturb Yun Shu's rest, Xu Fuyuan would have come here last night.

Later, he stayed up all night without sleeping, watching helplessly as his inner strength gradually recovered. The excitement and unbearable joy made him persist until dawn, and then he took thunderous steps and looked for him with great arrogance. Yun Shu is here.

On the one hand, to thank her, and on the other hand, to ask her how she did it.

"...I knew you weren't so bad-hearted."

"I misunderstood you yesterday. I shouldn't say that about you, but how did you do it?"

In order to understand the poison, Xu Fuyuan spent more than two years researching everywhere, but unfortunately there was no result.

And Yun Shu got the antidote silently, how could he not be surprised?

He insisted on asking about the cause and effect. Yun Shu was in a bad mood at first, so he naturally spoke in a bad mood.

When Xu Fuyuan had nowhere to go, he said impatiently, "Who said I was the antidote?"

"What is it if it's not the antidote?" After all, the poison given to him by the genius doctor Gu has been cured, and the internal force in his body is the proof, but I don't know if it's an illusion, it feels like the internal force is a little bit more than before.

For this reason, he also guessed that it was the result of his continuous practice in the past two years?

Yun Shu raised her lips to show a sneer. At this time, she was like a flying fairy looking at the insignificant people under her feet, "There can only be poison that makes internal energy disappear, can't there be medicine that makes people generate internal energy out of thin air? You After living for so many years, I am still ignorant."

After finishing speaking, he snorted and decided not to talk to him anymore.

But he didn't see Xu Fuyuan's expression of confusion first, then surprise, and then shock.

He shook his parched lips, his eyes seemed to be shining, he stared at Yun Shu motionlessly, swallowed hard, and then said in a trembling voice, "So... so, the medicine you gave me is You practiced a medicine that increases internal strength? In other words, no matter if I take that medicine or an ordinary person takes it, it will still give me internal strength?"

Yun Shu didn't even move his eyelids, he was lost in thought and didn't answer.

But it was this appearance that made Xu Fuyuan more sure that he had not misunderstood.

He started to walk back and forth in the room, feeling an indescribable excitement all over his body, and he also saw that Yun Shu wanted to talk to him, so he could only vent by himself, trying to calm himself down.

But it can't!

He stopped and stared at Yun Shu as if he saw some god coming down to earth.

How many years, how many people spent countless efforts, also wanted to make such a thing.But it has always been either returning in vain or suffering serious backlash. No one has ever successfully made a medicine to improve internal strength.

Even Xu Fuyuan spent most of his life getting something ineffective.

He prided himself on his superb medical skills and extraordinary abilities, but now compared with Yun Shu, he only felt that he was different from Yun Ni.

Of course, he felt that the medicine must have been made by her master, after all, it made sense.

So even though Yun Shu ignored him, Xu Fuyuan sat down shamelessly.

When Yun Shu unknowingly realized that he had recovered from a long trance, he saw Xu Fuyuan staring at him with red eyes, like a wolf that had been hungry for several days looking for food.

It's a pity that this wolf is just like a grasshopper in Yun Shu's eyes.

"I seem to have said, don't appear in front of me when you come to the capital?" Yun Shu spoke first.

"Just tell me how your master did it, and I'll walk away immediately." Xu Fuyuan swears, patting his chest.

Yun Shu raised his eyelids, "Even if your internal strength recovers, you are not my opponent. Before I get impatient, you still have a chance to leave."

But Xu Fuyuan didn't care at all, he rubbed his hands and held them, staring at Yun Shu, "So you also took that medicine? No wonder after recovering your internal strength, you found that you can't feel your internal strength anymore."

Yun Shu's brows had already started to twitch. She felt that she was not in a good mood today, especially when there was a noisy person next to her.

"Okay, okay, don't get angry, why don't I go?" Seeing Yun Shu who was already showing signs of anger, Xu Fu was still muttering as he walked far away, "You don't know that you are angry like a ferocious tiger , if it’s like this in the future, don’t even think about getting married.”

His answer was a closed door.

With a 'bang', Xu Fuyuan was cut off from the door, he clutched his hand that was almost bumped, and thought to himself "stinky girl", unwilling to leave.

But at any rate, the internal force is coming back, and it will definitely not disappear, Xu Fuyuan is quite happy.

Now you don't have to be afraid of those guys.

"Believe it or not, I can use my hands to destroy your internal strength right now..." Yun Shu heard the sound of the door being pushed open, thinking that Xu Fu had gone away and returned, but when she turned around, she found that it was not him, but another one who was there It seems she shouldn't be here.

Luo Jin didn't expect that the meeting would be like this again, and he was threatened to abolish his internal strength before he saw anyone.

"I believe you have that ability, but I'm not looking for you to fight today." Luo Jin seemed to be much more lively than the calm temperament in Liangting Town.

Yun Shu froze for a moment, then calmed down and said, "I'm not talking about you."

"Oh, that's good, I thought you were resenting me for cheating you." Luo Jin said.

cheat?After thinking about it for a while, Yun Shu knew that he was talking about identity.

He said, "You think too much, if I don't see you again, I almost forget your existence."

There are hardly any words that hurt more.

Luo Jin obviously overestimated his own influence, and although unwilling, he could only accept the reality.

Looking at the face in front of him, which was more eye-catching than three years ago, he said without hesitation, "You are beautiful again. If I hadn't confirmed that you are Yun Shu, I might not have recognized you on the road."

Yun Shu accepted the compliment calmly, "Although what you said is true, I still want to say thank you."

Luo Jin twitched the corners of his mouth, it seems that in a few years time, he has become more than just a face, and his unforgiving appearance has also improved.

(End of this chapter)

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