Chapter 295

Xu Fuyuan looked stunned, standing in front of the cell, his face was full of shock, surprise and deep doubt.

The smelly girl said just now, there is no miracle doctor Su in this world?
Then her master, that is, the old thing who teased her back then, is... her?

Xu Fuyuan clearly couldn't accept the truth being revealed like this, he muttered to himself, he even forgot to complain about the coldness in the cell, shaking his head and giggling all by himself, the whole person seemed crazy.

What was also shocking was the figure who was only separated by a wall.

Wei Chengfeng's mood has never fluctuated so much like this time, his black eyes shrink slightly, his fists are clenched tightly, and a layer of gloom surrounds his usually indifferent handsome face.

So did you miss it too?

There is no miracle doctor in this world, and the person I deliberately framed or even wanted to kill was actually her?

He suddenly covered his chest, and covered his lips with his right hand into a fist, but the sound of coughing continued to come from his mouth.The sound was heart-piercing, but he seemed ignorant.

Until the fist was retracted, there was a layer of red blood on it.

Wei Chengfeng didn't seem to notice this, and wiped the corners of his mouth with a bitter smile on his face.

He deliberately avoided her before, she must have hated him to the bottom of her heart, now that he has hurt her like this, she will never forgive him, right?

So those words just now were not meant for other people, but also for him.

The wry smile at the corner of his mouth was even worse!He admitted that he was stupid, otherwise he would not have discovered this fact earlier!

There was a look of pain in the black eyes, but whenever he thought a little deeper, there would be bursts of sharp pain in his chest and head, which made him want to die.

No matter!There are only a few days left in this life, and it is too late to do anything now, since she has a way to get rid of these suspicions, she doesn't need to do anything more.

In short, as long as you can not get involved with him in the future, it will be better than anything else.

He... is just an unknown person after all!

The night is still very deep, and what haunts the night is the indelible depth.

Half an hour after Yun Shu sent Wei Ziyu the structural diagram of the white vessel to the palace, Xu Fuyuan walked out of the prison.

A tattered robe could finally be taken off, he threw it on the ground as if to relieve his hatred, and stomped on it a few times.

It's just that he felt relieved, when he thought that the old thing that he admired and hated before, who could barely be called an opponent, was actually a little girl, Xu Fuyuan tugged at his half-grey hair, and turned around aimlessly.

When Qin Shi heard that Xu Fuyuan was coming back today, he asked the restaurant to prepare meals in advance, but when it got dark, that person didn't show up.

Yun Shu looked calm, probably because he felt ashamed of losing to her countless times before and dared not come?

It's just that when the hotel was about to close, he came back, only drunk.

At that time Xu Fu was hiccupping, hugged the wine jar, and stood staggeringly at the door of Yunshu's room, cursing, crying and laughing, but unfortunately his tongue was too big, and no one understood what he was saying.

Qin Shi thought that he was frightened by being in prison, and sent him to the next door with Su Yi.

So for the whole night, Xu Fuyuan made a fuss.

On the night of the third day after the palace banquet ended, the prison ran out of water, and it was said that no one in the cell was spared.The fire burned for a day and a night, and when the fire was extinguished, the prince personally led people in, but it didn't take long for him to come out with a dark face.

It is said that all the people in the cell were burned to charcoal, and some people said that the second prince died in it too, because there was a jade pendant with the second prince's identity symbol next to the black charcoal.



When the news came, Yun Shu was having dinner with the Qin family and Xu Fuyuan.

Perhaps Xu Fuyuan recognized it and returned to his previous appearance, but when he heard the news, he and the Qin family looked at Yun Shu at the same time in a rare tacit understanding.

Even if Yun Shu deliberately concealed some things, people around her could always notice the difference between her and Wei Chengfeng.

And the person who was followed kept eating, without any reaction, "If I can get enough to eat, just watch." Even the tone was the same as usual.

Qin Shi and Xu Fuyuan looked at each other and saw the worry in each other's eyes, but Yun Shu didn't show anything else, and it was hard for them to say anything, but they ate the meal in silence.

After eating, Yun Shu returned to the room. She was sitting in front of the window with a sneer on her lips. Although her eyes were looking into the distance, she didn't know where she was looking.

She asked Su Yi to send that jade pendant back, and gave it to Gu An when Wei Chengfeng was in prison.

Now that Yupei appeared in the prison, it meant that Gu'an went to find him.

So when he heard the news that all the people in the cell had died, Yun Shu didn't think he was in it.

From the point of view of his two heartfelt masters and servants, it is impossible to let him die even if he dies.

She even felt that all of this was just his plan, including the jade pendant left on purpose.

Is it because she confessed her master's identity, and as a response, he deliberately left those things for others to see and also for her, and told her by the way that everything about the Second Prince would disappear with the fire?

It was obviously the result of what she expected, and everything was going in a good direction, but at this time she was extremely upset.

He provoked him self-righteously, and then let it go easily. Now that she was sinking, he left easily.

How could it be so easy.

That afternoon, when Yun Shu went to Prince Yu's Mansion, she had a bad complexion and was even less polite.

Wei Ziyu, who was talking with a guest, only heard the noisy voice of a servant, walked out of the room frowning, and saw that it was indeed Yun Shu who was waving a servant away.

After being stunned, Wei Ziyu seemed to understand why she came, so Wei Ziyu had no choice but to send the guest away and invite her into the house by the way.

The servants blocking the door looked at each other, this woman fought violently as soon as she heard that Prince Yu was not free, logically she could have been thrown into a cell, but the prince was still so polite to her.

The two of them stayed in the room for less than a quarter of an hour, when the door opened again, and the Yun Shu who walked out was obviously different from when he came.

Her face was much less cold, and some surprised expressions were lingering in her bright eyes, and her long willow eyebrows suppressed all this, making her look absent-minded.

One day, Qin suddenly found that her daughter was more silent than before.

She tried her best to make her happy, so she joined Hu Lingli's talkative action, but it didn't work.

It wasn't until the mother and daughter stayed for a month, and Yunfeng's scientific examination was about to come, that Yun Shu was relieved.

On the day of the scientific examination, Mrs. Qin was so nervous that she brought her son hot tea and breakfast early in the morning, and handed him the finished stove.

Although these things may not be brought in, Yun Feng still looks touched.

"Auntie, we meet again." I happened to meet Zhang Feng, who was also coming to the scientific examination, and the other party greeted Qin politely, but looked around her.

Yun Feng went back to the restaurant for dinner before, and brought Zhang Feng over that time, Qin knew that this son paid more attention to his daughter, so he explained thoughtfully, "Shu'er has something to do, the exam will be held later, you two must be serious .”

After all, he is a boy who is about the same age as his son, so Qin unconsciously cares a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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